Warring States Call

Chapter 706 Wheel Battle

Chapter 706 Wheel Battle

Huang Zhong stroked his beard, and said with concern on his face: "With our 3 horses, it is already very difficult to hold them back, and we don't have cavalry in hand, and the speed of movement is also restricted. Elite soldiers and horses, if you want to deal with them, it may not be that simple!"

"So I'm going to attack with all my troops this time. All our soldiers and horses combined are only [-], and the cavalry is only [-]. I need a good general to lead the troops and charge away!" Zhuge Liang looked serious, and the cavalry was on the battlefield. A great weapon for him, but he doesn't have much in his hands! "

"Can you leave it to me?" Zhao Zilong walked over with a long spear in his hand within a few steps.

"Who are you?" Huang Zhong saw that this young general was so young, and couldn't help feeling suspicious. The two main generals are talking here, and you are a young general, what are you talking about here.

"I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan!" Zhao Yun directly reported his family name, the silver gun in his hand was shining coldly under the sunlight, and there was a witty look in the corner of his eyes.

"So it's Bai Ma Yi from General Zhao, disrespectful and disrespectful!" Zhuge Liang saluted first, he had heard of this guy's name before, so he couldn't be too negligent, but Zhuge Liang was more concerned about how many cavalry this guy brought, and hurriedly He stepped forward and said, "General Zhao! How many cavalry did you bring over this time!"

"No more, no less! Ten!" Zhao Yun didn't change his face, his body was almost buried by the rain and snow, and there was a heroic spirit in the corner of his eyes.

"Ten people! General Zhao is joking with me, the enemy has a total of 15 troops, this is... General!" Huang Zhong's beard was shaking up and down, and he joked that ten cavalrymen would be of no use.

"General Zhao, you can be sure, I will give you all the cavalry, you can be sure!" Zhuge Liang looked serious, although he used troops to seek stability, but the current situation is still under his control.

Zhao Yun glanced back and found the scattered cavalry around, then he turned his head and said: "The effect of this trip is to be unexpected. The Wang family and his son must be working hard to attack the city. I can burn their food and grass. When it comes to Wang Yanzhang, this plan may not work!"

"The little general must have exaggerated what Wang Yanzhang said. With the longbow in the old man's hand, let alone Wang Yanzhang, even the ancient queen Yi, I can kill the old man! I will shoot as many old men as come, Zhao Don't worry, general, just leave this Wang Yanzhang to the old man, and I will go and capture him!" Huang Zhong shook the hat on his helmet, sweeping the snow all over the ground, and he was confident that he must do it, Huang Zhong is not right now. He looks old and is in his prime, so he has the capital to boast about it.

"Okay! With the words of the old general, I will not be afraid. Someone will pass on the order, pack up your bags, and get ready to go!" Zhuge Liang looked calm, swaying the feather fan in his hand casually, and said with a smile: "This snow is like a snowstorm." Without enough food and grass, how can they survive this winter!"

Zhuge Liang is also right. If Wang Jian’s food and grass are burned during this trip, Wang Jian will not ask Yingzheng for food and grass, and he will not retreat. He will only attack frantically until the Jiange is taken. Enough for them to survive this winter, Zhuge Liang will be able to fish in troubled waters at that time, at least do things, don't have to be so deliberate, Wang Jian and Shu will naturally fight to the death.

"set off!"

The terrain of the entire Jiange was dangerous, and Wang Jian looked serious. Below were his two sons, Wang Yanzhang and Wang Ben. Naturally, Wang Ben saw the worry in Wang Jian's eyes, and hurried forward and said, "Father, what are you worried about?"

Holding the sword in his hand, Wang Jian rode a war horse, took a look, and said with embarrassment: "Look at this city, the city is high and dangerous, and the corners of the city are connected with each other. There is only one soldier on both sides. Everyone is in good spirits, this city may not be easy to win!"

"Father asked me to lead the army to attack by force. If I don't come out in March, I will definitely take it down for you..." Wang Yanzhang held the big gun in his hand, with a serious expression, as if he had a big gun in his hand, and I have it in the world!
Wang Jian immediately smiled and said, "If this battle is really going to be won, I'm afraid there won't be enough wood in Yiling!"

"This...!" Wang Yanzhang and Wang Ben were not stupid, so they naturally knew why.

Wang Jian stroked his beard, his face was calm, and he stared forward: "Your Majesty doesn't give me much time, and we still have to focus on winning, so this city must be taken down! And it must be fast!"

"There is no water source around here, and we have nothing to use geography here. If we want to take down this Jiange, there is really no other way except for military strength and frontal suppression!" Wang Ben's face was embarrassed.

"Who is the guard in the city?"

"Chen Dao and Zhang Ren!"

"How many soldiers and horses do they have!"

"Front and back, [-] soldiers, large and small!"

"How's the relationship between the two of them!"

"The two are on the same side as Liu Bei's left and right arms, and they have a good relationship, and both of them are good at leading troops in battle. Chen Dao is humble and takes care of the overall situation!" Wang Ben didn't say a word, and Wang Jian's face became an inch of embarrassment. It is indeed very difficult to fight.

Pressing the sword in his hand, Wang Jian also burst into sweat, his face changed, and he snorted coldly: "I will give you an order...to send troops! Siege the city!"

"Father, we...!" Wang Ben worried.

"Wang Yanzhang stepped forward to listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead 5 horses and attack head-on. You can't return to the camp until sunset!" Wang Jian said since he made up his mind and didn't want to change it.

"The last general takes orders!"

"Where is Wang Ben!"

"The end is here!" Wang Ben said beside him.

"I will give you 5 horses. After Wang Yanzhang retreats, you will continue to attack the city. You can't retreat until sunrise. Now lead the troops back to rest!" Wang Jian looked serious. Since he couldn't outwit him, he could only attack by force.

"Tomorrow morning, the old man will replace you, and then Wang Yanzhang will be on top, and Wang Ben will be on top after Wang Yanzhang is on top, until I capture the city!" Wang Jian turned his horse's head and went back after Wang Jian finished speaking. A battle of 5 people won't work if there are too many people. In this case, it's better to fight with them in a round-robin battle to consume their energy. It won't be a problem to win them when the time comes.

"Decree!" Wang Yanzhang picked up his horse and came up, carrying his iron spear, and said coldly: "Soldiers, it's time to make meritorious deeds, kill me...!"

"Kill...kill...kill...!" Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and greeted the city.


"It's not good, the Qin soldiers are attacking the city, gather quickly... Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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