Chapter 843
Gao Siji's eyes were full of surprise, like a cat playing with a mouse, he sneered, looked at Han Chen and said, "Is the reaction fast enough! I underestimated you!"

Han Chen's face became gloomy, and he held the gun tightly with both hands, and the sweat gradually broke out on his head. Looking at Gao Siji, he was surprised and said: "The famous generals in the world really don't have a reputation for nothing. The moves are very simple, the pursuit of efficiency, and strive to kill the enemy with one move.

Compared with him, Han Chen has too much flair and needs to be concise, and in terms of strength, based on Han Chen's observation of Gao Siji, this guy's strength is several times that of his own. If you want to defeat him, you can't beat him until you wait. a few years.

Looking at the vigilant Han Chen, Gao Siji's face gradually changed. He no longer understated it as before. He is an imposing general. He failed to take down this brat in three moves. It is too shameful. He should be taken down quickly. That's the right way.

"Pozijue" Gao Siji rushed up quickly, dragging the silver gun in his hand on the ground, the tip of the gun rubbed against the ground, sparking a lot of sparks, seeing that he was still four steps away from Han Chen, Gao Siji After holding guns in both hands, he killed Han Chen directly, and walked towards Han Chen with a sense of oppression in his eyes.

Han Chen stared at Gao Siji, with a look of cruelty in his eyes, he kicked the long spear hanging on the ground, and suddenly put his feet into a horse stance, holding the gun in two colors, using all the strength in his body: "Prisoner!" Long Po... Da Chaoyang!"


"call out!"

"Ding Dang...!" The aura of the two of them froze, and the two guns clashed in the air, and a clear and piercing collision resounded all around.

The cloth Han Chen wrapped around the gun was torn into pieces in an instant, exposing the original appearance of the silver gun, but Han Chen didn't pay attention to this. The body was still in shape, the tiger's mouth was numb, and even the tiger's mouth on the left hand had been shaken out of the wound. The blood flowed down the barrel of the gun and dripped on the blood dragon. The whole blood dragon seemed to be alive. It was extraordinarily dazzling under the light, and everyone around seemed to notice it, and only then did they see the original appearance of the gun.

Gao Siji held the gun in one hand, and stood with his right hand behind his back. He looked at Han Chen as if nothing had happened, and sneered, "You have six tricks!"

Gao Siji tried his best to stretch his right hand. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the blow just now, and suffered a small loss.

"It's coming!" Han Chen's eyes were red, and Jiang Wei hurriedly said: "Han Chen can't do it! Your hand..."

"Get out of the way!" Han Chen scolded.

"Boy...!" Gao Siji was about to taunt him, then looked at the silver gun in Han Chen's hand, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, and said in surprise, "What a gun! But he can't protect you. !"

The silver gun in Gao Siji's hand slammed at Han Chen. It was as fast as a thunderbolt. Han Chen would not sit still, so he rolled his donkey to avoid being hit again.

"Gao Siji stop!" I saw a group of people running from a distance, the leader was riding a horse, followed by dozens of people.

Gao Siji's face changed instantly when he saw it, and he muttered to himself, "Guan Zhong! Why is he here!"

"Prime Minister, why are you here!" Gao Sji quickly smiled and said with a puzzled expression, Guan Zhong can't be offended if you offend anyone, isn't that making yourself unhappy?

Guan Zhong's face was dark all the time, he looked at Gao Siti, looked at the crowd who had been around for a long time, and said with embarrassment: "Look at what you have done!"

"Prime Minister! Just make sense! So many people give me some face!" Gao Siji said with a smile.

"Hmph! You'd better keep your excuses and tell the king!" Guan Zhong immediately flicked his sleeves and looked at Han Chen with a trace of surprise in his eyes. This kid was able to fight Gao Siji for several rounds without losing the wind, which shows his combat power. Not too low, he must be a talented person in the future, he stepped forward and said: "Which school is the little brother, what's his name! Who did you learn from?"

"I've met the prime minister!" Han Chen saluted, and then said, "Next, Han Chen, a native of Wei! Leave school."

"Oh!" Guan Zhong was surprised, then he saluted, turned away, looked at the depressed Gao Sji, and snorted coldly: "Follow me! Go see the king!"

"Ah! This... Prime Minister, do you have something to discuss! Slow down...!" Gao Siji panicked instantly, this time the matter was serious.

Gao Yang looked back at Han Chen, remembering this young man deeply, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes!
Guan Zhong called to the soldiers behind him: "Hurry up! Make a record of this young man, he is no less brave than the brothers of the Gao family!"


"That Prime Minister...Prime Minister!" Gao Siji put on a stern expression.

Guan Zhong's face was dark all the time, he looked at Gao Siji, and said in a deep voice: "When the Jixia Academy opens, I will inform all the children of the aristocratic families that nothing will happen in the past six months. Didn't arrive, what a big trouble I caused, and let the students all over the world see it, if the king doesn't do some punishment, I'm afraid that whoever this Jixia Academy can't continue to run, you two brothers can do it yourself, let me see you Your Majesty!"

joke!This time, Jiang Xiaobai entrusted him with this important task, so how could he allow these two guys to sabotage.

"Second brother, what should we do!" Gao Yang didn't panic when he heard this!But everyone became tense.

Gao Siji glanced at Gao Yang, and cursed: "It's all you brat, you've done more than failed! That's enough! Let's take one step at a time! If it doesn't work, we can only let the big brother wipe our asses."

"Ah! Don't! Let the big brother know, our butts must bloom!" Gao Yang was about to cry.

Gao Siji also knew that the board was indispensable this time, but he had no choice.

Han Chen watched Guan Zhong and the others leave with a trace of fear in their eyes. Fan Lihua and Mu Guiying hurried forward, looked at Han Chen's left hand and worried, "How is it! How is your hand, Han Chen?"

Han Chen glanced back at his left hand this time. The tiger's mouth on it had been cracked. Han Chen casually tore off a piece of cloth, wrapped it up, looked forward, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about it! I lost the battle!"


In this battle, Han Chen also knew his lack of marksmanship, just like the last time he did with Tong Yuan, if he hadn't been getting older, Han Chen's loss would have been even worse.

Han Chen looked at Gao Siji's leaving back with a sense of oppression in his eyes. He had never felt this way since he was born, this lingering feeling.

Han Chen looked at the bustling city with people coming and going on the street, and looked at Gao Siji's leaving back. Han Chen had new hope and new insights.

(End of this chapter)

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