Chapter 704
Dugu Xin, who had been watching the play, didn't speak, but he had already figured it out in his heart. Han Yi wanted to train this little guy, and not let him deal with Wang Yanzhang, and also to protect Meng Zhan.

Immediately, Han Yi thought of something, and said half aloud: "Xing Tian! Xing Tian..."

"I'm here! What orders does your majesty have!" I saw a big man running away quickly, with some grass on his head.

The black line on Han Yi's head was more than a little bit, and he snorted coldly: "I let you work, but you are sleeping!"

"No way, the king's place is too safe, I have nothing to do, I'm so bored, I can only sleep!" Xing Tian rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Okay! You go with him on this trip, and if this little guy does something illegal, tie him back to me directly," Han Yi said flatly.

"Leave it to me!" Xing Tian patted his chest and smiled.

Li Cunxiao can clearly feel a dangerous aura on Xing Tian, ​​but with this guy around, he is not afraid of any danger from this little guy.

Xing Tian took a step forward, patted Meng Zhan and said, "Why is the little guy covered in bruises...!"

"Your Majesty is in trouble, Prime Minister Shen Buhai is in trouble, Your Majesty, go and have a look!" An old eunuch ran over in a panic and was almost tripped on the ground.

When Han Yi heard it, his whole body felt dizzy, and he shouted: "Quick! Come with me!"


In a hurry, Han Yi didn't panic. He stared at the front with a pair of tiger eyes, turning back and forth. The death of Shen Buhai was no longer a big threat to the court's actions, but this guy was a veteran of the three dynasties after all. The influence of the court is not a star, the most important thing to do now is to be sympathetic to the veterans, so as not to chill people's hearts.

Of course, Han Yi also has admiration for Shen Buhai. Han Yi succeeded to the throne and got the support of Shen Buhai, which suppressed most of the people. It can be seen that Shen Buhai's high moral character is comparable to Zhou Gongdan.

In the Shen mansion, in the sick bed.

Shen Buhui's whole body became thinner and thinner, and his expression changed slightly, obviously he was waiting for the last person.

"The king is here!"

With a loud cry, Shen Buhai, who was still dazed before, regained his energy in an instant, and stretched out his hand.

"What's wrong with father!" The son, who was originally dissatisfied, didn't dare to be too presumptuous after Han Yi arrived, and pretended to be respectful.

"Help me...I...get up...!" Shen Buhai said with difficulty.

"Shen Xiang... Shen Xiang...!" Han Yi's face was flustered, he didn't even care to take off his shoes, and rushed directly, the first thing he saw was the terminally ill Shen Buhai.

"Your Majesty...the old minister waiting for you!" Shen Buhui raised his hand, wanting to touch Han Yi.

Han Yi grabbed his hand and said calmly, "Master Shen, you have a good rest, come and find Bian Que and Zhang Zhongjing, hurry up."

"Where is Your Majesty and Weichen here?" Bian Que and Zhang Zhongjing asked awkwardly as they stood aside.

"Quick! Come and have a look!" When Han Yi saw the two of them coming, he was so angry that he came as soon as he came. Why did he just come here to see a doctor?

"Your Majesty! It's not that I'm waiting to die, but that Prime Minister Shen is already terminally ill, and we are powerless to recover!" Bian Que was also extremely helpless, with an ashamed expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be in vain... Bai... I've been bothering you, old minister... cough cough... cough cough... I'm afraid it won't work anymore!" Blood, said helplessly.


"Your Majesty... don't interrupt this minister's... words! I'm afraid I'm going to die, what's next! Please listen carefully, Your Majesty!" Shen Buhai seemed to be returning to the light, and his speech was more than before. It's one and a half stars.

"Shin-sang, you said...!"

At this moment, everyone was quiet, and even their breathing became much lighter.

"First...cough cough... Your Majesty is in the Central Plains. No matter what food and grass is here! The manpower is far from comparable to other lands, and other countries must be coveted......cough cough... Your Majesty should make plans early and be careful about the cooperation of all countries. As a vertical strategy, Your Majesty should have made...preparations early!" Shen Buhai felt that his strength was exhausted when he said this, and his expression was serious, but he also seemed helpless.

"I know!" Han Yi said with a serious expression.
"The second one is the great king...cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough!" Before Shen Buhai finished speaking, the man coughed violently.


"The second... is... the seat of the Great King's harem, which has been empty all the time. Although Concubine Wei is still alive, she cannot handle internal affairs. Only by organizing the family and governing the country can... the world be peaceful!"

If this remark was made by other people, I'm afraid his head would have dropped more than three times, but from Shen Buhai's mouth, it was impossible.

"I know!" Han Yi was helpless. He had been laying the groundwork for the two things Shen Buhai said, but it was really troublesome.

"The third thing is the last thing. I see that the king is doing something to recuperate, and I also hope that the king will put... the world as the most important thing! First destroy the small country, and eat the king. In less than half a year... the world... will definitely be able to ...Peace down!" After Shen Buhai finished speaking, his whole body was exhausted, or it could be said to be relieved.
"I know!" Han Yi's eyes turned red, trying not to let the tears fall, how many years, since Meng Yuan's death, Han Yi has not shed tears, but now...

Seeing Han Yi's appearance, Shen Buhui couldn't help but burst into tears, and said with emotion: "This be able to meet the king.....I will not waste this life...!"


"Your Majesty... Take care...!" After Shen Buhai finished speaking, his breath became weaker and weaker, and finally his arms fell on the bed, his eyes were filled with wisdom beyond the past.

"Father ... ah ... ah ... ah ...!" The moment Shen didn't go away, a mourning in the house sounded.

Han Yi looked at Shen Buhai below, with a flat expression, waved his sleeves, and smiled with half his sleeves: "The order of the orphan! With the ceremony of a prince, bury Shen Xiang, the emperor summoned him, and sealed him as a loyal marquis. My descendants of the Han family, except those guarding the territory, who will be mended after returning, all the others, ranging from 50-year-olds to three-year-old yellow-mouthed children, all come here, Han Feizi...Wang Meng...Xun Yu...Li Si carried the coffin!"

"Sixiang carried the coffin, this..." Everyone was shocked, such a large-scale effort was truly unprecedented.

Han Yi was silent for a while, and said randomly: "Ranked at the top of Yan Yuan Pavilion!"

(End of this chapter)

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