Warring States Call

Chapter 672 Chapter 678: Tibetan Fox Gouxi

Chapter 672 Chapter 670
When Fu Chai heard Fu Gai's words, he was very upset. He really thought of this, but he couldn't let go of his love for Xi Shi. How many people could he love in this life?All the women in the harem come here for glory and wealth, and only Xi Shi can make him feel a little bit of warmth.

Wu Sui!Both Fugai and Fugai have said everything they should say, and as for what happened to Fucha in the end, it's not their business.

Fu Chai looked at the one above, rubbing his hands together, and said helplessly for a while, "If Yang Guang has anything to say, just say it!"

Yang Guang originally doubted whether Fu Chai would die or not, but now it seemed that he looked at him too highly. Yang Guang stared at Fu Chai, whose face was sinking like water. You are not a merchant, King Wu, you ceded ten border cities, so how about returning this woman to King Wu!"

"Bastard! The territory of our country was forged by the blood of the ancestors and the ancestors. How can it be compared with a woman? The king must not do this!" Wu Sui suddenly became bloody when he heard it, and his whole face turned pale lap.

When Fu Gai heard this, he was very angry. He is Fu Chai's uncle, so he is naturally qualified to teach Fu Chai a lesson, but Fu Chai hasn't issued an order yet, otherwise he will have to talk a lot in the future.

Yang Guang also had his own intentions in this pounce, which was to punish his heart. If Fu Chai really agreed, within three days Fu Chai's army's morale would definitely drop, and everyone would be in danger. When the time came, Fu Chai would die without knowing what to do. dead.

Fu Chai's ability to ascend the throne as king naturally has his own advantages, so that he can't even see through Yang Guang's little trick. Trouble, if he had the chance, he would definitely kill Wang Jizhen first to avoid future troubles.

His eyes are like a dragon, his way is like a cold light. Fu Chai raised his head slightly, as if he had made a very big decision. He didn't need to explain to anyone. At this moment, he seemed to be reliving the passion and glory of the past. .

Fu Chai urged the horse slightly, turned the horse's head and walked towards the camp. After a while, Fu Chai's words were like the edge of a sword, and he snorted coldly: "Attack!"

These two words seem to have great magic power. The soldiers who were still depressed before became obsessed only because of Xi Shi. It is very simple to be willing, because they have lost too many opportunities because of Fucha.

Fu Chai's words just now also represent his position. The simple two words contain too many meanings. It means that Fu Chai gave up Xi Shi, and all the morale...the military spirit began to disappear, and some of them were angry counterattack.

Wu Sui raised the spear in his hand, drew out the sword in his arms, and shouted, "Attack!"



The soldiers in the back grabbed their weapons one by one, and launched an attack towards the front at high speed.

Fugai also let go of the stone in his heart, put out the sword in his arms and shouted: "The archer shoots the arrow! Kill!"

All the soldiers started in full swing and started a hellish massacre.

Fu Chai was at the back, facing the city wall, took off the sword in his arms, stood in front of him, put his hands on it, his heart was like still water, Fu Chai recalled the tick-tock between himself and Xi Shi, his heart was like a knife, he was reluctant, but also a Kind of pain point: "Xi Shi alone loves you, but at the same time, she has an inescapable burden on her body. She doesn't love the country and love beautiful women... Hahaha...!"

Yang Guang's pupils shrank, and he took three steps back. He happened to bump into Gou Xi who was rushing over. Yang Guang finally calmed down. He looked down at the soldiers rushing down densely. Yang Guang pulled out the sword in his arms and said in a deep voice. Said: "It's time for the soldiers to make meritorious deeds, guard the city wall, I will invite you to eat meat tonight!"

"Drink...kill!" The soldiers, who hadn't seen meat for many years, all broke out at this moment. They put all their energy into it, at least at this moment they were full of momentum.

Yang Guang looked at the aura on the city wall, at least not for the time being, and said to Wang Puchen who was directing the battle: "The city wall will be handed over to you father and son. I will go down and discuss the countermeasures with General Gou Xi!"

"My lord, please don't worry, with me waiting for father and son, nothing will go wrong!" The sword in Wang Puchen's hand was shining with a cold light, and his eyes were piercing.

"Hahahahahaha!" Yang Guang burst out laughing. Everyone didn't know what Yang Guang was joking about, but the only thing they knew was that Yang Guang was extremely happy now.

Yang Guang's happiness is also justified. What makes him happy is not that he teased Fu Chai, and what makes him happy is not the shock of the soldiers' morale, but Wang Puchen's address to Yang Guang, which changed from the original young master to the present Although there is only one letter difference between the two characters, they are very different. At least at this moment, Wang Puchen and his son are considered to be on his thief ship, and it is impossible to get off easily.

Yang Guang walked away, but Wang Puchen stared at the soldiers and horses below, and then said: "I will order you to release arrows, and roll stones and thunder woods to prepare, but all Wu soldiers who approach will be strangled!"


"Where is Wang Jizhen!"

"The last general is here!" The vigorous Wang Jizhen stepped forward, waiting for Wang Puchen's order.

"Quickly lead the [-] soldiers and horses below to be ready to go. Without my general order, you can't move even if you die!" Wang Puchen's general aura burst out in an instant, without waiting for any hesitation, like straight steel .

"Father, why don't you invest in this new force, so that we are more confident!" Wang Jizhen wondered, this kind of rabbit attack does not require all strength, but it is very easy to suffer.

Wang Puchen stroked his beard, his eyes full of confidence: "It's time for me to exercise my abilities, and at the same time, I also have the confidence to rely on these soldiers to stop him!"

"But father...!"

"We can't expose all our troops to Fucha. With 1 against [-], Fucha must think that he has enough strength to win this city, and he will go all out, and our chance is at this time! If we can If you lead [-] horses and fight out, you will definitely catch Fucha by surprise, understand?" Wang Puchen also had some tactics in his mind, but in fact these were not his own ideas, but Gou Xi's, in order to praise their father and son , It can be said that it took a lot of painstaking efforts. Although Wang Puchen didn't know Gou Xi's intentions, such a person can only be intimately acquainted, not invincible.

This guy Gou Xi is a cunning fox, unpredictable. Since Xiang Yu and Yuan Shao fought, he gave this guy a nickname: "Tibetan Fox!"

(End of this chapter)

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