Warring States Call

Chapter 691 Zhang Fei Huang Zhong

Chapter 691 Zhang Fei Huang Zhong
"Mother, what are you doing...!" Yingji panicked when he heard this, isn't it equivalent to breaking his left and right hands.

Yingji panicked. He thought his mother was just talking casually, but now it seems that it is serious.

With a calm face, Mi Bazi came to Ying Ji and scolded, "Tell me! What is Qin VI's last wish!"

"Last wish...to unify the world!" Yingji paused every word, staring at the front with a puzzled expression, his face became like a pig's liver, and he was quite tired. At this moment, he became paralyzed. Leaning on the table, the whole person seemed to have collapsed as the last line of defense in his heart.

Mi Bazi glanced at his son, came to him, and said with great concern: "Now you should know what you should do!"

Ying Ji lowered his head slightly, and said half aloud, "I see!"

"Yeah!" Mi Bazi nodded, then looked at Yingji and stroked his cheek: "You can handle the rest yourself!"

Ying Ji shook his head immediately, all the chances of defense in his heart were pulled out layer by layer by Mi Bazi, Ying Ji rubbed his brows, took a step up and then said: "Give me the order to hand over all the military power to you." Zhang Xiu! The others will return to Xianyang with me, but anyone who resists will be killed!"

"Nuo..." Wei Ran and Mi Rong don't dare to offend Yingji now, this guy is like a jackal, if you really want to piss him off, he can do anything.


If Yingji in history hadn't been too oppressed by his mother and uncles, he probably wouldn't have gone to great lengths to divide and deprive Wei Ran and the others of their power.

Ying Ji immediately took a light strip, picked the wick on the top, and said to himself in his heart with a calm expression: "Today I will let you have a son, if you have any immorality in the future, you can't blame me!"

Han Yi was sitting on the ground, casually holding the bamboo slips and carefully observing the contents inside. From time to time, he would also hold a brush to draw circles inside and slightly modify the contents inside.

"Report to the king! Zhou Bo of the Han Dynasty is here!" Gao Lishi first saluted Han Yi.

"Understood! Let him in!" Han Yi sat on the ground, scratched his head with his hand, and waved.

"Your Majesty...do you want to tidy up your appearance!" Gao Lishi said with a little worry, Han Yi's appearance did not have the air of a king, he looked like a rascal, playing with the toys in his hands like a child.

"It's okay!"


"Zhou Bo met King Han!"

Han Yi raised his head, looked at the writing brush and bamboo slips in Zhou Bo's hands, and looked at Zhou Bo, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "How is it! Did Liu Bang agree to my request?"

"Report to King Han, my king has said that he is willing to hand over 20 grain and grass and Shangyong, and is willing to have a good relationship with King Han."

"Oh! Didn't you say there is another condition for Gu?" Han Yi's face changed when he heard that, according to Liu Bang's stinginess, he should hand over Yi Yin and Chen Ping, but this time Liu Bang played so big.

"I don't know what the king of Han wants!" Zhou Bo looked at Han Yi's reaction, and a trace of complacency flashed in his eyes. Yes, it was this expression of hesitation, this expression of disbelief. Zhou Bo looked at Han Yi as if admiring Looking at some feast, Tiger Eyes looked at Han Yi as if he was admiring some prey.

Han Yi came back to his senses for a moment, looked at Gao Lishi, waved to him, and then said: "Pass me the order! Send troops!"


"Send troops...!" Han Yi stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, stretched his muscles and bones, and rubbed his wrists.

"Send troops!" Wait a minute, King Han, wait a minute, what do you mean by that.

Han Yi then smiled and said: "Gu has already set up an army of [-] troops in Dengcheng. As long as the King of Han gives an order, the soldiers and horses in Gu's hands will definitely rush over. Now that the King of Han has agreed, what reason does Gu have to refuse! "

"It's too fast for King Han to do this!" Zhou Bo hesitated.

Han Yi then smiled and said: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, pass my order! Light the beacon fire and smoke within a day, and the lonely will become the lonely territory of Shangyong!"

The land of Shangyong is the most important thing, it connects Shu...Qin and the land of Jingchu occupied by Han Yi, if this land falls into the hands of other countries, it will be difficult for them to enter Shu and threaten Qin, so Han Yi must take good care of it Management, even at the expense of sending all the outstanding children of the clan there, although it is a killing test, it is also a complete preparation for the future paving the way.

Zhou Bo held his arms tightly, not daring to show any dissatisfaction, but his eyes couldn't miss Han Yi.

Han Yi looked at Zhou Bo, then smiled and said: "General Zhou is probably questioning the lonely soldiers!"

"Don't dare... dare not...!" Zhou Bo retreated again and again, they can't afford to provoke Han Yi now.

Han Yi immediately smiled: "Back off!"


Looking at Zhou Bo's leaving back, Han Yi's face was gloomy, his face sank like water, he stood up, threw the bamboo slips in his hand, and put his back on his back.

"Your Majesty...!" Gao Lishi asked weakly.

"What's the matter!" Han Yi straightened his clothes casually, looking at the front with a flat face.

"The Kingdom of Shu sent an envoy to ask the king for help." Gao Lishi looked respectful.

"Shu Kingdom...!" Han Yi suddenly turned his head, his body was aggressive, and he was secretly annoyed: "Why didn't the system give me any reminders here!"

"Ding, tell the host! The system reminded me, but the host didn't listen carefully at that time!"

"Did you remind me?"

"Wei Yan's attribute exploded..."

"Uh...!" The rows of black lines on Han Yi's head were so embarrassing.

"Let them come in!" Han Yi straightened his clothes and was about to leave with his sleeves up.

"Xuan Shu envoy!"

Outside the main hall, four people came, three big men and one little boy.

The leader is eight feet long, with a leopard head and ring eyes, a swallow's jaw and a tiger's beard, his voice is like thunder, his momentum is like a horse, his back is like a tiger, what a brave general he is.

The other man was tall and rough, with a white beard on his chin. It goes without saying that he was a veteran in the battlefield. Needless to say, his skin was thick and dark, his eyes were slender and often had a sickly yellow color, which made people want to look at him for a long time. Although the appearance is rough and heroic, the corners of his eyes are like eagle eyes, and his fingers and palms are slender and rougher than ordinary people. It can be seen that he often draws his long bow.

In this way, the little boy below is also fat and fat, with meat on his face, giving him a rich appearance, and an ordinary civil servant.

"Zhang Fei has met the king!"

"Huang Zhong has seen the king!"

"Zhang Song has met the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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