Warring States Call

Chapter 889 Defeat

Chapter 889 Defeat
"Xiang Yu, don't be arrogant, and think that there is no one in our army." Guan Yu supported his beard with his left crutch, calmed down, and urged his horse forward, dancing a full moon with the Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand.

"General Sun get out of the way quickly! Xiang Yu will kill me!" At this moment, Guan Yu's eyes were shining red, and the anger in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

Sun Ce, who was resisting Xiang Yu, was miserable. Seeing that Guan Yu had gathered his saber momentum, he immediately sold an opening and urged his horse to retreat.

Xiang Yu took the lead to take a look, and shouted: "Okay! Well done! Overlord's Halberd!"

The aura on Xiang Yu's body quickly condensed, holding the halberd with both hands, and stabbing with the halberd, a blood-red murderous aura emerged from Xiang Yu's body, and the whole body condensed a vague aura.

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes, the blood-red aura on Xiang Yu's body naturally couldn't escape his eyes, but Guan Yu was not bad either, the saber condensed out, and a blood-red aura emerged from the saber, the only thing that surprised Guan Yu was Xiang Yu Regarding the speed of condensation, Guan Yu still needs a lot of time to condense this blood energy, but looking at Xiang Yu's breezy air, it only takes a few breaths to condense, so how can this not make Guan Yu startled.


The Qinglong Yanyue Knife reached mid-air, but couldn't come down anymore, and was held in mid-air by Xiang Yu's Tianlong Breaking Halberd, Xiang Yu's arm was also shaken, which seemed to hurt, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "I didn't expect you to gather momentum! It was beyond my king's expectation!"

But then Guan Yu was in a bad mood, because he knew that although his momentum could be condensed, it was only a hit. If he missed a hit, he would obviously be passive in the next step. Holding the knife with both hands, he put more force on the knife, and the blood on his knife disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiang Yu Humu also noticed this, at this moment Guan Yu was like a cat without claws, allowing him to slaughter him.

Guan Yu's purplish red face turned pale.

"Hahahahahahahaha! What else should I be? If that's the case! Then leave the heads of the two of you here! Die!" Xiang Yu swiped Guan Yu's sword with a halberd, straight to Xiang Yu's chest.

Guan Yu didn't have much strength because of the excessive force of the sword before, and Xiang Yu's halberd was too powerful. Guan Yu's expression changed when he saw Xiang Yu's halberd coming, and he cursed secretly: Damn it!Is this old man going to die on the battlefield today?I am not reconciled!
"Father! Uncle!" Guan Ping and Guan Ling were both dressed in blood armor, and they could move freely among thousands of armies. Seeing that Guan Yu was about to be beheaded, they rushed up worried, but the distance was too far. The soldiers blocked from left and right, and could only watch helplessly.


Before Guan Yu was alive, another white tiger spear appeared, and the spear hit Xiang Yu's halberd, which saved Guan Yu's life. Two people.

Guan Yu survived the catastrophe, drew his knife to cut off the water, distanced himself from Xiang Yu, looked at Sun Ce who was holding a gun, and said gratefully: "Thank you, General Sun!"

With disheveled hair, Sun Ce said to Guan Yu, "It's all right! Didn't the general save another life then?"

"General Sun! Today you and I work together! I'm afraid we won't be able to kill this beast, so come back to the city with me! Come and fight again!" Guan Yu was extremely afraid of Xiang Yu, and he urged his horse to walk away and shouted: "Retreat!"


"Woo... woo... woo... Withdraw!"

Xiang Yu didn't pursue either, and with Guan Yu and Sun Ce working together, it might be impossible to kill them both.

"Win! Win! We won! The legend of Korea's invincibility was defeated by us! Win! Long live the king... Long live the king!" Man, let them win!And it is still more with less, which broke the soldiers' fear of them.

And Xiang Bo standing above was stroking his beard. Only he knew that the real war had just begun.

"Your Majesty... I'm afraid after the first battle today! We are afraid that we will become a thorn in Han Yi's side!" Zhong Limo said with a serious look as he rode away on his horse.

"What are you afraid of! Han Yi himself is too busy to take care of himself. I'm afraid that Han Yi will be destroyed in less than a month!" Xiang Yu snorted coldly.

"But the king...!"

"No need to say more! Reorganize the soldiers and horses! Soon, this feast will begin!" Xiang Yu rode his Uya horse, turned the horse's head and began to return to Pengcheng. He wanted to dispatch troops and horses, prepare food and grass, and reorganize the military equipment , Thinking of his 25 army of Xiangguo, it will shine in this battle.

On the way back, Guan Yu looked depressed!Thinking of Guan Yu's great reputation, he was defeated in a mess today. Guan Ping and Guan Ling looked at Guan Yu and said worriedly, "Father, are you alright?"

"It's okay! If the two of you meet Xiang Yu on the battlefield, don't fight! Run away immediately!" Guan Yu looked at Guan Ping and the two, worried in his heart.

"It's father!" The two of them didn't dare to talk too much, even Guan Yu was no match for him, wouldn't the two of them go up to die?
"It's only this time that I know what it means to be a man beyond others! I am afraid that only Li Cunxiao and General Ran Min can compete with him!" Guan Yu exclaimed.

Sun Ce looked at Guan Yu and said, "But General Li Cunxiao who became famous in that battle!"

"That's right! He is No.1 in our army, and even General Jia Fu has to lose more than 30 strokes to him!" Guan Yu said with a embarrassed expression, and his expression became lonely again.

"Who is Ran Min? Why have you never heard of him!" Sun Ce's face was puzzled. Among the famous generals in the world, he had never heard of this person's name.

"General Ran Min has been in Wancheng, guarding together with General Wu Qi. When the flood flooded the Chu army, none of the dozens of generals under Wu Qi was his opponent. Lei Heng! The two generals Zhu Dian were also killed by him. In the end, it was General Ran Min who blocked him with the two spears in his hand! The two of them fought for hundreds of rounds without a draw!" Shi Jiantang urged the horse to come.

"Oh!" Sun Ce looked at Shi Jiantang with doubts on his face. It was strange to say that this guy was capable of fighting against Xiang Yu, so how could he be entangled by a general like Long Qie? This made him a little puzzled up.

But how did he know that this guy is a typical guy who is strong when he is strong, and weak when he is weak. He is [-]/[-] against everyone. Except for the iron whip in his hand, he is caught by surprise, and the rest is the same!This is also the main reason why Shi Jiantang doesn't have many records in his hands despite his reputation.

"That's all! Go back to the city first! Waiting for the king's order, the concubine has already been received on this trip, and I will settle the score with Xiang Yu soon!"


(End of this chapter)

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