Chapter 888
On the battlefield

Xiang Yu looked at Sun Ce who couldn't move and sneered, "Sun Ce! I'm going to be my colleague! This king will give you a good time!"

Xiang Yu picked up the Tianlong Breaking City Halberd on the ground, and approached Sun Ce.

Zhao Hu and Shi Jiantang looked at it, quickly picked up the weapons in their hands, and wanted to go to help directly, but when they stepped forward, they found two big men blocking their way.

One of them, a bay red horse, held a big sword with a tiger's head in his hand, holding the sword in both hands, looked at the two of them and snorted coldly: "Your opponent is us!"

The other man held a pair of short halberds in his hand, and wore a grimace mask, with a pair of eyes exposed under his cheeks, and a pair of wolf-like gazes under his eyes, and said to the man in front, "I'll deal with the one who fights with the king!"

"Okay! Then leave the other one to me!"

These two people are Long Qie and Zhong Limei, and they will stop them, which looks like a deadly situation.

"Die!" Xiang Yu was excited, as long as he killed Sun Ce, he would avenge his grandfather.


"Ding, when Guan Yu's Martial Saint attribute activates, his strength will increase by 2, every round will increase by 2, up to 5 times, Guan Yu's basic strength is 105, the strength of Qinglong Yanyue Dao will be increased by 1, and the strength of Red Flame Horse will be increased by 1, now the strength is 109 ,"

"Ding, Guan Yu's critical attack attribute is activated, and his force is increased by 10, and his current force is 119"

"Ding, Guan Yu's force value for dragging the knife is increased by 5, and the current force value is 124!"

Xiang Yu narrowed his eyes and quickly raised his hands, raised the weapon in his hand, and blocked it.


Xiang Yu took several steps back. If it was an ordinary person, he would have died by the knife. Guan Yu's knife is not heavy, but the most important thing is to use the horse's power. There are many dead souls under this knife, but Xiang Yu took it. If it is down, this has to make Guan Yu look at him with admiration.

Guan Yu was stroking his beard at this moment, Danfeng narrowed his eyes, retracted his weapon with one hand, stared at Xiang Yu, with no expression on his purplish red face, and sighed: "Heroes in the world, who can borrow the old man's sword, are all You can be called a hero, King Xiang! If you retreat quickly, what happened today would have never happened, otherwise this battle will end... Your country can't afford it!"

Xiang Yu looked at Guan Yu, and from the corner of his eye glanced at the knife mark on Tianlong's City Breaking Halberd, his face darkened quite a bit, there was a not deep and not shallow mark on it, except for the one named Ran Min who could leave a mark on it , this guy is the second one. He is the most clear about the hardness of this weapon. Guan Yu's ability to leave a mark is enough to prove that this guy is extraordinary!
"Hahahahahahaha! Good! Very good! You are the second person in the world who can leave traces on a single-handed weapon. This king hasn't been so happy for a long time. Today, I will take your head first. Hit Chang'an in the future! Capture Han Yi alive!" Xiang Yu sneered, the weapon in his hand was cold and windy, he blew a whistle, and Wu Ya came running behind him.

Guan Yu's face turned pale, his maroon cheeks blushed again, holding a knife in one hand, he said in a deep voice, "You're looking for death!"


Guan Yu lifted the knife and chopped it off, rolling up layers of dust, holding the knife in both hands, his movements were flowing, Qinglong Yanyue knife weighed a hundred catties, and slashed towards Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu's eyes sank, he held the halberd in one hand, and leaned on the halberd

ears, withstood Guan Yu's sword.

"Come down!" Xiang Yu turned the halberd with both hands, and Guan Yu's big knife was unloaded. However, Xiang Yu didn't intend to stop, and lifted the halberd to stab Guan Yu's throat.

When Guan Yu saw it, his eyes were startled, and he thought to himself: It is rumored that this Yu's power can be lifted, but after seeing it today, it is by no means a lie. I am afraid that we will have to fight hard today!

Guan Yu raised his saber upwards, slashed Xiang Yu's weapon, and took advantage of the gap in Xiang Yu's body to sweep away thousands of troops and cut Xiang Yu in the waist.

"Good time!" Seeing this, Xiang Yu took a few steps back again and again, just at the moment when Wu Ya came running, Xiang Yu grabbed the horse rope, turned on the horse, and the cloth armor on his body made a crackling sound when the cold wind blew.

"Feiyang!" At this moment, Sun Ce reluctantly stood up, relying on the White Tiger Spear to support himself, Sun Ce clutched his big belly: "Ahem!"

After coughing, Sun Ce vomited a lot of blood. Sun Ce wiped his lips and said with a bleak smile, "Xiang Yu! You are nothing more than that!"

Xiang Yu squinted his eyes, looked at Sun Ce, and said with disdain: "I didn't expect you to be dead yet! Anyway, if that's the case, you two come together!"

Holding a spear, Sun Ce rode up on a flying horse and fought again. Guan Yu and Sun Ce joined forces, and this time they barely drew with Xiang Yu.

Among the army, Fan Zeng's hair was messy and dancing with the wind, and the horse under his crotch seemed to be frightened. He kept running forward, not under Fan Zeng's control at all. ! Stop it!"

When Xiang Zhuang saw it, he couldn't ignore Fan Zeng, so he could only hand over the command in Xiang Han's hands, and went after Fan Zeng by himself.

The soldiers on both sides strangled each other, but although Guan Yu brought 1 people, most of the 1 were infantry, which seemed to be at a disadvantage compared with Xiang Yu's cavalry.

These 3000 people were in the shape of a mountain, charging forward. Although the formation of soldiers charging forward was neat, they could not resist his impact.

"Three platoons of pikemen, and the archers are waiting to die in the rear, hurry up!" Lang Tan, who followed Guan Yu, took a step forward, issued two general orders in a row, and then personally sat in the army.

Xiang Bo rode on his war horse and sighed. The horn of the war is probably blowing. He Xiang Guo will definitely become Han Yi's main target. This battle will be cheaper for others.As Xiang Bo thought about it, a trace of irritability rose in his heart: "Yu'er is still too young, and she is too impulsive to do things. This battle may take decades, and it will be difficult to recover."

"Let the arrow!" Lang Tan saw the opportunity this time, pulled out the sword in his arms, and shouted.


Arrows rained down, and Heng Chu, who was commanding the charge of the horses, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, slashed left and right, overturned the arrows all around, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid! Go! Disrupt their formation, they Defeat is certain!"

"Pikemen... Hurry up!" With one move of the black wolf flag, five thousand pikemen each fired a gun, forming a square formation, and the soldiers on both sides joined each other, quickly and merged together, and finally formed a three-dimensional formation. The speed of the platoon of soldiers surprised Uncle Xiang who was behind him. The speed of this reaction was as fast as theirs.

Lang Tan's expression changed. He was afraid that there would be a fierce battle today, so he quickly called out to the soldiers behind him: "Quick! Tell General Feng Yi to lead the army to come, this time Xiang Yu must not be let go no matter what! "

The soldiers behind "Deling" turned back after deling.

(End of this chapter)

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