Chapter 828
"Temujin, you bastard!" There was a burst of complaints in the circle, and then Huerji raised his head with a shield on his head, carefully observing the movement above.

Genghis Khan glanced at Huerji, who was as timid as a mouse, and said with a smile: "There is a saying in the grassland that a proud wolf becomes a dog, and can only be reduced to the food of others!"

"What is this! I haven't heard of it! Temujin, you are a liar!" Huerji cursed from below.

"Of course! You haven't heard of it! Because I said this sentence!" Genghis Khan's words were like a piece of steel, ruthlessly piercing into the hearts of everyone.

Tuo Lei and Yelu Chucai looked at Genghis Khan very delicately. At this moment, Genghis Khan's arrogance was fully on display, and a pair of eagle eyes fixed on Huerji.

"!" Huerji was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Genghis Khan looked at the soldiers around him and snorted coldly: "Those who are willing to surrender, I will let the past go, and return your women, cattle and sheep. The first 1 people who surrender will be rewarded with three scrolls of cloth, but we will marry women who agree with us. Those who are willing to surrender, I will not force you, I will kill you on the spot!"

"Kill on the spot... kill on the spot... kill on the spot...!" The soldiers above shouted these four words, and the barbarians below came to mind one by one.

Yelu Chucai looked at Genghis Khan from behind, and then smiled and said, "My respected master, I have a plan to take them down without a single soldier!"

"Oh...!" Genghis Khan glanced at Yelu Chucai, and then said, "Tell me!"

"I heard people say that Huerji's favorite food is roasted lamb. We can roast a portion and then...!" Yelu Chucai said slowly.

Upon hearing this, Genghis Khan laughed and said, "Okay! Go and roast a lamb...quick"

"If father is preparing [-] roasted sheep, I'm afraid the effect will be better!" Tuo Lei stepped forward and said.


Tuo Lei told the whole story of what happened last night, but if the soldiers who take refuge in them have mutton, it is probably better than anything else, and the lethality to them will also be greatly increased.

"Okay! Just do it according to your request!" Genghis Khan nodded and praised.

Noon gradually rose, and all the soldiers below were very hungry. In addition to last night's turmoil, all of them were in vain. If Genghis Khan went up now, they might not even have the strength to resist.

"It smells so good! It smells like roasted lamb!" A young soldier held the spear in his hand and pouted, and beside him was a vigorous middle-aged man, looking at the hungry and dirty boy, he slapped him My little head: "What do you think about in broad daylight?"

"No! It really smells like roasted lamb! The young soldier quickly got up and looked around. He is so hungry that he doesn't even have the strength to look for it now.

The surrounding soldiers were also not enough to withstand the temptation, and they all looked for the source of the aroma. I saw a soldier hanging a basket under the cliff, which contained mutton and milk wine. The surrounding soldiers were like hungry wolves in the night, even A bit has run over.

"Mutton......mutton...give it to me, I want...!"

And Genghis Khan above stared at Huerji fiercely. Hurji swallowed at this moment. He was frightened all night, so that he didn't sleep well at all. In addition, he didn't eat the bloody meat last night. He couldn't bear it anymore, and Genghis Khan deliberately placed the basket near Huerji.

The moon is the first to be close to the water tower, and Huerji snatched it with a brisk step up. Seeing that it was still his favorite roast lamb, he directly bit into it.

Seeing that it was Huerji, the soldiers around swallowed their saliva and shouted, "Shanyu give us a bite!"

Huerji looked back at these soldiers and snorted coldly: "Guards! Anyone who dares to step forward will be killed!"

"Yes!" The soldiers stood up weakly one by one, standing in front of them, their hearts were on the mutton, and the soldiers around looked at the scimitars of the guards, emitting such a cold light, and they dared not speak out.

"The one who takes the head of Huerji, Fenglin Huwang!" Genghis Khan looked at the situation that gradually formed, and couldn't help smiling. This scheming succeeded.

The soldiers around could not wait to step forward and chop Huerji, but the guards around here were really... However, there are always exceptions to everything. The soldier whose clothes were stripped by Huerji last night pressed his hand The machete approached slowly.

Huerji, who was enjoying the food, was completely unaware that the danger was slowly approaching him.

"Hurji!" A cold voice came from behind Hurji. Hurji looked back, only to see the cold light coming at such a fast speed that he had no time to react. His throat was There was an extra wound, which directly cut his throat


"What are you doing... take him down!" The guards looked gloomy when they saw that Huerji was dead.


"call out!"

Everyone was about to make a move when a cold arrow was shot from above the sky. Everyone looked around and found that the person who shot the arrow was Genghis Khan.

At this moment, Genghis Khan maintained his archery posture, with a smile in his eyes, looked at Jing Jia and said in a deep voice: "He is my canonized Linhu King, whoever dares to move...die!"

The last biting voice was exceptionally clear, and all the soldiers who were still loyal to Huerji were stunned.

"Everyone! Those who are willing to join us, goat milk and barbecue are prepared here for you, and those who don't want to stay here!" Tuo Lei stepped forward and snorted coldly.

"This... this... I surrender!" The soldiers who were hesitant before, and Hurji's death, gave up their resistance one by one and began to accept it. For example, if you say canonization, it will be canonized.

With the first leader, the soldiers behind him all surrendered. The soldiers who were still stubbornly resisted completely collapsed in their hearts and put down their weapons.

Genghis Khan laughed and stepped back, looked at Yelu Chucai and exclaimed, "Your strategy is amazing! It's really amazing!"

"The king praised it in seconds!"

From now on, Genghis Khan replaced Lin Hu's position, and under his annexation war, he integrated the tribes of Nanhu to form the largest grassland tribe. Powerful troops and capital.

(End of this chapter)

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