Chapter 823
Zhao Kuo, who was gaining momentum in the city, held the sword and shield in his hand, and was ready to fight the enemy desperately as soon as the city wall was broken.

However, they waited for a long time, but there was no movement outside. Zhao Kuo looked vigilant, but as time passed, he found that the movement outside became smaller and smaller, and then said: "Zhao Kuang! Go up the city wall to see what's going on outside! "

"Decree!" Zhao Kuang also hesitated for a while, holding the weapon in his hand, he climbed up the city wall vigilantly. He was cautious at first, but when he looked up, he found that the battlefield was endless, and there was not even a shadow of a person. , just looked around, and found that there was not even a barbarian left. Adding to the dusty team in front of him, he looked surprised and said: "Withdraw! The barbarians have withdrawn...they have retreated!"

"Withdraw!" Zhao Kuo's face was surprised when he heard it, and then he climbed up the city wall. Withdraw! We won!"

"I won... I won!"

Excited, able to survive, everyone was extremely excited. Zhao Kuo stared forward, sitting on the city wall, leaning on the ruins around him, looking into the distance, and laughed wantonly.

From today onwards, Zhao Kuo will be famous forever and become a famous general in the world. With 1 people, he resisted 15 enemies. Some people even made Zhao Kuo a myth, saying that he repelled 15 people. No matter how you say it It is an indisputable fact that Zhao Kuo is famous all over the world, and Zhao Guo also has one more "famous general!"

"!" Hutu led the 5 people behind him and split into two groups with Huerji soldiers. At this time, they were both concerned about their own life and death. The soldiers were divided into two groups, separated by tens of miles.

Hutu picked up a water bottle and drank it with his head raised, looked at the soldiers behind him and snorted coldly: "How long will it take to get back!"

"Master! There are still three days away from the tribe! We...!" A general came up behind him on a horse, holding a mace in his hand. This is not to say that they are not masculine, but that they have no extra resources in their hands. If they don't even have a home, they will become wolves wandering in the wilderness, homeless, and their souls will be abandoned by Changshengtian.

"Bastard! Speed ​​up the horse! You must go back within a day. This damned Huerji, there is nothing wrong with the autumn wind. Changshengtian will definitely punish him. Even wolves don't want to eat his corpse!" Hutu cursed. .

"Hey! Hutu Shanyu has been waiting for you for a long time!" Tens of thousands of people were on their way, but suddenly there was a call on the mountain pass. Hutu quickly stopped his horse, looked up at the man who was going up, and saw that he was wearing Wearing a red fox fur coat, he is tall and riding a war horse. He is staring at the ten thousand people who have been dispatched with a serious expression. There are only a hundred or ten followers behind him. From the looks of it, this guy must be prepared.

Hutu is like a lamb, facing this toothless wolf cub, he has nothing to do, because his throat is tightly bitten by the wolf cub's she-wolf.

"Who is here!" Huyou said with embarrassment, his colleague waved his hand, making the soldiers behind him vigilant, and if something went wrong, they would go straight up.

"I am Khan Boer Jijin, Temujin's eldest son, Jochi! I came here today to discuss the alliance with you!" Jochi pressed the scimitar in his hand, and urged the horse under his crotch, He went up with the entourage behind him.

"Who am I! So it's you, a wolf bastard!" Hutu was so angry in his heart, he deliberately bit the word bastard very hard.

When Jochi heard this, his complexion turned ugly. He looked at Hutu and suppressed his anger. Because his mother was robbed once, he was pregnant with him when he came back, so he has been suspected by others, isn't it? Temujin's son, for this reason, Okuotai and Chagatai made a lot of excuses, but today's matter is of great importance. He can only endure the fire, and with the soldiers behind him , I'm afraid I can't beat this dog.

"My respected Hutu Shanyu, I came this time out of friendship and sincerity, please don't misunderstand! The Changshengtian on the grassland can testify for us, please don't misunderstand!" Shuchi said calmly.

"Oh! Sincerity! Could it be that you are sneaking into my tribe? This is your sincerity. You white-eyed wolves, get ready to bear Huerji's wrath!" Hutu's face was serious. If his eyes could kill, I'm afraid it's now There was not even ashes left in Jochi.

"Respected Mr. Hutu, please don't worry. You must know better than us what Huerji looks like. He is a wolf without a brain. He has nothing but a bigger body. He can give Your father can give it to you. This time, my father promises that as long as you and I cooperate to annex Linhu together, my father will be on an equal footing with you. You can choose Linhu’s grassland as you like." Shuchi smiled slightly Dao, the smile is so cold.

Suddenly, the original anger calmed down at this moment. This condition is very attractive. You must know that they have to hand over a large amount of cattle, sheep and war horses to Lin Hu every year, but now...

quite a while
"Why should I trust you? Your credibility is like white-eyed wolves. If you don't pay attention, we will be bitten back!" Hutu said with an embarrassed face, obviously not trusting this guy.

"Hahahaha! Hutu Shanyu's worries are correct. How about this? In order to show the sincerity of our clan, we are willing to return your cattle and sheep to you. After Lin Hu is eliminated, we will return those women and children to you. How about Shan Yu!" Jo Chi sneered, joking that these women and children were their capital to control them.

"!" Hutu's face was embarrassing, and the soldiers behind were ready to rush up and tear Jochi to pieces.

"Hutu Shanyu, you have to think clearly. If we lose this battle, you will lose these things. In order to quickly restore the population, Lin Hu will definitely let you turn in more women, cattle and sheep. By then Your life is even more difficult than it is now, you are all victims anyway, why not be the master yourself?" Jochi looked at the beating Hutu, and added fuel to his fire.

Lin Hu's notoriety has long been spread here, their strength is deteriorating, and his father, Genghis Khan, will inevitably replace them, this is the general trend.

(End of this chapter)

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