Warring States Call

Chapter 838 Yan Xi

Chapter 838 Yan Xi
"King Weiqing and the princess are probably...!" Gao Lishi persuaded from the side.

"What's wrong with them!" Han Yi looked back at Gao Lishi with a puzzled expression.

"The former king once betrothed Princess Han Xiang to Young Master Xi of the Yan Kingdom! Yanxi is coming to propose marriage in the next few days, we're afraid it's...!" Gao Lishi said with an embarrassed expression.

"Yanxi?" Han Yi tried hard to think back. That Yanxi helped Jiang Xiaobai fight against him back then, and the position of Prince Dan has been firmly established in the past few years. Marrying Han Xiang is not a crime, but what is it for? His own brother, Han Yi absolutely cannot push his sister into the pit of fire, let alone!That Yanxi helped Jiang Xiaobai fight against him, and Han Yi never forgot this hatred.

Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the front with his tiger eyes, and said half aloud: "If Han Xiang is willing, it's fine, help this kid, let him sit on the throne and overthrow Prince Dan, but if Han Xiang doesn't like it, then No wonder I'm lonely!"

"Your Majesty means...!" Gao Lishi said with a puzzled expression.

"Can't you see it! Yanxi saw that the throne was getting farther and farther away from him, so he came here to find Gu. In name, he came to greet his relatives, but in fact he just wanted Gu's support. One was someone who was about to become a king. , one is a lost dog, no matter how you choose, it's just going to one path!" Han Yi said with a gloomy expression.

"Why should your majesty be angry? As long as your majesty is willing, a lost dog can also be crowned a great treasure. Isn't the key to your majesty?" Gao Lishi laughed from the side.

Han Yi glanced back at Gao Lishi, and smiled involuntarily: "You! Your flattering skills have improved!"

"The king praised it in seconds!"

"Sister! Why is the king here!" Wei Qing put down his helmet, untied the sword around his waist, and sat beside the bed with the box in his hand. He was still wearing heavy armor, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know!" Wei Zifu coaxed Han Tong to sleep, then handed him over to the maid at the side, looked at Wei Qing and said, "Why do you have time to come here today? According to the usual practice, you should be defending the city ?"

"Your Majesty transferred me outside, and asked me to suppress bandits and build roads!" Wei Qing smiled, with excitement in his eyes.

"Going out to fight again! There are no swords outside, and you didn't leave any children behind, this...!" Hearing this, Wei Zifu became anxious again.

"Okay sister! I have fought the Qilu War. These bandits are nothing. Besides, this time we mainly focus on road construction and recruiting. From Chang'an to Jiagu, there are at least more than 50 cities, most of them There are mountain roads, if this time goes well, 3 to 3000 people can be surrendered, and our military strength can be increased by more than [-] people, and the chances of your brother's promotion will be higher by then!" Wei Qing laughed loudly.

"I don't want you to lose your life for fame and fortune!" Wei Zifu said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry! I'm still going to be my niece's backer in the future?" Wei Qing rubbed his head, although he was a bit bragging, but he has that strength.

"It's just you! Now this little guy has been made a princess, and the fiefdom is Xiaocheng, who do you think depends on who!" Wei Zifu smiled while covering his mouth.

"Xiao Cheng! I'm a good boy! Rich man! I've been working so hard, licking blood from the knife edge, and I even forgot to have a good baby. This little guy... Let my uncle hug me! Uncle Zhan Zhan Be happy!" Wei Qing stretched out his hand as he spoke.

"Go, go! Cool the armor!" Wei Zifu hurriedly pushed away Wei Qing's outstretched hands, and said half aloud, "When are we going?"

"Leave tomorrow! I'm bringing some reliable brothers!" Wei Qing said with a smile.

"You've been away for a year, and you don't know when you'll be back!" Wei Zifu said worriedly.

"Okay, sister! Look what I brought you!" Wei Qing immediately opened the box, and it turned out to be a plate of jujubes.

"Stinky boy! You are looking for death...!" Wei Zifu picked up the pillow beside him and threw it away.

"Hey...don't do it! The medical officer said, you are vain now, eat more dates, it's good for your health...OK...I was wrong...don't make trouble...I was wrong Sister!" After a while, Wei Qing was subdued by Wei Zifu.

After a while, Wei Qing took the knife and armor, looked at Wei Zifu and said, "Okay sister! I'm leaving! You can rest inside!"

Wei Zifu looked at Wei Qing and hurriedly said, "Be careful outside!"

"Understood sister!" Wei Qing responded and walked out. Wei Zifu looked at Wei Qing's figure and couldn't look back for a long time. What she knew was that her younger brother was getting more and more capable. What she didn't know was that this Going, it takes more than a year to come back, and it takes a full five years to meet again.

As soon as Wei Qing walked out of Wei Zifu's room, he was about to ride out of the city gate on his war horse.

"Wei Qing...!" Before he had ridden a few steps, he saw a shout from behind him. Wei Qing turned around and saw that it was Han Xiang. He quickly dismounted and said, "Get off Wei Qing again, I have seen the princess!"

"I heard from the people in the palace that you are going to suppress the bandits, aren't you?" Han Xiang said with a troubled look behind something.

"Yes! I don't know what's up with the princess...!" Wei Qing looked at Han Xiang cautiously, not knowing that she...

"Er... this... you take care of yourself, and I have something for you!" Han Xiang took out the sword behind his back, handed it to Wei Qing and said, "Be careful, don't break it, this is my favourite………!"

After Han Xiang finished speaking, he turned his head and left. Wei Qing took a look at the sword. A pair of mandarin ducks were embroidered on the sword shell, and the eyes were fixed with jade xiang.

Wei Qing immediately opened the sword. The sword body is exquisite and small, three feet long, and looks light. This kind of sword will break after being cut three times, and it is almost enough to keep it at home.

Wei Qing put away his sword and looked at Han Xiang who had fled in the desert. How could he not know what Han Xiang was thinking, but the current self was not worthy of her, and he was only qualified to be a general.

Put away the sword and look forward, he should also embark on his own journey.

Han Chen, who was far away in the sky, they drove for three months, and finally came to the capital of Qi State, where the economy is prosperous, people come and go, and there is a lot of traffic. Jiang Wei widened his eyes and looked around. With his experience, he knows how to keep a low profile.

Han Chen walked in front and looked around. There were many people from other lands here, but most of them were here for business. They all rushed to the place of Jixia Academy. Han Chen looked ahead, an old man Take your own students and walk forward leisurely. The scene like today is not something you can have casually.

(End of this chapter)

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