Chapter 867
As night fell, Han Yi called out several civil servants and generals, as well as the elders of the clan, to celebrate Yan Xi together. He can let go of drinking and keep getting Yanxi drunk.

Han Yi was also happy to see the progress. Looking at Yan Xi who was getting drunk, Han Yi came to sneer. To be more on the safe side, Han Yi called to Gao Lishi behind him: "Go! Add something to his drink."

"The king is talking about that thing!" Gao Lishi immediately understood.

"Not bad!" Han Yi said with a smile, and the food he prepared for Yan Xi during this trip was mixed with tiger penis!After this guy finished eating, he added the strength of the wine, and when he woke up early tomorrow morning, he might have a sore back.

Han Yi pinched his beard with both hands, and said with a half-smile: "Come on! Let's toast Prince Yan!"

"Yeah! Come and drink! My son is happy! You can't drink too much! My old Guo will drink with you!" Guo Jia sneered, stepped forward, picked up the wine bottle and gave it to him.

"I can't drink anymore! I really can't drink anymore!" Yan Xi was completely drunk, Han Yi saw that it was almost time, and said with a smile: "Come and send Mr. Yan Xi to rest..."

"No!" Gao Lishi and Jia Fu personally dragged Yanxi up and walked towards the harem.

Yan Xi was drunk, and from time to time he unbuttoned his clothes, his whole neck turned red a lot, Guo Jia glanced at this brother, shook his head, and murmured in his heart: "Brother hold on! "

"Young Master Xi is can't go, Young Master Xi! You can't go," Gao Lishi pretended to say that he couldn't go in that direction.

"Is there anything you can't go! Ah" I, Yan Xitian, have never seen anything before, get out of the way...! " Yan Xi pushed Gao Lishi away, but actually walked into the hall with Gao Lishi's support.

"That's the princess' bedroom!" Gao Lishi pretended to be shocked and said

"Princess... Hahaha princess! The princess will be mine in a few days! Can I go and see? Get out of the way! You slave! Stop me, be careful I will cut you.

Gao Lishi felt a chill in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He helped Yanxi over, and happened to see two court ladies outside the door. Gao Lishi glanced at them, and at this moment Yanxi had already broken free from Gao Lishi's grip. Restrained, rushed in, and said happily: "Princess, here I come!"

And Jananfeng, who had been waiting inside for a long time, blew out all the candles inside, and could no longer see her face, but could only see her graceful body through the moonlight. And because of this, the whole person exhaled heavily, looked at the woman on the bed, and shouted: "I'm here, beauty..."

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.

Gao Lishi glanced at the maid behind him, and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Everything is ready!"

"Very good!" Gao Lishi sneered, this Yanxi really was "a lot of good luck!"

"Send a few more people to block the moonlight, don't spoil the good deeds of the young master, and if you dare to reveal half a word about this matter, you will be killed without mercy," Gao Lishi said in a deep voice.

"Lord Gao, don't worry! We will definitely keep our mouths shut!" The two maids were startled and knelt down.

"Hmph...!" Gao Lishi glanced at Yanxi inside, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

At this moment, the banquet was also over, Han Yi looked at Guo Jia who was reluctant to leave, and said with embarrassment: "I said what do you mean by staying here!"

"It's not that I don't want to go, Your Majesty! I really don't dare to go! Please, Your Majesty, show mercy and save me!" Guo Jia said with a wry smile.

"In this world except Gu! Who else dares to kill you! Go, go! If you don't sleep at night, Gu will sleep!" Han Yi yawned as he spoke, apparently really sleepy.

"It's not the king's fault! Now that I'm smelling of alcohol, I'm bound to suffer a lot when I go back! Your Majesty, you have to decide for me, you're the one who asked me to come to the banquet!" Guo Jia now even felt bitter, Blame Han Yi for seducing him with good wine. Before leaving, Zhang Chunhua had told him not to drink, but he just couldn't help it. Can you blame him?
Can't!right!Wine's fault!Must be the wine's fault!

Han Yi looked at Guo Jia who was playing a rogue in front of him, waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay!"

Han Yi picked up the brush, swiped the brush, and wrote four words on the bamboo slips: "Drink by order!"

"Take this back!" Han Yi handed the bamboo slips to Guo Jia, and said immediately.

Guo Jia looked at the four big characters on it, and immediately said: "Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Guo Jia felt relieved, then put his hands behind his back, and swaggered towards the outside.

Han Yi looked at Guo Jia, who was as timid as a mouse, and feared that he would have a hard time in the future.

"Your Majesty!"

"Is everything in there settled?" Han Yi rubbed his brows and asked.

"It's almost done! General Jia Fu will guard it himself, so there's no problem!" Gao Lishi said with a smile.

"That's it! Ah...!" Han Yi yawned.

"Your Majesty can rest now! Don't be exhausted," Gao Lishi persuaded.

"Okay! I'm tired after a day of tossing around! Let's go to Yanyu!" Han Yi rubbed his wrists and stood up.

Outside the palace, Guo Jia, who was very happy, took the bamboo slips and swaggered out of the palace gate. As soon as he went out, the retainers outside rushed up, and this time he smelled the smell of alcohol, and the expressions of the servants on the side changed. Said: "My lord! You smell of alcohol! Just go home like this! I'm afraid Ma'am!......!"

"What are you afraid of!" Guo Jia said with a smile, shaking the bamboo slip in his hand.

"This... promise! Seeing that Guo Jia is confident, the servant didn't say anything, so he drove the car back like this, sighing in his heart, I'm afraid I won't think about it tonight.

Zhang Chunhua had been waiting at the door. It was already late at night, and the people around him had closed their doors. After a while, Guo Jia's carriage was pulled over.

Zhang Chunhua saw it, and hurried forward to say it, and Guo Jia also got out of the carriage at the moment, seeing Zhang Chunhua felt a little guilty and said: "Ma'am......!"

This time Zhang Chunhua smelled of alcohol, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab Guo Jia's ear, but at this moment Guo Jia quickly hid, looked at Zhang Chunhua and said, "Don't do it!"

"Hey! You're bold, aren't you? Stop!" Zhang Chunhua immediately stepped forward and said.

"Wait a minute! Look at what this is! Drink by order!" Guo Jia opened the bamboo slips and said with a serious expression.

"I don't know how to read! It's useless to show me, come here!"

"This is Wang Ling! Wang Ling! You shrew! Stop!"

"I don't know! I only know that you are finished today!"

"Ma'am, I was wrong! I was wrong! Help...!" Guo Jia ran into the mansion by herself.

Zhang Chunhua was furious, and said to the waitress behind him: "Burn some hot water and hot tea to warm his stomach!"


(End of this chapter)

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