Warring States Call

Chapter 673 Conspiracy

Chapter 673 Conspiracy
Hiding the head and showing the tail, keeping the overall situation in check, arranging troops and deploying troops, cunning with teeth, not showing your face when you walk, and not talking when you walk, this is a Tibetan fox.

Wang Jizhen also roughly understood what was going on, took the weapon in his hand, and rushed down, looking back at Wang Puchen by the way, worried: "Father!"

Wang Puchen looked back at his son, puzzled and said, "What's wrong!"

"Be careful yourself!" Wang Jizhen put down these words and left, leaving only Wang Puchen's back.

Wang Puchen immediately smiled, took off the bow and arrow with his backhand, and shot at the three soldiers below, his movements were fast and fierce, without any muddling.


"Hoo!" Arrows fell like rain, and when he saw someone's throat, Wang Puchen's mouth rose. His son had already made great achievements, and he couldn't fall down. Although the blue is better than the blue, the tiger father has no dogs. , but the son's ability surpasses the father's, which is what every father hopes for, but the son's ability makes the father appear incompetent, so Wang Puchen has to prove himself, even if he can't surpass his son, he can't drag him back .

"Keep your eyes wide open for one or two of them, and shoot them all," Wang Puchen said with a pale face.


Wu Sui's eyes were like lightning, he stared at the front and snorted coldly: "Come here, bring the arrow!"


Wu Sui took the bow and arrow, stretched it hard, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and said half aloud: "Go to hell!"

"call out!"

The bowstring left the arrow, like an arrow like a star, within a few breaths, it shot towards Wang Puchen's direction, the point of the arrow pointed upwards, pierced through the clouds, and shot right at Wang Puchen.

And Wang Puchen had also noticed Wu Sui long ago. Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches is the key to killing people. If you don't aim at him, who should you aim at?Staring at Wu Sui below, Wang Puchen was also startled, and squatted down again and again.


The long arrow directly shot through Wang Puchen's helmet and fell to the ground, which looked extremely scary.

Wang Puchen felt annoyed in his heart, and ran three steps towards the city on the left side of the city wall. Wang Puchen leaned against the city wall, with sweat dripping down his cheeks, breathed heavily, and turned around, shooting three arrows in a row. Aim at Wu Sui.

When Wu Sui saw it, his face turned blue and dark. He turned over twice and was almost shot off the horse by him. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he almost fell off the horse by accident. Fortunately, he caught him in time. The horse rope was removed to avoid injury.

Seeing that none of the three arrows hit, Wang Puchen spit and cursed inwardly, "Damn it...!"

Wu Sui turned around, his eyes were like the wheels of a cart, turned up and down, and glanced at Wang Puchen's direction: "This Wang Puchen is really more cunning than a wolf, plus Wang Jizhen, these two pairs of father and son are really real. yes………!"

"General Wu!" Fu Gai reminded, urging his horse forward, holding a spear in his hand.

"What's the matter!" Wu Sui wiped the fine sweat from his brow, and the shield soldiers all around rushed over, forming an impregnable iron wall, protecting Wu Sui and Fu Gai tightly.

"General Wu, didn't you realize that the enemy's soldiers and horses are not as many as ours at all, and we are the only soldiers in charge, so there shouldn't be any problem in taking this city!" Fu Gai picked up the water bottle in the ground and took a sip casually.

Wu Sui looked around for a while, followed his gaze up and down, and saw the people walking back and forth on the city wall, but they were still the same few people, neither too many nor too few, which seemed to be the most of them. Soldiers and horses.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, even if you can't get it, it doesn't matter. General Sun Wu is only three hundred miles away from here. You can definitely let General Sun Wu come over!" .

Wu Sui is not hesitating either, he will not come again if the opportunity is lost, if Fu Chai repents, he will be uglier than crying, while there is still enough time...

"So people obey my general's orders!" Wu Sui didn't hesitate, picked up the long spear in his hand, and urged the horse to go.


"The whole army goes out and launches an attack!"

"Archers stepped forward to suppress!"

"All the ladder siege vehicles will be pushed up by me!"

"Shields are in the front! Pikemen are in the back, push forward!"

"Kill! Drink...!"

"Advance... kill!"


Wang Puchen looked at the battle below, took a few steps back, and glanced at the Fucha Barracks behind. There were only a few thousand people. When he thought of this, Wang Puchen felt a lump in his heart. Xi said exactly the same.

"General, what should we do!" The soldiers behind said hastily.

Wang Puchen let out a sigh of relief, got up with his backhand, stared at the front and calmly said: "The soldiers come to cover the water and soil, go down quickly and tell Yang Jian and them that it is... empty!"


Wang Puchen pressed the edge of the city wall, touched his long beard, his face gradually turned cold, and said in a deep voice: "Suppressed by the archers! Rolling stones, thunder and wood, all press down on me!"

"Since you are looking for death, I am afraid that the nanmu on Lin'an Mountain is not enough for you!" Wang Puchen sneered, leaving a bloodthirsty back.

Under the city wall, inside the hall

"Report! Wu Sui launched a large army to attack, and General Wang Puchen asked me to tell you, General Gouxi, that it is empty!"

"It's empty! What's empty!" Yang Guang looked puzzled, and looked at Gou Xi, hoping that he could give him the answer he wanted.

When Gou Xi heard this, the wine glass she was still holding was put down, and she quickly stood up and said, "My lord! Our chance has come!"

"Opportunity!" Yang Guang was a little confused by the second monk, and stared at Gou Xi puzzled.

"My lord, I should send people to rush out quickly, and then order General Ma Shumou to order a thousand cavalry to take down Fuchai and kill him directly. Then the state of Wu will surely collapse without attack!" According to the current situation, Gou Xi According to the analysis, as long as Fu Chai dies, they will win the battle.

Yang Guang pressed the weapon in his hand, and held a cold arrow in his hand. Yang Guang's tiger eyes were condensed on the arrow. After a while, Yang Guang sank his arms and threw it out, landing on the ground. , flicked the cloak on the back and said: "Go!"


"Where is Uncle Ma!" Yang Guang held the weapon in his hand, looked at Uncle Ma behind him, and pointed directly at him.

"The last general is here!" Uncle Ma took a step forward and said calmly.

"I'll give you a thousand cavalry to go around the north gate and raid Fuchai, you can do it!" Yang Guang questioned.

"The last general takes orders!" Uncle Ma agreed without even thinking about it, as if this matter was insignificant in front of him.

"Order Wang Puchen and the others to hold Wu Sui and the others, and send troops to intercept them if necessary!"

(End of this chapter)

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