Chapter 880

"General Guan! Long time no see! Why are you here today!" The old man was very happy to see him, and Feng Yi hurried forward to greet him.

"Hahahaha I only admire two people in this life, one is the king! The other is the general!" Guan Yu pressed Feng Yi's arm, laughed and said, holding Feng Yi's hand and walking forward: "Today It's not just me! The generals also came together!"

"Oh! And those generals!" Feng Yi quickly looked back, and there were two teenagers standing behind Guan Yu. The one on the left was handsome, with a face like white jade, and seven feet in length. Wearing a commoner dress, the other person is also extraordinary and looks like a young talent.

"These two generals are...!" Feng Yi was puzzled.

"Oh! These two are my dog ​​and nephew, Guan Ping! Guan Ling! I will bring them both to join the army!" Guan Yu stroked his beard and smiled, looked at the two standing behind him and said, "I haven't seen you yet. General Feng!"


"Meet General Feng!"

"You don't have to be so polite!" Feng Yi just finished greeting the two when footsteps came from outside.

"Cough cough...cough cough...cough cough...!" In sight, the man in white was covering his mouth, coughing all the time, as if hugging the pain of a long illness, followed behind him A tiger general, who are these two if they are not Chen Qingzhi and Zhaohu?

"I didn't expect that General Chen, who had thousands of horses and horses avoiding the white robe, would also come! What a great honor!" Feng Yi saw it, with a look of joy on his face, and stepped forward to greet him.

"Ahem!...General Feng doesn't need to be so polite. It's an honor to see the general's righteousness during this trip!" Chen Qingzhi clasped his fists and said.

Guan Ling, who was standing behind Guan Yu, looked at the people around her, feeling a little weird, and said to Guan Ping, "Hey! Cousin! Who are these two! Look at the generals in the hall, how can you treat them both?" I am very happy to have arrived..."

Guan Ping knew it when he saw it, and whispered: "You just came here, but you don't know. These two made great achievements in the Qilu Battle!"

"Oh! Is it that powerful? I think that white-clothed man is sickly. I can knock him down with one hand!" Guan Ling said conceitedly.

"He is not so powerful here. Don't look at him as sick, but he once blocked tens of thousands of enemy troops with more than 5000 men, and killed more than 8000 enemy soldiers!" Guan Ping is infinite to Chen Qingzhi Longing, that general doesn't want to make contributions by himself.

"Oh...!" Guan Ling seemed to understand.

"Oh! That's right! There is also the general behind him, called Zhaohu! He is one of the thirteen generals of the Shangdang! Even his father said that he is a malleable talent with the sword technique in his hand, and he severely injured Wang Yanzhang! The battle of Qilu At that time, he beheaded Tian Zaibiao, the General of the State of Qi!" Guan Ping was also very familiar with Zhao Hu, he was the most powerful swordsman besides his father.

"Hit Wang Yanzhang hard...!" Guan Ling was furious when she heard that this guy was able to hit Wang Yanzhang hard.

Guan Yu, who was behind, naturally felt that something was wrong with Guan Ling, looked back at Guan Ling, and said in a deep voice, "Be quiet! The military camp is not a place for you to play your temper!"

When Guan Ling heard that she endured it this time, Guan Ping on the side covered her mouth and could only shrug.

And following behind Chen Qingzhi and Zhao Hu was Shi Jiantang. Since he defeated Wang Yanzhang, this guy hadn't had much record. Han Yi directly placed him under Chen Qingzhi's command.

"Long time no see! Brother Gongsun!" Hearing a loud voice outside, he saw a person walking towards him. This person was seven and a half feet long, with a dark complexion and wearing a pixiu armor. He was very enthusiastic when meeting him, but if he was on the battlefield , this guy is as calm as a black panther in the night, once he sees the target, he will bite the enemy fiercely.

But what surprised everyone behind him was that this guy was carrying a female general with a heroic appearance. Although she was wrapped in armor and her original figure could not be seen, but with that appearance alone, even a lady would She was overshadowed, and more importantly, she was a heroine, wearing a red scarf on her head, and holding a sword on her waist, looking at these veterans on the battlefield, she was not afraid at all, just this courage, compared to some men Must be much stronger.

"Brother Liangchen, aren't you under the command of General Han Qinhu? How could it be...!" Feng Yi said with a puzzled face.

"Hahaha! Come here by order of the king!" It was Han Shizhong and his wife Liang Hongyu who came.

"This is...!" Feng Yi set his sights on Liang Hongyu after summoning her.

"This is the next married wife! Husband sings and wife follows, and I serve as an officer in the army! For this reason, the king personally named her a female general," Han Shizhong introduced.

"Liang Hongyu has met all the generals!" Liang Hongyu took a step forward and bowed to everyone, showing no fear at all.

Everyone returned the salute one by one, saying a few words about the good fortune of a good minister and so on.

After a while, Feng Yi looked at the crowd and said, "I don't know what the generals are talking about here! You actually let the generals come here together!"

"I'm here this time! There are two things! One is for the king to marry the princess of the Yue Kingdom, and the other is what the general said last time! Establish a navy!" Guan Yu stroked his long beard and said solemnly.

"Oh! So a few days ago I reported the matter to the king, and the king has already agreed!" Feng Yi's eyes showed joy.

"That's right! This time I'm here again for the sake of the navy, and I'm following the king's order to recruit people with excellent water skills in the area of ​​the Mei River to serve as the navy. If it's good, we can recruit 2 people. Based on this, we will first defend the Beihe River, and then go south to expand the scope of recruitment!" Han Shizhong said with a smile.

"Oh! Hahahahaha! If that's the case! I will hand over the matter of the water village to General Han," Feng Yi said with a smile.

"Brother Gongsun, have you already entered the water village?" Han Shizhong asked in surprise.

"That's right! Even if the king doesn't agree this time, this water village must be built, otherwise the damage will be endless!" Feng Yi said that this is a lot more serious.

"Hahaha! Good! Good! This saves me a lot of work. It only takes three months for me to train the navy!" Han Shizhong became excited when he said this.

"That's it! Congratulations to the good minister!"

"Hahahahaha! Thank you very much!"

"Okay! Two generals! Now that the affairs of the navy are almost done, let's discuss the matter of welcoming the bride!" Guan Yu said, stroking his beard.

"Ahem...that's right! Since he is already the wife of the king by name, he is the princess of our country! I have to keep her safe and sound!" Chen Qingzhi coughed and agreed with Guan Yu's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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