Warring States Call

Chapter 868 Poor Yan Xi

Chapter 868 Poor Yan Xi
early morning!All things revived, and all birds flew together. As the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm, but the late bird gets no worm. Han Yi slept extraordinarily sweetly this night.


There was a thunder, and the sun hit Han Yi's cheeks. Han Yi, who hadn't woken up for a long time, finally woke up, and Wei Yanyu, who was lying beside him, was also frowning at this moment. Han Yi exposed his malt-colored skin and rubbed Rubbing his own eyes, exhaled, and then said: "Fei Lian! What happened?"

"Report to Your Majesty! It seems that someone in the palace is calling!" Fei Lian called to Han Yi inside the window.

"Oh...!" Han Yi was surprised at first, then seemed to think of something, smiled evilly, and it was done!Even if Yanxi jumped into the Yellow River, she would not be able to wash herself away, hahahahahaha.

"What is the king laughing at! Why is it so weird...!" Wei Yanyu, who was lying on Han Yi's chest, looked puzzled.

"Hahahahaha! It's nothing! It's nothing! You should rest well! Gu has important matters to deal with today, so let's go for now!" Han Yi laughed loudly.

Yanxi in the palace began to panic, and lifted the quilt from the bed, thinking that she would be a beauty, but when he saw it, the excited little Yanxi, who got up early in the morning, softened in an instant. Xi was stunned, looking at Jananfeng who was snoring on the bed, he shouted loudly: "Who are you! Ah... where is the princess? Where is the son!"

Jananfeng, who was woken up by Yanxi's quarrel, opened his eyes, saw Yanxi and said, "husband, you and I loved each other so much last night! How come you don't recognize anyone when you put on your pants!"

At this moment, Yan Xi really panicked. Looking at the blood on the bed sheet, he remembered that he was with this woman last night... Vomit!Thinking of this, Yan Xi felt like throwing up, and hurriedly put on his clothes, pointing at her as if warning Jananfeng, "Don't tell what happened last night, or I'll kill your whole family!"

"Hey! Husband! It's the so-called one-day husband and one hundred-day kindness! How can you despise me so much! No matter what you say, I am also a shameless flower! I am a fish and a wild goose!" Jananfeng started his narcissism again.

"I'm going to fuck you... vomit...!" Yan Xi roughly dressed and found that one piece of clothes was missing, and it was at Jia Nanfeng's feet. If he wanted to grab it immediately, Jia Nanfeng saw it and hurriedly took it away. Putting it on his chest, he looked at Yan Xi and said, "Husband! Come and accompany the slave family?"

Yan Xi stretched out his hand in mid-air, then stopped, his whole body seemed to be petrified, looked at Jananfeng, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! You are ruthless! I don't want it anymore!"

Saying that, Yan Xi rushed outside.

"Yah...! The wooden door was opened, and the bright sunlight hurt Yanxi's eyes. Yanxi's eyes were sore, and she had to rub her eyes.

"Young Master Yanxi! You have caused a catastrophe!" Gao Lishi, who had been waiting by the path for a long time, rushed over, looked at Yanxi, grabbed him, and spoke righteously in his voice. All the imperial guards and palace maids radiated their gazes, and some guards deliberately ran over under Jia Fu's guidance.

"...This...This......What are you doing...This...!" Yan Xi suddenly panicked, what to do this time.

"Hoo... hum... ah...!" There were bursts of weeping coming out of the room, Yan Xi called it a hatred, and a mistake became an eternal hatred.

"Young master! This is the princess of our country! You! You do this! How can my king help you! Let's not talk about whether the princess will come here with a knife! You have ruined the reputation of the one inside! "Gao Lishi is so realistic. If Han Yi comes, he will definitely say that no one will give the Oscar, so I will give it to you."

"Master Gao, save me! Master Gao, save me!" Yan Xizhi was crying.

Gao Lishi said with a bitter face: "This matter has alarmed the king! Let's do it! I will plead for you in front of the king in a while, son, you must be prepared!"

"Ah! This...!" Yan Xi panicked, looking at the faces around him, helpless.

"The king is here!" Fei Lian held the weapon in his hand and took the lead, while Han Yi walked up under Fei Lian's leadership, staring at Yan Xi below him, and said with a livid face, "Yan Xi! You are so great!" guts!"

"Han Wang's redemption! Han Wang's redemption, I just drank too much wine and did such a foolish thing. Please forgive me." up.

Han Yi looked at him coldly, and snorted coldly: "Well, you Yanxi, it's in vain to treat you like a red city, I didn't expect you to be a licentious person, I misjudged you!"

"King Han is not what you think, not what you think!" Yan Xi was about to cry, kneeling on the ground, kowtowing non-stop.

"Hmph! You son! Don't you want to take responsibility for what you've done?" Gao Lishi coded to Yan Xi from the side.

Yan Xi was shocked, and said coldly behind his back: "Your Majesty won't let me marry her again! I beg your Majesty to spare my life, and I am willing to raise [-]% of Yan's tribute tax again!"

"Hmph! You think you can get back the reputation of our country's princess with these illusory promises, let me tell you! I give you two choices, either marry the princess, and I will help you plan a plan to let you ascend the throne, or You are here to apologize with death!" Han Yi said with a gloomy face.

"Your Majesty...I...!" Yan Xi was lonely for a while, with hatred in his eyes, but they were all covered by his hair. Is this the right, is this the king, Yan Xi Ban Xiang knelt down and said, "Minister! I am willing to marry the princess!"

Just kidding, my life is the most important thing. When I become a king, I can just find a reason to say that this guy is dead. Isn't it all a matter of course?
Han Yi looked at Yan Xi, came to him, sighed and said: "Gu also knows that I have wronged you! So I chose two women with good posture from the side branches, and I will marry you together, and I will also marry you." It's Gu's compensation to you, so relax, there is Gu! Your brother won't get the throne!"

"Minister! Thank you, King Han!" Yan Xi spoke with a crying tone, but also with a look of surprise. During this period of time, hold on and avoid this Jananfeng.

Han Yi nodded, and then swaggered away. The rest was Jananfeng, who was crying with joy, stepped forward quickly, and came to Yanxi's side and said coquettishly, "Husband!"

These two words, with a long drag, Yan Xi couldn't laugh or cry, and stood up quickly, like a god of plague.

(End of this chapter)

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