Warring States Call

Chapter 822 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 822 Remaining life after catastrophe
In the dark night, Zhao Kuo walked towards the city wall, looked at the tired soldiers who were leaning against the city wall and fell asleep, and looked at a soldier who was staring at the front with wide eyes, and said forward: "Why don't you sleep!"

"There must be a stare here! General!" The soldier yawned, but he persisted, his eyes fixed on the front.

"En!" Zhao Kuo nodded, spreading his hands on the city wall, leaning forward, staring at the front with tiger eyes, and coldly snorted: "Come on!"

The second day... the tenth day, it should have been a place of wind and clear skies, but no one here appreciates the tranquility, and the chilling atmosphere on the battlefield has long since spread everywhere.

Wei Changlin looked forward and snorted coldly: "Zuo Baike! Where are your ears?"

"What orders does the general have!" Two burly men came forward on their horses from behind, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Both of you lead 3 people each! Go and take this place for me!" Wei Changlin was obviously getting impatient, and was about to attack with an army. This stone city is only that big, and they fought for ten days until now. If he didn't beat him down, Huerji became more and more harsh on him. If he couldn't beat him down, I'm afraid his own head would have to be confessed here.

And there are only so few people in this city, 6 people are more than enough to deal with them.

"Decree!" The two big men held their weapons and urged their horses to kill.

And today's Stone City is not very optimistic, the surrounding walls are more or less lost, the Rolling Stone Leimu has almost used it under the offensive a few days ago, and the arrows have also been used almost the same, since the Hu people below know Zhao Kuo picked up the arrows they had used, and stopped shooting arrows, and started attacking the city one by one, causing them to use more and more arrows.

The water source and food and grass in the city are both problems, and they are all starting to be exhausted. If this continues, Zhao Kuo really can't hold on.

"General, we are out of arrows!" a soldier said exhaustedly.

"General, we don't have enough rolling stones and lightning wood!" Zhao Kuang led the soldiers behind him, dragging wood and stones up, with a tired face.

"We're demolishing houses! Let's say they're done! I'll build them!" Zhao Kuo's eyes were bloodshot. He hadn't closed his eyes for three days. Wei Changlin was also ruthless. He had been attacking the city for the past few nights, but he was forced to Zhao Kuo blocked it back.

"The general is useless! The people's houses have been demolished, and now they are all living in indecision!" Zhao Kuang said helplessly, even they felt that there was no hope, this battle was really impossible to fight.

"Cough cough... cough cough!" Zhao Kuo covered his hands and coughed violently, staring at the front with tiger eyes, and then said: "Quick! Remove the inner wall, and block them no matter what! "

"Demolish the city wall?" Zhao Kuo was taken aback, looking at Zhao Kuo, he felt that he was going crazy.

"Yes! Like this!" Zhao Kuo picked up the blade in his hand and chopped it down. A stone the size of a human head was chopped off by him.

"No!" Zhao Kuang hesitated for a while, but now they have no other choice.

"Boom... bang...!" Stones fell one after another, smashing the soldiers below to pieces.

"Ah! Warriors on the prairie, charge me! Changshengtian will bless you," Wei Changlin said with an embarrassed face.

"General Weichanglin! My respected master, Huerji Shanyu, asked me to ask you how long it will take to take down this city!" A man dressed in white fox looked at Weichanglin with questioning eyes.

"Lord Li Nuo! Please tell Shan Yu that I will definitely take down the city before dark!" Wei Changlin said affirmatively.

"Okay!" Li Nuo nodded, and walked back with the soldiers behind him.

Huerji stared at the front in embarrassment, and said with an uneasy expression: "How is it! What does this guy say!"

"Report to Master! Wei Changlin said that before dark, we will definitely take it!" Li Nuo said from the side, and glanced at Hutu, who had a gloating expression on his face.

Only then did Huerji's face soften, and he looked at Hutu from time to time, bragging a few days ago, and slapping his face these days.

"Crack...Boom!" The last usable stone was thrown down, and the soldiers below were dead!hurt hurt.

"General! We have...!" Zhao Kuang hesitated to speak.

Zhao Kuo glanced at the endless stream of soldiers below, hesitantly, pulled out the sword in his arms, and then said: "Pass my order! Gather below!"

"No!" Zhao Kuang replied, and then ran to the rear.

Zhao Kuo took out the jade pendant in his arms, it was a green tiger jade, Zhao Kuo hung it on a flagpole, and then said with a bleak smile: "The general will inevitably die before the battle! Mother! Father! Son... ...!"

When Zhao Kuo said this, he remained silent for a long time, shook his tattered battle robe and cloak, and walked down. When he went down, rows of soldiers were holding their weapons, and some had white cloth scarves wrapped around their heads. , Some are on the arms, some are on the neck, all kinds of people are exhausted, and there are only a thousand scattered people.

"Report to General! The whole army has 52 and [-] people here. Hundreds of serious wounds have been removed and the others are already here!" Wearing a bandage, he was clearly ready to die.

Zhao Kuo pulled out the sword in his arms with one hand, and held a shield in the other hand. He looked at the soldiers below him, and before he could wipe off the blood on his face, he calmly said, "Soldiers... ...to protect the family...to defend the country!"

Zhao Kuo had been brewing for a long time and had prepared a lot of impassioned words, but none of them were as good as these seven words.

"Defend the family and defend the country... Defend the family and defend the country! ......!"

"It's not good to report! It's not good!" Seeing dozens of exhausted soldiers, riding their own horses, running and crawling, they looked embarrassed.

Huerji looked at the soldiers in distress, and immediately fought. Based on his understanding of these soldiers, something must have happened, and then said: "Wolf boy, what happened!"

"Your Majesty! Temujin... Temujin attacked our tribe and building... trouble...!" Before the soldier could finish speaking, he fell down.

"What!" Huerji lowered his voice, but Hutu was not so calm, and hurriedly said: "I need to go back to my tribe immediately, farewell!"

Hutu didn't even give Huerji a chance to react, and greeted the soldiers behind him directly, his face was full of anxiety, and he was secretly annoyed that he shouldn't have sent troops with him.

Huerji hurriedly said: "Quick! Go back!"

"Woo... woo... woo!"

"Why are you withdrawing again! They are about to be shot down!" Hearing the sound of the horn behind him, Wei Changlin was so angry that he even threw down his whip, and then said helplessly, "Withdraw!"

(End of this chapter)

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