Warring States Call

Chapter 827 Are You Okay?

Chapter 827 Are You Okay?
Genghis Khan yelled twice, and the frowning expression disappeared without a trace. He stared at the front for a while and said, "Pass my order, all men over 12 years old in our clan, each with a carved bow and a long spear. Spear, follow me to Wolf Fang Valley, this battle will decide the life and death of our clan, no one should neglect!"


"Where is Yelu Chucai!" Genghis Khan walked towards the table, with a big appetite, he tore off a leg of lamb and began to bite.

"Does my respected master have any orders?" Yelu Chucai stepped forward and asked.

"You tell me all the tribes who are attached to Linhu, that the era of Linhu has passed, and those who are willing to take refuge in me, I, Temujin, will regard them as brothers, come to my tent, and I will be with them Discuss the division of pastures, and I won’t force those who don’t want to join me!” Temujin casually ate a few mouthfuls of lamb leg, then threw him on the table, rubbing the sheep fat on his clothes Wiping it, he took down his scimitar with his backhand.

"Master! Lin Hu hasn't been taken down yet, are we too anxious to do this!" Yelu Chucai worried.

"Hurji, a selfish idiot, is stupid in the face of the enemy, but he will be even more stupid in the face of life and death. He is like a lost lamb. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape the claws of the hungry wolf. Genghis Khan squeezed the scimitar on his waist, patted Yelu Chucai on the shoulder, and then walked straight ahead.

At night on the grassland, the stars in the sky are extraordinarily bright, but too many people can't sleep at night. Without Wei Changlin's leadership, Lin Hu's casualties in one day have reached 2000. Among them, the injured are the main ones. The dead are only a little over [-] people, but the rest are more or less injured. In addition to the cold weather, I am afraid that thousands of people will be taken away this night. human life.

There is no food or water source, except for thousands of cattle and sheep, there are archers on it, as long as they dare to start a fire, they will shoot ten thousand arrows, and they dare not even get close to the flame.

All that's left are these cattle and sheep, but what's the use of them?Some were forced to slit the throats of the sheep, drank their blood and ate their meat raw, but even so, tens of thousands of people would eat the thousands of cattle and sheep in one day It's almost the same. When you wake up the next morning, there is not even wool left except bones. It can be seen that people are pushed, otherwise you will never know what you will do.

However, there are often too many problems with raw meat. Before midnight, some people have diarrhea, and the whole valley is simply... horrible.

the next morning

Tuo Lei drank a glass of goat milk, and took a few soldiers behind him to see the situation below, but the next second, Tuo Lei spit out the goat milk he had just swallowed in his mouth. They all hugged each other tightly, there were sheep bones and cow bones everywhere, there was some blood on the ground, and there was a strange smell in the air. This was just one day.

"What's wrong with the general...!"

"I have to admire! The vitality of these Linhu people is really tenacious. They are so hungry, you said that they will not eat the corpses of their compatriots in the future!" Tuo Lei turned and glanced at the general behind him and soldiers.

Several of the soldiers took a look, and eventually they all remained silent.

"Hey! Listen to Linhu below, whoever is willing to contribute Huerji's head, my father will give him a big pasture! There are dozens of beauties!" Tuolei sneered , as long as Huerji is dead, Lin Hu will be much easier to deal with.

"Wolf cub... bastard!" Huerji, who had just woken up, sneezed, wrapped his fur tightly, and cursed inwardly. Braving the flames of hope, he immediately said: "What do you want to do...ah!"

These soldiers turned their heads this time and lowered their heads helplessly, but this kind of spark had already planted roots in their hearts, and the last fuse was short of it.

Wolf Fang Valley
"Report to the general! Khan has led 3 horses to come, please go to meet the general!"

"3 horses! When did father have so many soldiers and horses? Could it be that Brother Jochi has persuaded Hutu?" Tuo Lei murmured. 2, Chagatai still has 1 in his hands, and the rest is [-] horses in the hands of Genghis Khan.

"Let's go! Come with me to meet father!" Tuo Lei didn't dare to neglect when he heard that Genghis Khan was coming, he greeted the soldiers behind him and went.

Tuo Lei saw Genghis Khan riding tens of thousands of men and horses coming from a long distance. The mighty army came like ten thousand horses galloping. Tuo Lei was relieved, at least his mission had been achieved.

"Tuo Lei met his father!"

"Okay! Tuo Lei has made great contributions to our grassland this time, you are a hero on our grassland! Genghis Khan quickly subdued Tuo Lei, his eyes were full of admiration, his son is amazing.

Tuo Lei was also patted on the head by Genghis Khan, but he was not dazzled by the victory in front of him, and quickly said: "Although Father Lin Hu has been trapped here, their morale has not been broken. What are we going to do?" Deal with it!"

Upon hearing this, Genghis Khan randomly looked at Yelu Chucai behind him: "Let's go and have a look!"


"All the soldiers behind follow!" Tuolei called to the soldiers behind him, he suddenly found that these soldiers were all familiar faces, pulled the youngest soldier and said: "What's going on! You are not at home to herd the sheep and run away What are you doing here! Hanerzu!"

"The Khan said it! All the boys above the age of 12 came with the Khan. Now there is no one in the whole tribe except women and dolls!" Han'erzu said helplessly.

"Crazy! Father, is this crazy! If there is a fight, I'm afraid it will be...!" There was a look of worry in Tuo Lei's eyes. If such a war really broke out, their tribe might be killed. There will be no offspring.

Genghis Khan and Yelu Chucai came to Langya Valley and stared down, then said, "Where is Huerji!"

"Report to Khan! It's in that circle, and it hasn't come out until now!"

"Oh! Could this invincible guy actually be a shrinking turtle?" Genghis Khan was surprised, with a slight smile on his lips. This smile seemed to be mocking and excited.

"Hey! Huerji, my old friend! How are you... Ah!" Genghis Khan called from the Valley of the Wolf Fang.

(End of this chapter)

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