Warring States Call

Chapter 839 Dong Zhongshu

Chapter 839 Dong Zhongshu

One of the old men was holding a cane in his hand, riding a horse that was not like a cow or a horse, and walked down the street, followed by dozens of students.The old man's fingernails are slender, his complexion is dark, and there are not many hairs left on his forehead. The whole person is bald, but his face is kind, and his gestures are full of elegance. He wears a green shirt and holds a cane in his left hand , holding a set of bamboo slips in his right hand, although his eyes looked cloudy, but in his heart, they were like stars and seas, which made people want to understand deeply.

The students behind him are also different, some of them look like a stalwart warrior, with five big and three thick beards, and beards like steel needles, but they are still trying to comb them, so as to maintain their elegance. Put on a precious sword, stand beside the four elephants, and hold his rope to prevent him from running around.

The soldiers behind him are also different, some are noble, some are very poor, but they all puff up their chests, as if there is something in their chests.

"Student Dong Zhongshu is here to supply the teacher!" At the gate of the inn, I saw a man bending over to salute, followed by dozens of people. He also has a gentle and elegant air, but he still can't stop his sharpness. The whole person is like a sword, standing proudly in this world.

"Master! I haven't seen you for a few years, and the sharpness in your heart is stronger than before!" The old man who was sitting on the four-legged figure turned over, moved slowly, and walked forward slowly with a cane.

"Students don't dare!" Dong Zhongshu was taken aback when he heard that, and quickly said respectfully.

"You don't have to be afraid, you are already the prime minister of a country, according to the etiquette, it should be the old man who salutes you!" After finishing speaking, the old man put his palms together and bent down to salute Dong Zhongshu.

"Students don't dare!" Dong Zhongshu knelt down on the ground when he saw it, and the followers behind him also knelt down quickly.

The old man looked at Dong Zhongshu, got up slowly, let out a sigh of relief, stroked his beard, and reminded: "I am very pleased with what you have achieved today, but I want to remind you that the people of the world should be the most important thing, and the king should raise his troops." , you should stop fighting, the king has no way, you should try your best to assist him, and persuade him to follow the way! Can you tell me!"

"Students don't dare to slack off, and listen carefully to the teacher's teaching!" Dong Zhongshu knelt down on the ground and quickly responded.

"En." The old man nodded, leaning on his crutches, and walked inside. Dong Zhongshu hurriedly followed behind.

"Hi! Sir, I would like to ask you something!" Jiang Wei took a fruit and took a bite from the side. When he saw those people, his expression was obviously unnatural, so he asked someone at random.

And the person who asked the question was also a strange thing, he was wearing white clothes that were not gray, white or white, sloppy, and looked like a beggar, with a wine gourd pinned to his waist. Pour in your mouth.

When the old man saw Jiang Wei, his eyes lit up, but he quickly covered it up. He looked at Jiang Wei and said disdainfully: "It's that old man with red tape, and he's annoying to see him!"

"Who! You said it!" Jiang Wei became anxious when he heard it. The old man was talking nonsense, and he only spoke half of what he said, making it difficult for people to understand.

"Boy! The one kneeling on the ground is called Dong Zhongshu, and he is the prime minister of Yan!" The old man leaned against the wall, opened the gourd, and drank it in a big mouthful. Do you know who he is?"

"Who is he! How do I know? If I knew, I would come to ask you again! Smelly old man!" Jiang Wei looked at the dumb old man, with a trace of irritability in his eyes, ignored him, and walked to the side.

"Little guy! There is no free stutter in the world. Let me tell you who he is. You should give me some money for the drink, otherwise the old man's business is a bit of a loss!" The old man smiled, stood up slowly, and stretched his arms. Lazy, with a smile in his eyes.

"Well! You old man didn't say anything, you want money, how shameless you are!" Jiang Wei said with his hands crossed, his face flushed.

"Hey! You little doll! I...!" The old man went up to reward him with a chestnut.

"I don't mean to offend you, old man. Please do me a favor. Here are some pennies. You can buy them yourself!" Han Chen took a step forward because he held a gun in his right hand, so he could only take out a few pennies from the purse with his left hand. , spread out his left hand and handed it to the old man.

The old man looked at Han Chen's face first, and then looked at Han Yi's hands. He stared at them with his eyes. He stretched out his hand and broke the copper coins one by one. Looking at Han Chen's hand, he acted as if he had finished the last copper coin. At that moment, Han Chen withdrew his hand, and the old man came back to his senses.

"What are you looking at! It's a waste of time to collect money!" Jiang Wei's eyes were full of anger, but the old man didn't respond to him, but looked at Han Chen, speechless for a long time, looking at his hand He stared at Han Chen and Jiang Wei's leaving backs, then smiled and said, "That's an interesting little guy!"

"What are you doing, old man! Hurry up and go back! Brother, they can't wait!" A girl ran away in black, pulling the old man to the inner corner of the street.

The old man looked at it and immediately said: "Okay, okay! I understand! Slow down... my old bones!"

Jiang Wei and Han Chen stopped and stopped along the way, the more Jiang Wei thought about it, the more angry he looked at Han Chen and said, "Why did you give that old man money, this guy didn't say anything, he opened his mouth like I was asking for money, are you stupid! "

Han Chen glanced at Jiang Wei, and then said, "We're here, let's keep a low profile! This old man should belong to the Yin Yang family. If you offend them, you and I will have nothing to eat!"

"How do you know he is from the Yin Yang family!"

"Didn't you see the clothes he was wearing? Although they were tattered, there were yin and yang, eight trigrams, two appearances and four images on them!"

"You're stupid! Do you believe him when he just passes on a piece of clothing!" Jiang Wei quickly snapped back.

Han Chen touched his head when he heard it, and said embarrassedly, "It seems that I didn't think of it, sorry! Sorry!"

"Hey! Brother, I've convinced you too!" Jiang Wei was helpless, Han Chen was so innocent and cute, and he had no choice but to leave what he needed.

Han Chen was not like Jiang Wei. In his opinion, things that could be solved with money were not a problem. Real victories could be won without force. Of course, force must be used.

"What are you doing...Get out of the way!...Get out of the way!" Seeing a big man blocking the way of Li Jing and the others, Guo Ziyi said impatiently.

"My son has taken a fancy to this horse. Hurry up and hand it over, and I'll give you more money!" A few more people came out from behind the strong man, and Han Chen's black was the one they liked.

(End of this chapter)

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