Warring States Call

Chapter 690 Mi Bazi

Chapter 690 Mi Bazi

"Wei Ran, what do you think!" Mi Bazi's lazy voice came out slowly behind the sand screen, with a trace of flattery and laziness in his eyes.

"There is no way! Yingzheng has already become the king, we accept him as the end, and there is no other way but to wait and see what happens!" Wei Ran is also helpless with the current situation, after all, they are all human beings, not gods, and some things belong to them able to decide.

Ying Ji's jackal-like eyes made Wei Ran tremble in his heart. Ever since Ying Ji missed the position of the king, the anger in this guy's heart has become more and more serious. Except for her mother who can suppress it, the two of them As an uncle, even if you say a few words, it is extremely dangerous.

"Since that's the case, Hu Che'er, you can step back!" Mi Bazi said lazily, and then waved his hand.

Hu Che'er could also vaguely see Mi Bazi waving his arms, and then he stepped forward, saluted Yingji and the others before stepping back.

"Uncle! How many generals do we have in our hands!" Ying Ji put his hands into his sleeves and closed his eyes slightly, but the breathing between his nose became heavier and heavier, obviously he was trying to suppress himself.

Mi Rong sighed, took a sip of water first, raised his head and said, "General! Zhang Xiu, the spear king of the Northland! Hua Xiong... Hu Che'er, each of them commanded 3 horses, and Che Ying , only [-] soldiers in hand, a total of [-] soldiers!"

Ying Ji put his hands in his sleeves, held them tightly, and said with a serious expression: "How many soldiers and horses does Ying Zheng have in his hands!"

"Baiqi! Wang Jian and Wang Jian almost all support Yingzheng. In addition, Yingzheng itself has the support of Meng Ao and others. Qin's soldiers and horses have been controlled by Yingzheng. Yingzheng has been promoted again during this trip. Xia Luqi, as well as Ruan Wengzhong and Sima Yi's clan, the situation in the court has been completely stabilized by Yingzheng, if we want to resist him, we are afraid that we will seek our own death!" Wei Ran smiled wryly, and he also Could he not know that his nephew has a heart higher than the sky, but his life is thinner than paper.

Ying Ji looked at Wei Ran unwillingly and said: "Uncle, didn't you promote Bai Qi? Why can't you win him over?"

Wei Ran smiled bitterly, and then said: "Bai Qi is upright and always considers the overall situation when doing things, so...he is impossible!"

Yingji slowly closed his eyes, and said with embarrassment: "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. Since Yingzheng is able to make troubles, the next one is me. Now that the situation is here, he must go further... ...Crack the soil and become king, or bow your head and become a minister!"

After Ying Ji said these two sentences, the hostility on his body only increased, and it was obvious that these two sentences had been entangled in Ying Zheng's mind for not a day or two.

"Ji'er!" Mi Bazi's voice came slowly from behind Ying Ji, with a serious look on his face.

Ying Ji opened his closed eyes, looked back at his mother, and said, "What orders does mother have?"

"Do you still remember! The ambitions of the ancestors of Qin!"

"Strengthen the country! Conquer the world!" Ying Ji said every word, holding his palm tightly.

"Then what you are doing now! Do you think it is right!"

"Right?" The hostility on Yingji's body slowly receded, and the rest was entanglement, did I really do something wrong... Really?

Mi Bazi's two words were like a hammer of the soul, hitting Yingji's heart with one blow.

"Cracking the earth to seal the king, let's not say whether you can succeed or not, but just this infamy, you will have to bear it all your life. People's words are awesome... Ji'er! You are still too young!" Mi Bazi couldn't help being disappointed. It's okay for a child to do things impulsively, but today he has such a rebellious idea, and Mi Bazi can't pamper him anymore.

"I'm young! But Ying Zheng may not be much better than me!" Ying Ji said grimly.

Mi Bazi slowly stepped out of the sand screen, walked towards Ying Ji, and glanced at his son.


Mi Bazi slapped the backhand, not only Ying Ji was dumbfounded, but also Wei Ran and Mi Rong below were dumbfounded. Who dares to hit Ying Ji when he is so small, I am afraid that only Mi Bazi will be there.

"Mother, you...!" Yingji covered his cheeks and looked up at his mother. Since the construction of his city, his mother had never beaten him, not even when he was a child. This is the first time like today. .

"Follower offenders! No respect for elders! The king can only be called the king, how can you call him by his first name as a subordinate!" Mi Bazi yelled loudly, which is also the reason why Mi Bazi's man Hu Che'er withdrew, here are all his own people , It’s nothing to look at, but it’s dangerous if others see it.

"Mother, I..."

"The king is not very outstanding on the surface of you brothers, but if he didn't endure in front of you, how could he be in today's situation? When you and Yingdang left Xianyang to develop the fief, if he was a fatuous and incompetent guy, he would have Then send troops to kill, when Qin State will be in chaos, the collapse will only give Wei State an opportunity, this is something neither you nor Ying Lang thought of, but he has thought of it, and is also preparing for the future domination of the world! "Mi Bazi yelled loudly, teaching his useless son a lesson.

"The annexation of the Kingdom of Shu is to make our country have no worries, and to obtain food and grass supplies so as to quickly recover. Then the next goal is the Yiqu. As long as the Yiqu is captured, Qin's war horses will be inexhaustible. It is inexhaustible! It provides convenience for future conquests in the world!" Mi Rong can also be regarded as a person who overlooks the world, and he can more or less guess Ying Zheng's thoughts.

"Mother, I'm not reconciled!" Ying Ji's eyes were red, it was the first time that he was so helpless, even his own mother didn't support him.

"You are not reconciled, I am not reconciled, Daqin is not reconciled, I think how majestic my Daqin was in the past, when I came to court from all directions, I was seriously injured by the three Jins, and the former king was assassinated! The battle between Han Xin and Bai Qi burned an army of [-] , and then you, the three juniors, hoped for each other, which prevented Qin from recovering its vitality in three years!" Mi Bazi was also angry, although she wanted her child to be king, but that was impossible , I can only guide him correctly. Yingzheng's ascension to the throne is already a general trend in the world, and it is irreversible, and what Yingji has to do is to conform to the general trend.

"Wei Ran...Mi Rong!" Mi Bazi said coldly.


"The two of you each handed over your soldiers and horses, and wrote to the king, saying that we are willing to help the king, hand over the military power in your hands, and return to Xianyang! We will leave soon!" Mi Bazi is worthy of being the queen mother of the Great Qin Dynasty, with extraordinary abilities .

(End of this chapter)

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