Warring States Call

Chapter 680 Line

Chapter 680 Line

Gao Lishi is also smart, after retreating, he has been guarding the door, but anyone who wants to go in, no matter how noble their status, is stopped by Gao Lishi.

Han Yi looked at Dou Xiantong with his hands on his hips, like a little tiger. With his current ability, beating this guy is not like playing, Han Yi rubbed his fists, smiled slightly: "How do you want to fight! "

"You are young! The tone is not too young, let my old lady train and train you!" After Dou Xiantong finished speaking, his body turned into a black shadow, and he reached out to grab Han Yi first.

Han Yi's pupils shrank. Even though this Dou Xiantong is a girl, his force value has reached 95. He has also experienced the killing spirit on the battlefield. If he wants to deal with him, Han Yi's force value should not be activated at all. , otherwise it will not be able to take it for a while.

"Hoo...!" Dou Xiantong's pink fist hit, and Han Yi could see it clearly during this trip, with a big hand, he grabbed Dou Xiantong's arm.

Dou Xiantong only felt that his arm was caught by a bundle of bronze weapons, and he couldn't move. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and he looked at Han Yi carefully. This guy had a smile on his face, as if he was mocking him. This made Dou Xiantong very upset, but this guy has really grown a lot.

"If this is the case, then you will lose!" Han Yi's words were thorny, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Really?" Dou Xiantong narrowed his eyes, revealing two small canine teeth, a slight smile flashed on the white teeth, the arm held by Han Yi was slightly lowered, and his body bent for a while.

"Ding, Fairy Dou's general attributes are activated. When fighting with male generals, the enemy's force value will be reduced by 5 points, and personal force will be increased by 4 points!"

"Ding, the host is affected by Dou Xiantong's force value, the current force value is reduced by 5 points, the base force value is 99, and the current force value is 94!"

"Ding, add 4 to Dou Xiantong's force value, the base force value is 95, and the current force value is 99!"

I saw Dou Xiantong's half body was soft, he bowed his waist with a move, raised his hand and kicked, and jumped towards Han Yi's chin.

Han Yi saw his pupils shrank slightly, and thought: "You can't be too hard, I will be soft!"

Han Yi put his hands on his chest and took a slight step forward.



Dou Xiantong kicked firmly on the ground, and Han Yi fell naturally like a kite with a broken string, making a loud sound on the ground, which sounded like pain.

"Ah! It hurts...!" Han Yi clutched his arm and rolled over, as if he had been seriously injured. He glanced at Dou Xiantong from time to time to see how she reacted.

And Dou Xiantong, who just kicked Han Yi, is panicking now. This guy has a big chest and no brains. I don’t know if this is Han Yi’s ghost. In addition, Han Yi is the king of the whole country, so he beat him up by himself. I was injured, that’s okay, I hurried forward, squatted on the ground, looked at Han Yi, with a pair of small hands nowhere to rest, and looked anxious: "My lord... Your lord, are you okay! Your lord...!"

"Ah...it hurts so much!"

"What... what should I do, I'll call the imperial doctor, my lord, just wait!" Dou Xiantong said before leaving.

Han Yi smiled slightly, showing his bright and clean teeth, and grabbed Dou Xiantong with his backhand. With one move, the dragon turned over and pressed Dou Xiantong under his body. His hands were like two vices, holding Dou Xiantong under him. Down.

A faint fragrance spread into Han Yi's mind, and it had a special flavor. Han Yi smiled and stared at Dou Xiantong's expression, yes!Shocked...surprised...ugh! ...seems to be shy.

At this moment, Dou Xiantong half bit his red lips, staring at Han Yi with big eyes: "The king is just saying that you are not joking, you...!"

When Han Yi heard Dou Xiantong's words, he couldn't help laughing: "It's true that you are not joking, Gu really hurts!"

"Then how will the king punish me?" Dou Xiantong looked at Han Yi seductively, half biting his red lips, which gradually turned red, giving Dou Xiantong a hint of coquettishness.

Han Yi gave Dou Xiantong a lot of tiger eyes, and gradually spread his wide palms. He smiled at Dou Xiantong and said, "If that's the case...!"

"Then forget it! Master Gu doesn't count villains!" Han Yi immediately smiled, and didn't want to touch Dou Xiantong, so he stepped back and got up from Dou Xiantong's body.

"I want to leave! It's not that easy!" Dou Xiantong smiled slightly, and the green sand on his body flew out, showing a lack of youthfulness.

Han Yi looked at Dou Xiantong, who was like a tiger pouncing on his food, gave his arm a slight pause, took a step forward, and then said with a smile: "There is no rush for this matter at the moment. It won't be too late to marry you as a matchmaker."

"Oh, that's what you said yourself, Your Majesty." Dou Xiantong smiled immediately, and got up slowly to let Han Yi go.

Only then did Han Yi exhale, "If you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings."

"Then I don't know when the king will be able to marry me as a matchmaker." Dou Xiantong didn't intend to just let Han Yi go. The sooner this matter happened, the better, otherwise she would be the one who will suffer in the future.

Han Yi looked at the front and said half aloud: "Okay! From today onwards, you will move out of Wei Zifu's palace, and at the same time Gu also asks you one thing!"

Dou Xiantong looked puzzled and said, "Is there anything else your Majesty would like to ask me? If you have anything to ask, Your Majesty may as well just say it!"

"Help me take care of Xuejiao's mother and son!" Han Yi casually arranged the clothes.

Dou Xiantong also stood up, tightened Han Yi's belt casually, and said with a slight smile, "Doesn't Your Majesty dislike their mother and child?"

"Don't you know what Gu's temper is?" Han Yi pinched Dou Xiantong's cheek and smiled slightly.

Dou Xiantong hugged Han Yi and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely do my best!"

Han Yi smiled slightly, bowed his head to Dou Xiantong's ear, and said with a slight smile: "Also! How about giving Gusheng a daughter!"

"Daughter! Isn't it good to have a son?" Dou Xiantong smiled casually. He didn't know why Han Yi thought this way. Men usually have a higher status now, and the patriarchal thought is deeply rooted, but Han Yi actually asked Giving birth to a daughter, isn't that a bit......

Han Yi stretched his waist: "Both boys and girls are the same. Boys are both civil and military, and girls are both talented and beautiful. What's wrong, they are all orphans, and none of them are ordinary!"

Han Yi appears imposing, and he spares no effort in cultivating the next generation.

Han Yi got up gradually, looked up at the sky, and murmured in his heart: "Zhong Wuyan, Zhong Wuyan, Gu also treats you well, why are you so merciless?"

As the sun sets, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

On the mountain, several children played and wrestled with each other. They didn't understand anything, and they didn't know what to do in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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