Warring States Call

Chapter 681 Gambling

Chapter 681 Gambling

Fu Chai died in battle
Everyone in the Tan Kingdom was in high spirits, decorated with lanterns and festoons, and even sang praises to Yang Guang. They shouted one by one on the street, "God of War...God of War...God of War!"

Yang Jian looked down along the city wall, wondering what was going on in his mind, but a tiger general was following behind him, and the other was wearing court clothes, obviously he was in a hurry and didn't have time to change.

Gao Ying followed Yang Jian's gaze towards the city, and then smiled and said, "Congratulations, my lord, you have given birth to a son of extraordinary martial arts!"

Yang Jian stroked his beard, pressed the sword with his arm, and said half aloud: "This sword has shown its sharpness too early, and it is easy to break when it is too hard!"

What Yang Jian is most worried about now is whether Wu Guo knows that his king died in battle, will he use the power of the whole country to deal with them, and then they will...

At the same time, it is not difficult to see the intention of Yang Jian's words. Yang Guang's limelight overwhelmed his father, which made his father unhappy.

Gao Ying saw it, then smiled and said, "How do you say that!"

"Report! General Yang Guang's battle report!"

"The meritorious service is so great, why do you still have to ask me? Pass me the general order and let him handle it himself." Yang Jian seemed impatient, waved his hand casually, and dismissed the soldier.

"Report to my lord! The young master still has a transfer order, please approve it from the general!"

"Tune order!" Yang Jian stroked his beard, rolled his eyes slightly, and began to ponder in his heart, what kind of medicine did this little guy buy in the gourd.

Seeing Yang Jian's hesitation, Gao Ying said, "My lord, what are you worried about!"

"Read!" Yang Jian didn't answer Gao Ying, but put his gaze in front of him, and then smiled.

"My son won this battle. He was protected by General Ma Shumou, so he didn't suffer much damage. Father, please don't blame him!"

The first two sentences were about watertightness, and Yang Jian's expression eased a little. As long as this son has nothing serious, everything can still be accepted by him.

"My son has caused a catastrophe, and beheading the leader of the enemy country will lead Wu Guo to come out. My son knows that he is not suitable to lead the army. I ask my father to revoke the position of the next general. My son is willing to be the grain suppressor. This redemption..."

When Yang Jian heard this, he snorted coldly: "He also knows that he has caused a catastrophe. This country of Wu has three generals, and our country only has one general!"

The more generals there are in each country, the stronger the national power of the country. There are three generals in Wu State, each of whom has made great military exploits. They are Zhu Yuanzhang...Wu Zixu and Sun Wu.

Wu Guo has an advantage over her both in terms of military strength and the deployment of generals. This is a difficult battle, a war that is difficult to win.

"My lord! In fact, this matter is difficult for him, and he is easy for him!" Gao Ying behind said with a slight smile, her eyes were as bright as jackals.

Yang Jian looked back at Gao Ying, then smiled and said, "Tell me about it."

"My minister dares to guess that the lord also has a countermeasure in his mind, does he not?" Gao Ying said with a slight smile.

"Say it!"

"First, quickly send people to Chang'an and let Han Yi mediate. This will definitely reduce the anger of Wu Guo, and they will definitely be afraid of Han Yi's existence!"

"Second, tell Zhu Yuanzhang that our mission has been accomplished and it's time for him to fulfill his promise"

"Third, we must actively prepare for battle, and we must not sit still!"

"The fourth is also crucial. Xiang Yan died in battle, and Zhu Yuanzhang was the chief culprit. We form an alliance with them, and we can definitely delay Wu's attack!"

"Fifth, when necessary, release the news and tell the whole deal between us and Zhu Yuanzhang. At that time, everyone's eyes will be attracted by Zhu Yuanzhang. We just need to wait and see what happens!"

After Gao Ying finished these five points in one breath, she took a rest.

Yang Jian pondered for a while, stroked the city wall, looked at the sunset and said: "Sure enough, I think too little, yours is more comprehensive!"

"You don't need to be like this, the other two strategies are irrelevant to us, as long as we block Wu Guo, then it will be time for us to show our strength." Gao Ying's eyes were full of fantasy, and the whole person was addicted to it, unable to extricate herself.

Yang Jian glanced at the transfer order written by Yang Guang, feeling a lot more bored in his heart, threw it out, and said half aloud: "Pass my general order, the whole army is ready to go, follow me to meet them for a while!"


Mountain Country Cangwu
Today's Cangwu City is crowded with people. People from all over the place...slaves are working here. On the edge of the steep cliff, as long as there is a little carelessness, they will fall down, and their bodies will be smashed to pieces.

Liu Bang stood at the foot of the mountain, covered with the skin of an unknown beast, sitting on a rock, eating jujubes, spitting out a date pit from time to time, staring slightly at the top and saying: "Yiyin... Yiyin... ...!"

Liu Bang called Yi Yin twice, and Yi Yin heard clearly. Yi Yin, who was sitting on the ground, stood up now, rubbed his legs from time to time, looked at Liu Bang and said, "What orders does your majesty have!"

Liu Bang glanced at Yi Yin, with a mocking expression on his face, "You old slicker, you don't usually work very well, but now you are asked to sit, and you can even sit sick, which is strange!"

Yi Yin responded casually: "It's strange to say that Weichen's old legs are also weird. As long as it rains, his legs will hurt again. I don't know if it's still working now!"

"You said that it will rain in this scorching sun, are you mistaken!" Liu Bang obviously didn't believe it, and this guy could be trying to help him.

Yiyin Shanshan smiled, looked at Liu Bang and said, "If the king doesn't believe it, how about a bet between you and my ministers!"

"Okay! Let's see what tricks you can come up with! Tell me what you want to bet on!" Liu Bang immediately became interested when he heard about the bet.

And Lu Wan, who is addicted to drugs, ran over as soon as she heard the word gambling, and shouted: "What are you betting on, cockfighting or dogfighting! How much are you betting!"

Yi Yin smiled slightly and said, "If you win again by chance, the king will let these laborers have one day off every ten days!"

"Then what if you lose!" Liu Bang stepped forward slightly with his eyes, staring at Yi Yin carefully.

"That's right" If you lose, what are you going to bet against the king! "As soon as Lu Wan heard this, she hurried forward and said.

"There's not much meat on the whole body, so this head is worth a little money. If the king doesn't mind it, then take it!" Yi Yin said with a slight smile.


Without Liu Bang agreeing to come down, a thunderstorm rang out in the clear sky, resounding through the entire sky. The original bright sun turned gloomy at this moment, as if a downpour of rain was about to come.

When Liu Bang saw it, his face changed slightly, and he looked at Yi Yin with his eyes, and his expectations for him were much higher.

(End of this chapter)

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