Warring States Call

Chapter 844 Wolf Gu

Chapter 844 Wolf Gu
Inside the Great Hall of Qi

Guan Zhong dragged Gao Siji and Gao Yang to come, and Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on top, several main figures related to the Jixia Academy appeared in the hall, and there was King Lanling, his exquisite face became He became gloomy, looking at these two troublemakers, the anger in his heart couldn't be vented.

"...The matter of your Majesty just now is like this. These two people have acted like this in public. How will the literati in the world treat your Majesty and the decree issued by our country? Please think twice!" Guan Zhong looked at this Two people, if you don't kill chickens and monkeys now, there will be more moths in the future.

Jiang Xiaobai also knew the ins and outs of the matter, and said immediately: "Do you two have anything to say?"

Gao Siji naturally had nothing to say, but Gao Yang didn't think he was wrong, so he stepped forward and said, "It's nothing! I'm just buying a horse, it's not as serious as Master Guan Zhong said, please check it out! "

"Presumptuous!" Jiang Xiaobai stood up directly, looked at this guy, with a wave of anger in his eyes, and then coldly snorted: "It's stubborn! Someone pull it out! Cut it off!"

Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard, if he doesn't suppress these two brothers now, when will he wait?This naturally refers to Gao Siji and Gao Changgong. As for Gao Yang, Jiang Xiaobai really didn't like it, but he just used this as an excuse.

"Ah!" Gao Yang's face turned pale, and the two gold-armored generals at the back, holding the swords in their hands, raised Gao Yang's arms from left to right, trying to drag him outside.

"Your Majesty, think twice! Seeing that my two brothers were born and died for your Majesty, please forgive my brother this time!" Gao Siji also stood up at this moment, joking that it is too big to be a machete, so why not? Got it.

"Gu hasn't punished you yet! You act recklessly, bully the small with the big, and lose the country's dignity. The generals in the army have written letters many times, saying that you condone the soldiers making trouble on the streets. Isn't Gu enough to cover up your Gao family! Ah!" Jiang Xiaobai stood up by himself and ran down, pointing at Gao Siji's nose with anger in his eyes and cursing.

Gao Yang also panicked at this moment, and quickly knelt on the ground and said: Your Majesty, spare me!I wait until I know I'm wrong!Your Majesty, have mercy! "

"Your Majesty! Please think twice, Your Majesty! My Gao family will definitely go through fire and water for your Majesty in the future." Gao Changgong had no choice but to stand up. If things go on like this, Gao Yang's life cannot be saved.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Gao Changgong, his expression eased this time, this Gao Changgong was finally in the trap, he was waiting for this guy, Jiang Xiaobai stared at him, and said for a while: "Chang Gong! Tell yourself, how should these two people be dealt with!"

"Gao Siji is demoted to a pawn, start from scratch!" Gao Changgong gritted his teeth. "Gao Changgong sighed helplessly. Jiang Xiaobai's attack this time was actually aimed at Gao Siji. This guy offended too many civil servants and generals in the court. Jiang Xiaobai just used this incident to give them an explanation. That's all.

"Brother...I...!" Gao Siji felt distressed.

"Shut up!" Gao Siji hated that iron could not become steel.


Jiang Xiaobai looked at the disadvantaged Gao Siji, and stroked his beard in satisfaction this time. This is good, and he can hone his character. He looked down at Gao Yang for a while, and then said, "I'll make the decision on Gao Yang's affairs. Capital crimes can be avoided and living crimes cannot be escaped! Beat thirty big boards! Drag them home! Confinement for half a year, no orders from Gu, not to leave the house!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty...!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty...!"

"Thank you... Your Majesty!" Gao Yang gritted his teeth, and was dragged down by two soldiers. He was dragged off the stage, took off his outer clothes, and left the white clothes behind. Two sturdy men came, one on the left and one on the right. , there was another eunuch beside him, looking at Gao Yang who was kneeling, he cleared his throat: "Hit!"

Every time I went down the board, I heard Gao Yang's patience and screams. Gao Yang bit his clothes tightly, his expression was serious, and at the same time he had a new understanding of the emperor. This is the emperor, who is in charge of life and death. He hit him as soon as he hit him, without any right to refute. Gao Yang, whose eyes were bloodshot, had a new understanding of him.

Gao Changgong and Gao Siji looked at the strong man on the stage, Gao Siji couldn't help it first, looked at his younger brother, and said distressedly: "Take it easy!" Gao Yang... Hold on! "

Gao Changgong was expressionless, but his nails had already been embedded in his flesh. Gao Changgong let out a sigh of relief. After watching him finish the beating, the two hurried forward, lifted Gao Yang on his back, ran quickly, and went home to fight for him. He heals.

Just kidding, with Gao Yang's body, he hasn't been beaten at all, and if he doesn't go back to apply medicine, it may be more serious.

Gao Yang glanced back at the resplendent and magnificent hall, his eyes were like a wolf's, and he muttered to himself in a low voice that only he could hear, and one day he would replace it.

If the wolf turns back, there must be a reason!Either revenge or revenge.

Jiang Xiaobai watched the three of them leave, and glanced at Guan Zhong behind him: "How is it! How is the preparation of Jixia Academy going!"

"Report to Your Majesty! Everything is ready! We only need to wait for your Majesty's order! We can start discussing Dao in the palace!" Guan Zhong said with a smile.

"What is this talk about!"

"There are two things! One is the ranking of famous generals from various countries, and the other is to compete among a hundred schools of thought and submit questions to each other! To compete for the top position of a hundred schools of thought!" Guan Zhong said seriously.

"There are generals on the list in my country of Qi!" Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled.

"Yes! Both generals Tian Dan and Tian Ji have hope!" Guan Zhong said hastily.

"That's good!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and seemed to think of something for a while, and hurriedly said: "Have you found any talents?"

"If I played again today, I found someone who was undefeated in four rounds against Gao Siji in the year of the weak crown. If he grows up in the future, he must be the mainstay of our country!" Guan Zhong said excitedly.

"Little boy! When he grows up, Gu will spend a lot of time cultivating him. This deal is not worth it! You have recent talents! Gu can't tell that there will be an unprecedented war within ten years!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a serious face.

"This! I'm still observing. If the king is interested, you can go and see it in person. I'm sure you will gain something!" Guan Zhong stroked his beard and saw that Jiang Xiaobai's ambition was so high, Guan Zhong was relieved. Beauty fascinated the mind, which is gratifying and congratulatory.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched his waist, and said with a smile: "The palace will be opened tomorrow! Gu Gang can also go and have a look!"

"My minister takes orders!" Guan Zhong agreed, and then withdrew. As long as the Jixia Academy is done well this time, he will be able to have Qi in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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