Warring States Call

Chapter 879 The Navy

Chapter 879 The Navy
It is said that after Sun Quan returned to the state of Wu, he succeeded to the throne under the arrangement of Sun Ce and others, and he was the first to promote all his confidants.

But what Sun Quan cares about the most is Sun Shangxiang's marriage. Now that everything is ready, Sun Quan looked at Sun Ce who was riding a horse, stepped forward and said, "Brother! I will leave the younger sister's affairs to you!"

Sun Quan said that he did not forget to set his eyes on Sun Shangxiang who was wearing a red dress and riding a handsome horse with a displeased face. Today, she has amazed a wave of people. How could Sun Shangxiang look like a lady in the past? Wielding knives and guns, she looks like a tigress, and the generals in the army have a more or less heroic attitude towards this young lady.

But when I saw it today, I was stunned. Sun Shangxiang was wearing a red dress, riding a reddish-brown horse, holding a small leather whip in his hand, and his lips looked ruddy for some reason, blooming like peonies in the mountains, looking She is extraordinarily enchanting, her hair is carefully tied up, her face is exquisite, there is a heroic spirit between her brows, and the rebellious look on her face is like a little wild beast, which makes people want to be subdued Her desire, this may be the man's sense of conquest at work.

Sun Ce glanced at the general behind him, nodded to Sun Quan and said, "I will leave domestic affairs to you!"

"Don't worry!" Sun Quan said with a smile.

"set off!"

A group of people approached the far north, but no one expected that this political marriage became the fuse of this war. The northern land, which had been cultivated for four or five years, ignited the flames of war here. The vast area and the number of participating countries are unprecedented. The two sides of the North and the South are fighting fiercely, and the people are suffering unspeakably.

Of course, to send Sun Shangxiang to Chang'an, the two places Xiang Guo and Wu Guo must pass through.

And the camp close to the two countries is Feng Yi's camp. This camp has 8 horses. The original camp only had 5 horses. But because Han Yi was more afraid of Xiang Yu, he let Feng Yi do it himself. Recruitment, after three years of development, Feng Yi has trained these 8 people to be able to fight, everyone dares to fight, the only fly in the ointment is the main generals in the army, all of them have been transferred away, such as Guan Yu!He was transferred back to Chang'an by Han Yi.

And Feng Yi's men are only Yang Su!Wolf Tan!Stanay!Long live Shi!The four of them, if they really fight Xiang Yu, they are probably not his opponents.

Feng Yi also had no choice. Zhang He, the only military general he subdued, was also asked to leave by Han Yi. Some generals come over.

Of course, with Feng Yi's personality as a big tree general, he didn't particularly care about these things. Feng Yi knew how powerful Xiang Yu was, so he deliberately sent Xiao Cheng to him!Yongcheng!These three release lines of Xue Cheng are connected together.

These three lines almost completely defended Xiang Yu's main force. Corresponding to these three cities, Mengcheng!Pengcheng, Zhongwu, and the remaining Juyang belonged to the range of Wu Qi's troops.

Feng Yi stood in the big camp, looked at the three cities, and said with a sad face: "I don't know what my Bamboo Slip King is thinking about!"

"General, what are you worried about!" Lang Tan Ganggan just walked into the camp, picked up the kettle below and opened his mouth to drink, looking at the sentimental Feng Yi with a puzzled expression.

Feng Yi took a piece of white cloth, handed it to Lang Tan to signal him to wipe it, and said with embarrassment: "There is the Mei River between Xiaocheng and Xuecheng. This river is so large that it can go straight to Father Shen. After crossing the water, taking down Father Shen, and heading east for three hundred miles, I am afraid that Chang'an will fall!"

When Lang Tan heard it, he was stunned, wiped his chin, and stammered: "No...no...it's not that serious!"

"Xiang Yu's courage is unprecedented compared to General Jia Fu's. The battle of Pengcheng is an example. This guy drove straight in and took down Pengcheng in one go. This battle is his battle of fame! He has an unusual fighting style. It's fierce, don't be careless!" Feng Yi said with an embarrassed face.

"Then general, why did you ask Shi Wansui and General Shi Danai to build a water village in the water? These days, all the brothers are freezing to death. The wind on the river is strong, and many brothers are almost unable to hold on. !" Lang Tan said that this means that the clothes were wrapped tightly, and it is cold in spring, under Feng Yi's order, many soldiers had to go into the water, and dozens of them have suffered from frostbite in the past few days.

Feng Yi shook his head and said: "For such a big event, it's better to do it early and feel at ease. These days, they are called the Huotou Army. Prepare a lot of meat and drinks to warm up and nourish the bodies of the brothers!"

"Hahahaha! I'm waiting for your words! But then again! What's the use of building this water village!" Lang Tan rubbed his head. He really didn't understand what people like him think about all day It is to make contributions, he never considers these things.

Feng Yi stroked his beard, came to the front of the map and said: "Look here! This river and lake has a large area of ​​water, which is very suitable for training sailors. Your Majesty has no shortage of any kind of troops under his command now. What is lacking is sailors. , as long as we train this soldier and horse well, it can be regarded as dedicating ourselves to the king!"

"Uh... Let's talk about Old Feng! When will your character of not fighting or grabbing change! Look, the few brothers who were in the same team as you back then were all more famous than you. To be honest , the remaining two old fritters are just you and Gongsun Yan, who at least has the title of 24 generals in the world, you are completely poor here, brother!" Lang Tan stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

Feng Yi shook his head and said: "As a minister, you should solve your worries and problems for the king. If everyone is only interested in profit, wouldn't it be detrimental to the kindness of the king, miss me and Feng Yi! Up! No great talent, no great virtue, down! No meritorious deeds! Sheji, the lord still never abandons me, and entrusts me with a heavy responsibility, I should be grateful to you! I will die and die!"

"Uh...!" Lang Tan didn't know what to say for a while, and felt that this guy became more and more powerful as he talked. For some reason, Lang Tan felt like a villain who abetted others, while Feng Ting seemed to be moving. A gentleman like a mountain.

"Well said! Hahahahahaha!" There was a tiger roar outside the tent, and a group of people was about to lose their way. The head of the person had a red face and phoenix eyes!Lying eyebrows!Wearing a green hat, wearing a green robe, standing there, like a god descending from the earth, stroking his long beard with one hand, this person is not Guan Yu, so who can.

(End of this chapter)

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