Chapter 707
Zhang Ren and Chen Dao hurried up the city wall, and there were indeed Qin soldiers under the city. The terrain of this sword pavilion was completely different from the others, because this place was like a sword inserted upside down, and the place where the city was built was the place where the sword armor was built. Therefore, the edge of the city is a mountain on one side, and the cliff on the other side. As the saying goes, one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it, which is what is being said.

Zhang Ren and Chen Dao looked at this and said solemnly: "We don't have many soldiers and horses in our hands, and Qin soldiers have three times as many troops as us, and there are Qin generals Wang Jian in command, so we can only stick to it." Get out!"

"But even this is not a long-term solution. If Wang Jianru doesn't retreat for a long time, won't we be trapped here to death!" Zhang Ren looked serious, this matter can be big or small, if they really sit here waiting to die , I'm afraid I'm also upset.

Zhang Ren looked calm: "This pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if Wang Jian captures it, he will suffer heavy losses. All we have to do is guard this place."

"Hey! It seems like this is the only way to go!" Chen Dao sighed, holding a long gun in his hand, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

Wang Yanzhang was carrying a big gun below, with the cold wind blowing on his cheeks, he said calmly: "Soldiers! Charge with me!"


More than 5 soldiers and horses swarmed up, and there were a full 8 horses in this city, Zhang Ren's face showed a tangled look.

When Chen Dao saw Zhang Ren like this, he immediately understood what was going on, walked up to Zhang Ren, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't think about it, these Qin soldiers are all elite soldiers. Wang Yanzhang is even more courageous, the terrain of the Jiange is dangerous, if we fight against them in the field, the soldiers and horses we can use will definitely be restricted, and Wang Jian will come back at that time, if we want to defend, it will not be that simple!"

"Fire arrows within three hundred steps!" Zhang Ren seemed to have made a decision, and with a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were all dispatched.

"Five hundred steps...!"

"380 steps...!"

"Three hundred steps...!"

"Fire the arrows!" Zhang Ren yelled, and the soldiers under the city wall raised their longbows and pointed downwards.


Wang Yanzhang took a look at the post and snorted coldly: "Damn it, everyone listen, reflect back to me, the shield hand continues to move forward, and the rear army has 3000 people, but whoever returns this sword, no matter who it is kill!

"Dang!" Wang Yanzhang threw the long sword in his hand, hit it on the ground, turned over and got off the horse, shouldering the big gun in his hand, staring at the front with tiger eyes: "Kill!"

After Chen arrived, Zhang Ren and Zhang Ren shot down with their bows and arrows. Zhang Ren seemed to think of something at random, and shouted: "Everyone heard clearly, if you shoot and kill an enemy general, ten bounty cakes, one pot Good wine, a catty of meat!"




With the encouragement of Zhang Ren and others, Wang Yanzhang and other generals wearing different-colored uniforms instantly became the focus of the audience. They were either shot or crushed to death.

"Hoo!" The long sword pierced the wind, and there was a gust of wind in Wang Yanzhang's ears. Wang Yanzhang narrowed his eyes, picked up the shield on the ground with his backhand, and blocked it in front of him.


A solid arrow almost hit Wang Yanzhang. Wang Yanzhang stared at the front with a pair of tiger eyes, his body was serious, and he shouted: "Attack!"


"Kill...!" Dozens of people climbed the ladder and almost attacked, but they were pushed down by the partition and smashed to pieces.

After killing for a long time, the sunset was like blood, Wang Yanzhang sat down on the stone with his exhausted body, and wiped the blood off his face.

"What's the situation!" Wang Jian walked over with the sword in his hand.

"General Qi, the battle situation is not very good. Our army has been unable to attack for a long time, and thousands of people have been killed or injured. General Wang Yanzhang suffered five wounds!" The guard below said worriedly.

Wang Jian rubbed his fist, pressed the sword in his hand, nodded randomly, turned his eagle eyes back and forth for a while, and said to Wang Ben behind him, "Do things according to the plan!"


Wang Ben received the general order from the side and touched it, with a pair of eyebrows and a smile, looking so cold.

On a corner of the city wall, Zhang Ren came over with a tired body, "Fill all the water tanks in the Jiange within three days, so as not to poison the enemy, and keep an eye on Wang Jian's movements!"


"woo woo woo woo"

"It's not good, General! The Qin soldiers are attacking again!"

"What...!" Zhang Ren quickly climbed up the city wall, and the first thing he saw was Chen Dao directing the battle here!He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Who is the commanding officer?"

"It's Wang Jian's son Wang Ben!"

"Bastard..." Zhang Ren cursed secretly. If it goes on like this, it will be difficult for them to hold on. After all, Wang Jian and the others wait for work with leisure and fight with wheels. If things go on like this, they really can't stand it!
Chen Dao looked at Zhang Ren: "You and I should be divided into two teams. You are in the daytime and I am in the night. You go down to rest first, divide the 8 people into two teams, and you will replace me in the daytime!"

"we can only do this!"

Wang Ben stared at the top, with a hint of a smile in the corner of his eyes: "It's enough to pass my order to bluff, and order the shield hand to beat below. After the enemy is exhausted, send troops quickly to consume their strength!"


"Kill...!" Only the loud shouts of killing could be heard outside, but there was still no one in sight.

Chen Dao raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Come on! Bring your bow!"


Chen Dao picked up the long arrow, lit a fire in front of the brazier, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and snorted coldly for a while: "Zhong...!"

"call out!"

The rocket pierced the sky, like a phoenix that started a prairie fire, emitting a glimmer of light in the dark night.

Chen Dao's complexion changed, there was almost no one around, or even no one could be seen at all, Chen Dao couldn't believe it, took three rockets and shot them around, but they could only shoot in pieces. see some.

Chen Dao frowned, his whole body changed slightly, and said half aloud: "Give me an order, four people in a group, three people rest once, one person changes, if the enemy soldiers attack, all get up for me!"


The corner of Wang Ben's mouth rose slightly, and then he smiled and said: "Give me an order, the whole army will march in silence, and those who dare to speak out will be dealt with by military law!"


The whole night was silent, and Chen Dao couldn't sleep alone, his tiger eyes stared at the front firmly. The sound was so quiet, it was so quiet that it made people feel terrible, and at this moment, everything around him was gone. The voice said that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Chen Dao directly kicked the stupid soldier below to wake him up, and said seriously: "Don't sleep, brat, tell them to wake up, and be vigilant to me!"


(End of this chapter)

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