Warring States Call

Chapter 878 Vanguard

Chapter 878 Vanguard
"The king means...!" Everyone looked at Han Yi inexplicably, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Guo Kan, what do you think?" Ying Zheng looked at Guo Kan. This person's talent is as good as Sima Cuo's!Even with good training, I am afraid that he will be the third Bai Qi of Qin State!Wang Jian!Most importantly, this person is his confidant of Ying Zheng.

"My lord! If Wang Ye can't do it! Then choose from Zhoudi and Shangyong! But the combination of Shangyong and Shudi makes the road difficult and dangerous, and it is not conducive to the transportation of grain and grass in the rear, and Zhoudi is beneficial to the development of our country. Cavalry fighting!" Guo Kan hit the nail on the head with a glance.

The state of Qin is ready to conquer the world at once, so cavalry equipment is even more essential. Each of Qin's [-] iron cavalry is accompanied by Qin's long sword and wooden hammer.

As the name of Qin Changjian suggests, the average sword is three feet long, but Qin Changjian can reach six feet, which is suitable for cavalry combat. With one blow, ordinary light armor will snap off, and even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured.

The wooden hammer is easy to carry, but it is used to hammer the enemy one by one, and it is mostly used for fighting in the mountains.

"Well! If that's the case, it's settled! Zhou Di!" Ying Zheng nodded and sneered.

"Wait a minute, my lord! There are three more people to recommend! Their talents should be in the eyes of the king," Nei Shi Teng stepped forward and said.

"Oh!" Ying Zheng turned his head, looked at Nei Shiteng, and said after a while: "That's good! While all the generals are here! Just talk about it!"

"This time there are three people recommended by the minister! General Ling Tu, Zhou Dewei! And former General Zheng Li Mi! Wang Bodang!" Nei Shiteng said and put the bamboo slips in his arms on it.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he frowned, picked up the bamboo slips, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty! That Zhou Dewei is indeed a general! The soldiers under him before were all Zhou Bing, and he is very familiar with Zhou's land. If he is sent as a vanguard, our army will be invincible wherever it goes!" Wang Jian said at this moment He also stood up, and he didn't dare to underestimate this person's talent.

"General Bai Qi, what do you think!" Ying Zheng set his sights on Bai Qi.

Bai Qi heard this, looked at Ying Zheng, and said immediately: "This man has the talent of a great general. If the king takes it for himself, even if the old minister returns, he can keep Qin State safe for decades!"

"Yeah!" Ying Zheng raised his brows, and Bai Qi reminded Ying Zheng that Bai Qi is over 50 years old now, and Wang Jian is not too young. If the two of them really leave, Qin Guoyou should Who is there to guard? "

As soon as Ying Zheng thought about it, he knew what to do, and said half aloud: "Chuan Gu Ling! Summon Zhou Dewei! Li Mi! Wang Bodang!"


Ying Zheng looked at Sima Yi who was following behind him, and said with a smile, "You lost this time! Zhong Da!"

"The king is better at chess, let's admire it!" Sima Yi hurriedly saluted, like a tiger pouncing on its prey.

Ying Zheng looked at it, shook his head, and said half aloud: "Zhong Da! You are still like this! No matter! No matter!"

Everyone was at a loss and didn't know what Yingzheng meant. What Yingzheng wanted was Chunchen, but it was a pity that Yingzheng couldn't see these two words from Sima Yi's eyes. Otherwise, he would not use Sima Yi. It is more reliable to hold things like military power firmly in his own hands.

Ying Zheng came to the lamp, picked up the wick, looked at the flames rising above, Ying Zheng smiled involuntarily, the world is so big, there are countless tears of heroes.

"Report to King Zhou Dewei and the three of you!" The soldiers behind knelt down in the tunnel and said.

"Minister! Zhou Dewei has met the king!"

"Chen! Li Mi has met the king!"

"Sir! Uncle Wang must have seen the king!"

Ying Zheng stroked his beard, put down the lamp in his hand, and looked back at the three of them.

The man standing in the center has a long back and a strong waist. The sword around his waist has been taken off long ago, a helmet is sandwiched around his waist, and a black scarf is on his head. More or less shabby, but if you underestimate him like this, you will suffer a big loss.

Ying Zheng came to him, looked into his eyes, and saw something he wanted from these eyes, Ying Zheng looked at him and smiled, "You are Zhou Dewei!"

"The last general is not talented! To be missed by the king! It is a great honor!"

"Hahahahaha!" Ying Zheng smiled when he heard this, and looked away at the other two.

Next to Zhou Dewei was a scribe, wearing a hair crown, his face was as white as jade, and the beard on his chin was neat and orderly. He kept his head down with a smile on his face, and Ying Zheng couldn't see his cheek.

Another person, wearing a scarf, has long hair on the left forehead, and a long wound under the corner of the eye. The whole person looks a little bit more murderous. A loyal hunting dog, he will not move unless his master gives orders, and if he gives orders, he will do everything, regardless of his life.

Ying Zheng stood up, rubbed his wrists, and looked at the big man in the middle: "If my guess is correct! It must be Zhou Dewei!"

"It's the King of Enlightenment!" Zhou Dewei's voice was like thunder, resounding through the entire hall. Ying Zheng was surprised, but this man has a kind of fierceness.

"Very good! Gu admires you very much! Gu... I can give you a chance!" Ying Zheng dragged his voice with amusement in his eyes.

"My lord, please tell me! The last general will definitely die!" Zhou Dewei bowed to Ying Zheng, it was good that he didn't move, the dust on his body was shaken off by him.

Ying Zheng stepped forward and said, "You...!"

"Report to the general! The last general was training his troops just now. This is the dust from the battle with them. Please atone for your sin!" Zhou Dewei's figure was lowered by another three points.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't bear to punish him, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Get up! I value you very much!"

"Thank you king!"

"Zhou Dewei, you used to be General Zhou, so you must know something about Zhou's terrain. I want you to be a pioneer in this trip alone. I don't know what you want!" Ying Zheng returned to his seat and said with a smile.

"Back to Zhoudi...!" Zhou Dewei was stunned. It's not that he didn't have this idea, but it was unrealistic, but the opportunity has come at this moment, and he has come.

"I am willing! I am willing to be shrouded in horse leather! I will never hesitate to die!" Zhou Dewei was impassioned at this moment, and his heart that had been silent for many years stood up at this moment.

The original lonely flame was extinguished, and a new flame gradually rose.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he said half aloud: "That's the case! Li Mi! Wang Bodang! You two are the left and right generals. Follow him and lead the 3 troops from the headquarters as the vanguard! General Bai Qi will personally hold the battle for you."

"My minister takes orders!" Zhou Dewei said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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