Warring States Call

Chapter 668 Xi Shi

Chapter 668 Xi Shi
"I am Wu Zixu's subordinate general, and I have been ordered by General Wu Zixu to help the king!" Wang Puchen said while urging his horse up, and the speed of the cavalry behind him was still not slow.

The soldiers on both sides glanced at each other, and their expressions changed: "Since it is General Wu Zixu's command, don't stop quickly, the barracks are important, don't rush!"

"I'm waiting for an urgent military report, but if you don't hurry to get out of the way, I will ask you if you delay the military situation!" Wang Puchen's aura gradually faded away, and the horse urged him even more urgently.

Wang Jizhen also tightly held the weapons in his hands, as long as these two soldiers dared to say nothing, they would kill them on the spot!

The soldiers on both sides hesitated for a while, half-talked one of them, and thought to himself for a while, who cares?Let's open it first, then say, "Open the city gate"

Now it was the dead of night, and all the soldiers had rested. Except for a thousand soldiers on patrol, everyone else was sitting on their backs.

Wang Jizhen couldn't help smiling as she watched the camp gate slowly open, and nodded to the dozens of archers on horseback behind her.

Everyone understood, quickly took out a few cold arrows from their hands, and shot them at the hidden whistle of the upper score.

Only then did the soldiers on both sides come to their senses, and said in panic, "You two...!"

"Go to hell!" Wang Puchen and his son, each with a knife, directly killed the two guards, and rushed forward.

Holding the big knife in his hand, Wang Puchen said solemnly: "You and I will divide into two groups. I will lead the infantry to charge around here, and you will lead a thousand cavalry to charge around. Remember to burn their food and grass or kill the king of Wu. Fucha!"

I know my father! "Wang Jizhen was holding the big knife in his hand, and was about to urge the horse to go up. Wang Puchen grabbed Wang Jizhen's horse rope, glanced at his son, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Be careful! "

"Father, don't worry, the child will go! Come with me! Kill!" Wang Jizhen led the cavalry under his command and charged forward. He drew a blood blade.

Seeing that his son had rushed out, Wang Puchen immediately shouted: "Fire the rocket!"


At this moment, Fu Chai was wearing his own clothes in a panic, staring at the front with disheveled clothes, pulled a soldier casually, and said with a serious face: "How decent is the panic, what happened?"

"Your Majesty is not well. The enemy soldiers have attacked the camp. We have already suffered heavy losses. Please dispatch your troops quickly to resist!" The soldier panicked, holding the weapon in his hand. Just holding the weapon and rushing forward.

The anger in Fu Chai's heart surged up, and he shouted: "Come here, bring the lonely sword!"

"What's wrong, Your Majesty!" I saw a beautiful woman walking out of Fu Chai's big tent.Looking at this person's cheeks, his face was as white as a blown bullet, and his eyebrows and eyes looked at Fucha in a detached manner. On the surface, he looked nostalgic, but in fact he was already tired in his heart. His bright red lips seemed to be smeared with blood, which looked extraordinarily enchanting.

Seeing the beauty walk out, Fu Chai couldn't help feeling relieved, and said randomly, "Hurry up and bring Gu's sword, Gu wants to kill the enemy!"

"No!" Xi Shi responded, then retreated to the rear and began to search in the big tent.

Fu Chai's eyes were separated, and he said for a while: "General Chuangu, ordered Wu Sui, Fu Gai, and the two of them to organize a counterattack. We must not let the enemy break through!"

"To order..."

At this moment, in another large tent, a general came out, holding a long gun in his hand, with a goatee on his chin, somewhat irritable eyes, wearing a Pixiu armor, flying on a horse with his feet on his feet, looking around nervously, He shouted: "Follow me to organize troops and kill them!"

"Design!" The rows of soldiers in the back also looked irritable. This war was really annoying, and it was still in the middle of the night, and they couldn't even sleep well, so they followed suit one by one.

Wang Jizhen rushed around with a thousand light cavalry, just in time to meet a general with a sword in his hand, and immediately shouted: "The thief will die!"

I saw the big knife in Wang Jizhen's hand standing in front of him, dragging it behind him, and killing the scribe.

"You bastard! Give it to me, and kill him with a reward of a thousand taels!" The brave men, a few soldiers with high self-sufficiency, picked up the weapons in their hands and stabbed at Wang Jizhen's hand.

When Wang Jizhen saw it, the big knife in his hand stood up, and he swung his backhand flatly. When he went down, he harvested countless dead souls with one blow.

Then the master took a look, stepped back again and again, looked in the direction of Fucha and said, "My lord, save me!"

But at this moment, Wang Jizhen was like a wolf, holding the treasured sword in his hand, riding over on horseback, looking at the fleeing general, provoking him as if he was looking at prey.

Seeing the change in Fu Chai's face, he shouted, "Quick... hurry and save Uncle!"

And this person is Fuchai's son, Fugai. Wang Jizhen smiled when he saw Fucha, and licked his lips. Isn't this one of his goals? Thinking of this, Wang Jizhen urged the horse to go up.

And the goal of those soldiers was to protect Husband Gai, so naturally they were too lazy to compete with Wang Jizhen. Take Fucha with his big sword.

"Die, Fucha!" Wang Jizhen slashed at Fucha directly with the big knife in his hand.

"My lord, your precious sword...ah!" Xi Shi just came out when she saw Wang Jizhen slaying towards Fucha.

When Fu Chai saw Xi Shi coming with the sword, he was overjoyed. After all, Fu Chai was not weak in force when he was young. The sword, one move to block and protect in front of the body.

"Boom... When...!" With one move, Fu Chai was knocked out.Taking several steps back again and again, Xi Shi has become Wang Jizhen's primary target now.

"Don't be presumptuous! Wu Sui is here!" I saw a big man dare to come with a big knife in his hand.


The soldiers around slowly approached, and slowly surrounded Wang Jizhen. Wang Jizhen grabbed Xi Shi and pinned her down on the horse's belly. With the big knife in his hand standing on his neck, he shouted: "Whoever dares to mess with me will kill you!" her!"

Wu Sui saw that this guy was catching the enchantress who brought disaster to the country and the people, and couldn't help but smile, it's really good to use his hands to kill her. Thinking of this, Wu Sui raised the weapon in his hand and shouted: "Kill!"

"No, no!"

(End of this chapter)

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