Chapter 689
Ying Lang breathed a sigh of relief, the old fox finally let himself go.

And Wang Jianhu stared at the front with a slight smile and said: "Chu is already dead. The princes in the world, big and small, died and were injured. And this Shu is just a land of flat boats, and it will eventually be reduced to nothing." The stepping stone of my state of Qin, I would like to advise you today, turn your back and be right! Don’t make mistakes.”

Yingdang stared at Wang Jian, his eyebrows twitched, and his heart twitched. Is this a showdown?At the same time, Ying Dang laughed loudly and said, "What did General Wang Jian say, why can't I hear clearly!"

"I don't know if you really don't understand, or if you pretend to be incomprehensible, but do you think the old man is one of those people in the market and let you be fooled by me?" Wang Jian stood in front of Yingchang, his eyes met. Fighting and killing has little to do with them, the only thing that has to do with them is the forces behind it.

Yingdang Hu stared at Wang Jian, pressed the sword firmly in his hand, stepped forward and looked at Wang Jian: "Are you planning to have a showdown with me?"

"This general is not good at intrigue, and today is just to remind you, the king has already ascended the throne. Even if you are trying your best, it will be of no avail. Instead, you will give them an opportunity to listen to the old man and put the sharp sword in your hand. Aim at the enemy, not the brothers behind you!" Wang Jian held down Yingdang's arm holding the sword, and stared at Yingdang with a pair of tiger eyes.

On the one hand, he was afraid that Yingdang would suddenly attack him, and on the other hand, he told Yingdang that the situation was irreversible.

"The matter has come to this! Is there any room for me to recover? I am afraid that if I go back to Xianyang, I will be decapitated!" After all, Yingdang is King Wu of Qin, so he is not bad in terms of force, although he feels a huge force , but it is still bearable in the win.

Wang Jian immediately let go and patted Yingchang on the shoulder: "Your Majesty said that if you annex the world in the future, you will be granted a marquis and expand your land, but the premise is that you must help your majesty to rule the world!"

Ying Chang's face was embarrassing, Wang Jian's words could be said to be heart-breaking, the kings of all dynasties of the Qin State took the unification of the world as their own mission, and it was also their common goal.

unite the world......unify the world......unify the world
The pictures of Qin Xiaogong kept appearing in front of him, and he could remember every word Qin Xiaogong said, and every word was like a treasured knife piercing Yingdang's heart...

Wang Jian looked at Yingshang who was in a tangle, and then smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I hope you will think about it carefully!"

After Wang Jian finished speaking, he backed away, and from time to time he turned his head to look at Ying Chang who was lost in thought, and muttered to himself: "If you want to choose which way, you should think about it yourself!"

Ying Dang raised his hands, looked at the setting sun with his eyes, and muttered to himself, "Assist Ying Zheng? This may be...!"

A city hundreds of miles away from Yiqu in the north of Qin State

Sitting here is a young man, holding a bamboo slip in his hand, wearing a magic crown, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a black python robe showing dominance. There is an inch beard under his chin, which makes him look mature and sophisticated.

There are these people sitting below, and one of them has a face that is as sharp and cold as a knife carved out. This is a face that is completely northern, mighty, powerful, and with torch-like eyes.Half of his face is covered by a thick beard, his eyes are shining with sharp light and are crystal clear, he is wearing a big Qin black armor, and he is neatly dressed. Ran.

Speaking of Wei Ran, not many people know him, because the pronouns of Qin are only Bai Qi and Wang Jian, but they don't know that this Wu'an Lord Bai Qi was single-handedly promoted by Wei Ran. During Wei Ran's period, although his ability was not as good as Bai Qi It's not bad, but it's not bad. If Yingji didn't reuse Fan Sui to weaken the mother clan's power, Qin might have to add another general.

The man behind Wei Ran is about 37 or [-] years old. He has long hair tied up with hairpins. He is also handsome and dressed in white cloth. He is also ordinary. The sharpness of the eyes can deceive others, but it cannot deceive this person. This person is named Mi Rong, who is as famous as Wei Ran and is called the Four Nobles. His ability is self-evident.

And in the sand screen behind Ying Ji, there is this beautiful woman. She is leaning on the bench alone. Against the background of the sand screen, a few more mysterious things have been added.

"My lord! General Hu Che'er has something to report!" A man walked out of the hall, with shiny black vertical black hair, slender black eyes full of murderous aura, thick back and waist, leopard head and tiger face. Cutting decisively is a seasoned general.

"Let him come in!" Ying Ji walked back to his seat, leaning on the bench alone, and stretched his waist.

"Promise!" A tiger general walked out of the hall. He was nine feet long, wearing animal skins, and his waist was ten feet. Dian Wei's [-] rounds without losing Hu Che'er.

"Chen! Hu Che'er has seen the lord!"

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it!" Yingji waved his hand, his eyes could not leave the bamboo slips in his hand, obviously what Hu Che'er said next had nothing to do with him.

"My lord! Wang Jian went south, and the king ordered Ying Dang to lead an army of [-] to fight together!"

"Fight together!" Ying Ji muttered to himself, dropped the bamboo slips in his hand, and threw them on the table. His head reached the chin, and his slender fingers tapped on the table.

quite a while…………

"Pfft...!" Ying Ji suddenly smiled, with a look of hostility in his eyes: "This Ying Zheng really regards himself as a king, so has Ying gone?"

"Report to my lord! I'm gone! And I personally led a hundred thousand soldiers and horses!"

"This Yingdang, I really went back more and more, and I actually went. I'm afraid it won't be long before we win Shu, and the Yiqu will be moved!" Yingji stepped forward slowly, and made an anchor hook. With a ferocious sneer, he stared at the people below and said, "You said... don't you!"

Coldness...killing intent...anger, concentrated emotions are mixed with Yingji's body, it looks very scary!
Both Wei Ran and Mi Rong remained silent. In this situation, there is only one person who can suppress Ying Ji, and that is their sister... Mi Bazi.

"Ji'er, be quiet...!" The woman sitting behind the sand screen spoke, her voice was like the sound of heaven, and it was as pleasant as the strings of a piano...

But when I saw it in Yingji, it was like a cat whose tail was trampled, too scared to say: "Yes! Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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