Warring States Call

Chapter 669 Wang Jizhen

Chapter 669 Wang Jizhen

At this moment, Fu Chai came out in a panic, leaning on the support of the soldiers at the side, he reluctantly stepped forward, looked at Wang Jizhen, who was holding Xi Shi hostage, and said, "Let go of her quickly! Otherwise, you will be cut into pieces !"

Wang Jizhen smiled immediately, showing her white teeth, and put the big knife in Xi Shi's throat. As long as Wang Jizhen is willing, Xi Shi can be killed with one knife, and said: "Your Majesty, you should think about it clearly. This knife goes down, but a human life!"

Xi Shi, who was pushed to the throat by Wang Jizhen, turned pale, and her beautiful face turned pale. Looking at Wu Wang Fucha behind, she said heartbreakingly: "Your Majesty, save my concubine!"

Fu Chai's complexion changed, his face turned blue and yellow, and he began to hesitate. Now he is a little bit cautious, and this Wang Jizhen also grasped the traditional Chinese medicine, which is why he was able to endanger Fu Chai.

"Your Majesty, give me an order!" Wu Sui, who was on the side, also saw the embarrassment of Fu Chai, the king of Wu. For him, women are like clothes. Immediately building fame is the most important thing. Besides, she is a woman who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

Wu Sui saw that Fu Chai hadn't given the order yet, so he said suddenly, "Your Majesty killed dozens of our brothers! Please take care of the overall situation, Your Majesty!"

When Wu Sui said this, Xi Shi's eyes of hatred were focused on this guy. What does this mean? She was joking with her own life, Xi Shi swore that as long as Xi Shi didn't die today, she would definitely kill him tomorrow.

"Boy, you have to think about it! The price of threatening Gu!" Fu Chai is helpless now, pressing the sword in his hand to the ground, so that he looks more imposing. Fu Chai thought for a moment, stepped forward and said: "As long as you Let her go, Gu promises to let you live!"

Wang Jizhen burst out laughing, her face full of disdain, it's no wonder that this kind of cheating on a three-year-old child can coax him!Said: "King Wu, although it is stupid to go down again, it is not stupid to go down again, please respect yourself, otherwise the big deal will be the end of today!!

"Bastard...!" Wu Sui was about to step forward to finish Wang Jizhen, but Fugai on the side hurriedly grabbed him. After all, don't be impulsive now, just looking at Fuchai's expression is not very good, and Wu Sui didn't bother to touch Fuchai frowning, at that time, I have no good fruit to eat, so I can only hold back my temper.

Seeing that Fu Chai was still hesitating, Wang Jizhen had no other choice. He was the only one who made the decision for Fu Chai. Wang Jizhen urged the horse directly, and then rushed to the back, with a trace of brightness in his eyes.

"Get out of the way..." Seeing Wang Jizhen's sword on Xi Shi's throat, Xi Shi was frightened, and the soldiers on both sides didn't know what to do. After all, Wu Wang Fucha hadn't issued an order, so they didn't dare Concession, obviously everyone's eyes are now focused on Wu Wang Fucha.

Wang Jizhen snorted coldly with disdain, and the precious knife in his hand began to press on Xi Shi's throat, and scarlet blood began to flow out of Xi Shi's white and tender throat, scaring Xi Shi so much that she didn't dare to move, for fear that Wang Jizhen would be alone. Accidentally, she ended up killing herself, and at the same time, Xi Shi also screamed anxiously, with a trace of panic flashing in her eyes.

Fu Chai tightly grasped the palm of his hand, looking at Xi Shi's appearance, he was heartbroken, but he had no choice but to watch quietly from the sidelines, after a while Fu Chai reluctantly opened his mouth and said: "Let go!"

"Your Majesty! This...!" Wu Sui's expression changed, and he said nervously, with a trace of unbearable in his eyes, but the lives of dozens of brothers in his hands are in the hands of this guy, so let him go like this, He is really not reconciled.

Wang Jizhen immediately smiled and said, "Thank you King Wu! Drive!"

The soldiers on both sides also had no choice but to get out of the way, staring at Wang Jizhen one by one, wishing they could eat him raw.

Immediately Wang Jizhen laughed loudly and urged the horse to get on: "Drive!"

"Wait!" Fu Chai's face sank like water, looking at Wang Jizhen, lingering in his heart.

Wu Sui seemed to be an explorer who had seen hope, and waved to the soldiers behind him. As long as Fu Chai, the king of Wu, said no, he would take it down with the soldiers behind him, ensuring that he would come in vertically and go out horizontally.

Wang Jizhen was startled. Could it be that this Fucha wanted to repent. When he thought of Wang Jizhen, he clenched the weapon in his hand and was ready to fight to the death. Since he was not allowed to live, at worst everyone would not.

"Tell me your name!" Wu Wang Fucha looked at Wang Jizhen, he was able to kill him among thousands of troops, this person was by no means simple, and he had to be careful when meeting him on the battlefield in the future.

"Datong Wang Jizhen" Wang Jizhen reported himself as his family, and immediately walked away. He didn't want to stay here any longer, and looked at these guys who were as fierce as wolves and tigers, who would not eat your flesh and sleep your skin.

"Hey..." The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Wu Sui saw the weapon in his hand thrown on the ground, and his face was full of remorse. After seeing Fuchai, the king of Wu, Wu Sui became angry and muttered to himself. Said: "Let the tiger go back to the mountain, let the tiger go back to the mountain!"

The surrounding soldiers were also mentally exhausted, and all of them were also disheartened. They never expected that their loyalty would not be able to defeat a witch who brought disaster to the country and the people.

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!" Wang Jizhen Cui, who survived a catastrophe, laughed while riding his horse, and said while running, there must be good luck after a catastrophe!If you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing."

"Jizhen!" Seeing that Wang Puchen had taken a fancy to his own son at a glance, his fearful mood was completely let go at this second, and he couldn't help urging him to come forward immediately, took a look at his own child, and looked him up and down. After looking around to see if this guy is missing any arms or legs, it's not a big deal.

Wang Puchen patted him on the shoulder and looked at his son from time to time. He saw blood all over his body, but he couldn't tell whether it was his own or the enemy's. But these are not important anymore. He can come back alive. Fortunately, he immediately smiled and said: "You brat did a good job!"

Wang Jizhen immediately stepped forward and said: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, father, you and I should leave quickly!"

It was only then that Wang Puchen noticed that the enemy soldiers around him were approaching quickly. Wang Puchen was surprised, but he didn't seem to panic. He picked up the weapon in his hand, patted the horse and strode forward, shouting loudly. :"withdraw!"


"Woo... woo... woo!" The soldiers were all elated.

Inside the castle
Yang Guang pressed the table in his hand, staring at the lamp in front of him with tiger eyes, rubbing his hands against each other, he was waiting, waiting for an opportunity, and at the same time his heart was beating non-stop, he was also human and nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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