Chapter 703
"Ding, Lucun's second attribute activates, exempts all negative attributes, and returns this attribute to the enemy on the opposite side!"

"Ding, the current greedy wolf reduces the force value of the Mongolian war by three points, the current force value of the Mongolian war increases by 3, and the force value of the summoned tiger decreases by 109! The current force value of the summoned tiger is 105, and the force value of the Mongolian war is [-]!"

"Go!" Meng Zhan's eyes were blood red, he took the gun with one hand, and shot with his backhand.

The spear was like an arrow, and it came towards Zhaohu. Zhaohu looked at it and quickly raised the white tiger seven-star knife in his hand and flew away. When he came back to his senses, he saw Meng Zhan holding a gun in one hand, and three spear shadows appeared , Shooting all around Zhaohu's body.

"Ding ding ding...!"

After three moves in a row, Zhao Hu stepped back a few steps, the contemptuous Yan Shen disappeared, replaced by a dignified look, and glanced at Li Cunxiao from time to time, this guy is really amazing, he was able to cultivate this little monster .

Han Yi couldn't help but frown, could this little guy still perform miracles, and wanted to kill Zhaohu?
Li Cunxiao folded his arms around his chest, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and there was a look of joy in the corners of his eyes, how long has it been!This little guy has been learning his own tricks for at least half a year, but he has never been able to use his own tricks smoothly. If you use one sentence to describe it, this little guy's previous efforts are for the current accumulation, the experience on the battlefield, for He better digested the fruits he had accumulated in order to break through at this moment.

The current Meng Zhan barely squeezed into the ranks of the Titans, and there is still a long way to go before the Warriors.


When Li Cunxiao turned around, he saw Zhaohu's big sword in his hand, swinging Meng Zhan's spear with one stroke, he jumped a few steps, distanced himself from Meng Zhan, the treasured sword stood in front of him, stroked his chin, smiled slightly and said: "Boy, you are not simple. I didn't expect to have today's achievements. It seems that if I don't show some housekeeping skills, I won't be able to take you down!"

"Let the horse come here, if I can't even defeat you, how can I kill that bastard Wang Yanzhang!" Meng Zhan exhaled heavily, his whole spirit was not very good, and he was summoned to drag the knife and almost ended up in the end, now It must not be careless.

"Okay!" Zhao Hu leaned all over his body, holding a knife in his hand, and carefully moved a lot of Meng Zhan, moving his body from time to time.

"Ding! Call the Tiger and Greed the Wolf attribute is activated, when facing a general, the force value will be increased by 5, and the enemy's force value will be reduced by 2 points! And repeat the other person's skills once, and now repeat the Meng Lucun attribute!"

"Ding, the attributes of Mengzhan Lucun cannot be copied, and will be rebounded. The force value will be reduced by two, and the force value of each person will be increased by 3. The current force value is 112"

"Go!" Zhaohu counterattacked and slashed the remaining guns that were sent up and down.

"call out!"

The remnant gun turned into a light and shadow, and shot towards Meng Zhan. Meng Zhan hurriedly rolled three donkeys, so he missed the shot. Zhao Hu immediately slashed with his sword, landed in front of the horse, and chopped off with a single blow.

When Meng Zhan saw it, his expression changed, and he raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at it.


The spear on Meng Zhan's finger snapped off at the sound, Zhao Hu took a look, quickly withdrew his strength, and stepped back half a step, the White Tiger Seven Star Knife could be broken by blowing on it, but it only cut off a few hairs of Meng Zhan before it fell to the ground.

Zhaohu felt relieved when he saw it, and secretly shouted: It's okay, it's okay, less than twenty strokes, otherwise it's a small thing to be demoted to three ranks, and it's a big shame, a dignified general can't beat a child, then Are you kidding me?
Meng Zhan's face was not as relaxed as that of Zhao Hu's. He held a broken gun in each hand, staring at the weapon in his hand with disbelief, and muttered to himself: "Impossible! Impossible! How could this happen? ...!"

"I'm not convinced...!" Meng Zhan shouted loudly, with a flustered look on his face, he had waited so long for this opportunity, he couldn't just give up like this.

"Enough! You are not an opponent of General Zhaohu. If General Zhaohu hadn't shown mercy, you would be a dead man now!" Seeing Meng Zhan's appearance, Li Cunxiao was so angry that he lost no shame. , but it is unwise to be brave after losing. It is not terrible to lose, but the fear is that you cannot afford to lose.

Meng Zhan threw away the weapon in his finger, the morning light of the setting sun shone on his body, he looked blood red, full of fear, he and Meng Yan worked so hard for a chance, but he didn't grasp it.

In the distance, Han Jian stared at Meng Zhan calmly, and could see the scars on Meng Zhan's body from time to time, and couldn't help sighing: "In this generation, this guy is probably No.1!"

"Don't say that, Major General. The Major General's force may not be much weaker, so hurry up and come with me, and pay your respects to the old king." The eunuch on the side helped.

"Let's go!"

Han Yi flicked his sleeves and looked at Meng Zhan below. This guy has become a potential stock, and he may be the next Li Cunxiao in the future. Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Meng Zhan with a pair of tiger eyes. The wounds were scattered all over the place, including knife wounds, arrow wounds, etc... densely packed.

Han Yi sighed. He should have protected their prosperity and wealth, but now it seems that he thought too much. These two boys have more burdens than themselves, but now is not the time...

"My lord, I lost!" Meng Zhan bowed forward, and the hostility on his body was also reduced a lot.

Han Yi took off his clothes, walked towards Meng Zhan with his head down, spread it on Meng Zhan's body, and patted his shoulder: "It's cold, wear more!"

"Thank you... Your Majesty...!"

"Meng Zhan listens to the order!" Han Yi thought for a while, turned around and flicked his sleeves, and said calmly.

"The last general is here!" Meng Zhan didn't know why, but finally knelt down.

"You can go with Zhuge Liang on this trip, but there are only three conditions!" Han Yi said with a serious face.

"I can go! Your Majesty, don't say three, I will agree to ten!" Meng Zhan's face brightened, and he stood up, looking extremely excited.

"Don't worry, the first condition is that you will be a small soldier during this trip, and you will have no soldiers or generals!" Han Yi said calmly.

"Okay, I agree to this!" Meng Zhan was unusually straightforward.

"This is the second! You kid will kill me the heads of a hundred Qin soldiers, otherwise don't come to see me!"

"no problem!"

Han Yi stared at Meng Zhan, and said with a serious expression: "The third thing is that you are not allowed to fight with Wang Yanzhang...Bai Qi, do you understand?"

"Why Your Majesty!" The main purpose of Meng Zhan's trip is Wang Yanzhang, if he is not allowed to take revenge, what's the point of him going.

"This is necessary. You must not do this, do you understand?" Han Yi's words were unquestionable, word by word, and the momentum on his body was slowly suppressed.


(End of this chapter)

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