Warring States Call

Chapter 837 Princess Linglong

Chapter 837 Princess Linglong
When Han Yi came to the palace, he saw Wei Zifu wearing plain clothes, drinking fish soup, and looking at the child in the arms of the maid from time to time, without noticing Han Yi's arrival at all.

The maid at the back saw Han Yi coming, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty! The King is here!"

Only then did Wei Zifu raise his head, seeing a slight smile on the pale face of Han Yi who was in a hurry, he lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, when Han Yi saw that he strode forward, he hurriedly said: "What time is it, What kind of courtesy are you doing, lie down on the bed obediently, Gao Lishi closes the door, and be careful not to be blown by the wind!"

"No!" Gao Lishi replied with a smile, and went to close the door.

"Quick! Give me the child!" Han Yi had a smile in his eyes. Han Yi had been looking forward to his daughter for a long time, and this time it finally came.

Gao Lishi looked at the maids around him, waved his hand, and the meaning was clear, and the idlers left quickly, and everyone understood.

Han Yi was holding the child in his arms. It was only a few days after birth, and his face was still a little wrinkled, but in a few days, he would be a little guy carved in powder and jade.

Seeing Han Yi's appearance, Wei Zifu knelt on the bed and said, "Your servant is guilty! You failed to give birth to the King!"

"Get up! Cover up with the quilt! If it doesn't work this time, just regenerate next time!" Han Yi coaxed his child with a smile.

Wei Zifu blushed when he heard this, Han Yi glanced at him and then smiled and said: "This is the lonely princess, much better than those three brats, who dares to bully her in the future, lonely Help you vent your anger, don’t you, baby!”

"Your Majesty...!" Since ancient times, patriarchs have been favored over daughters, and they can't have children, and they almost blame women. Han Yi is a pioneer. He looked at Han Yi for a while and said, "My lord! This child hasn't been named yet." , please give me your name, Your Majesty!"

Han Yi looked at his big baby and said with a smile: "Han Youtong is cold, she looks too cold and not festive! Let's call her Han Tong. I hope she grows up to be happy and happy!"

"Han Tong! What a name! Isn't it, little guy!" Wei Zifu glanced at the little guy who opened his eyes, then at Han Yi, and burst into tears instantly.

"Oh! This little guy is awake!" Seeing that she was crying, Han Yi hurriedly coaxed her, but it didn't seem to work. He had to return her to Wei Zifu, and the little guy calmed down.

Han Yi looked at the mother and daughter, and then smiled and said: "How about this, let her be named Princess Linglong alone, and Xiaocheng be her fief!"

"Your Majesty, please!" Wei Zifu panicked when he heard this.

"Why not! Gu's daughter Gu can be sealed as she wants! Isn't she! Gu's little princess!" Han Yi teased his little baby.

"Your Majesty! Princes don't even have fiefdoms, and she's still a...!" Wei Zifu's words were self-evident.

Han Yi glanced at Wei Zifu, and then said: "Gu son, either get fame immediately, or rule the world with a pen. If you want to seal the land, let them talk about the record. It's the same with your son. There is a seal for giving birth to a daughter, and fighting for giving birth to a son! It’s just what I said, Gao Lishi!”

"The servant is here!" Gao Lishi hurriedly ran away.

"Tell what Gu said to the palace, don't miss a single word!" Han Yi said seriously.


"But Your Majesty! Xiaocheng has a vast land and rich resources, just give her a small fief, this Xiaocheng......!" Wei Zifu hesitated to speak.

"Okay! Gu's decision has been made. This Xiaocheng, Gu will take care of her for a few years first. When she grows up, whenever she wants, Gu will give it to her. In addition, you should give Gu a son as soon as possible, lest other People gossip!" Han Yi said shamelessly.

Han Yi's meaning is self-evident, if you don't want to be the first bird, you should act quickly, if you don't work hard, who is to blame.

"Sister... Sister...!" Wei Qing was wearing a suit of armor, with a helmet in one hand and a box in the other. He didn't know what was inside.

"General Wei... General Wei...!" The maid at the side quickly winked, still going her own way.

"Sister...!" Wei Qing pushed the door open, and the first thing he saw was Han Yi, his face became flustered instantly, he knelt on the ground, and hurriedly said: "Chen Weiqing has seen the king!"

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be our bold general!" Han Yi walked up to Wei Qing in a strange manner, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Your Majesty..." Wei Qing cried out in his heart.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty! Have you met Ah Qing?" Wei Zifu thought that Han Yi promoted Wei Qing purely for his own sake, and added to Wei Qing's establishment, he promoted him this time.

Han Yi smiled and said, "It's more than that! This kid, with [-] guns, is going to make the enemy mess up and let our army take the lead for a while!"

"Your Majesty gave you a second thumbs-up, all thanks to your Majesty!" Wei Qing saluted quickly, and smiled wryly in his heart. On that day, he and Han Yi called him brothers and sisters, but no matter what, he was the one who committed the crime!

"How could Your Majesty know such details!" Wei Zifu slowly put Han Tong to sleep, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Which war king pretended to be a pawn by my side! That's why I...!" Wei Qing rubbed his head and said awkwardly, the previous heroic spirit disappeared at this moment.

"Okay!" Han Yi patted him, looked at Wei Zifu and said, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving now, you two stay here!"

"Congratulations to the King...!"

Han Yi looked at Wei Qing below, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stay with your sister well!"

Wei Qing lowered his head and did not speak, watching Han Yi leave.

As soon as Han Yi went out, he saw Han Xiang running on tiptoe, and was caught by Han Yi. Han Yi immediately said: "Han Xiang, what are you doing here!"

"Eh! Your Majesty!" Han Xiang smiled bluntly, obviously being caught by Han Yi, his whole body was in a hurry, and he looked around with his hands behind his back, and said, "I... I lost something. ! I'll look for it here!"

"You can find this by looking for things. Your usual range of activities is outside the palace. When did you arrive in the palace!" Han Yi sneered, obviously wanting to tease him.

"Who said that! I... I came to see my sister-in-law. Look at how busy you are every day. I will take care of your sister-in-law for you!" Han Xiang smiled silly, showing his two big white teeth.

But Han Yi didn't like him, and then smiled and said: "Really! What about supplements?"


"Hahahahaha! It's okay! Don't hide it! If you like Wei Qing, just say it! I don't object!" Han Yi laughed loudly.
"Who likes that stuffy gourd? I'll ignore you! Hmph!" Han Xiang flicked his hair, and ran away like flying, apparently being poked by Han Yi, and fled in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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