Chapter 899
Han Tunmeng's tiger's body was shaking, his hands could no longer use force, the tightly held hands were released at this moment, the weapon fell to the ground, and the sweat on his head soaked the bluestone slabs on the ground,
"Despicable!" Han Tunmeng's tiger eyes were bloodshot, and he was gnashing his teeth with hatred, but at this moment, he was powerless. His tiger eyes aimed at Wei Shu's direction, and when he turned around, he hit Wei Shu with a heavy kick.

Wei Shu saw that his hands and ten were in front of his chest.


Wei Shu was kicked back dozens of steps. At this moment, Wei Shu was like a brainless beast, giggling alone. Wei Shu shook his hand and glanced at the wound on his arm. With blood, it can be seen how hard Han Tunmeng was.

Wei Shu licked the blood on his arm, as if tasting a delicacy, the blood flowed down his tongue into his taste buds, and the bloody smell exploded in Wei Shu's mouth, spreading to every cell in his body , as if stimulating his brain.

"呵呵...!" Wei Shu slowly pulled out the sword in his arms, blinked and said, "Interesting! Really interesting! I think it will be very interesting to kill you!"

Han Tunmeng looked at Wei Shu, the ends of his hair blocked his view, his arms were crippled, and he couldn't talk at all. The only thing he could use was his feet.

Wei Jiang rode on the horse and looked at the mad Wei Shu, saying, "Second brother! Don't kill me! You have to live!"

"Don't worry! Brother! Wait for me to cut off his limbs so that he can't move. I'll leave it to you!" Wei Shu held the bronze sword in his hand, waved to Wei Jiang, and looked down at Han Tun Meng, said with a smile: "Don't you think so!"

Han Tunmeng looked at Wei Jiang, his smile was like a hungry ghost in hell, it was shocking to see, like a ghost in hell, soul, began to ask for his life.

"Fight of trapped beasts! Don't worry, Han Tunmeng! I'll be very quick so you don't feel the pain!" Wei Shu sneered, charging forward with the sword in one hand.

Han Tunmeng narrowed his eyes and cursed damn it, his arms were completely useless, but gradually Han Tunmeng could feel his arms, and he could still use force, but the price of force was that his shoulder blade was crushed with one hand.It also means that he only has one time. After one time, I'm afraid it will be...

"I picked your hamstring first!" Wei Shu narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Let's see! Who will kill who!" Han Tunmeng charged towards Wei Shu without any weapon in his hand.

"Ah...... Ah......!" Han Tunmeng rushed up like a tiger descending the mountain, his eyes were red with pain, and he quickly raised his left hand. Although the movement was slow, he could still move.

"Kacha!" The sound of a fracture came to everyone's ears, and the position of the shoulder blade had been broken into pieces.

"Death!" An overwhelming murderous aura enveloped Wei Shu, and Han Tunmeng's two fingers, like two spears in the dark night, pierced Wei Shu's left eye.

And Wei Shu's sword was aimed at Han Tunmeng's left leg. Seeing that Han Tunmeng was going to be late at the critical moment, he hurriedly changed his course.


After the blow, Han Tunmeng breathed heavily and knelt on the ground with disheveled hair. Every time he took a breath, he felt exhausted. Blood began to flow outward, staining the land red.

"Ah...! Ah...! My eyes!" Wei Shu covered his left eye and beat back and forth on the ground, in agony.The wound on the corner of his eye stained half of his cheek red, and Wei Shu shouted in pain, "I'm going to kill you...kill you!"

Sitting on the horse, Wei Shu saw that Shu was injured, so he hurried up and said, "Second Brother...Second are you doing!"

"I'm going to kill him...Kill him!" Wei Shu yelled, but after a few yells, he passed out.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Wei Jiang couldn't bear it at this moment, and drew his sword to kill Han Tunmeng.

"Wei...!" Long Jia just wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but he listened in an instant. He felt the fear of the soldiers around Han Tunmeng, as if they were afraid. If he didn't kill him, he might not be able to encourage him. The momentum didn't stop him.

"Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! The war will never retreat! The general is incompetent! But it is not good to just live! Offend my border! Kill without pardon!" Han Tunmeng raised his head and blew his hair away to look at Wei Jiangleng Humph.

"Looking for death! I'll cut you off!" Wei Jiang said as he drew his sword and chopped it off.

"Hahahaha! I'll be waiting for you won't be long...!" Han Tunmeng mocked, seeming extremely confident.

"Death...!" The long sword was swung to kill, and a good man's head fell to the ground, splashing the blood on Wei Jiang's face.

Long Jia said with a difficult expression: "Such a frontier young general, An Neng is like this! I'm afraid this battle will be difficult!"

Wei Jiang snorted coldly: "Put this person's head in a box and give it to the general to receive the reward!"


Wei Jiang was still angry at the moment, looked at Long Jia above and said, "What will you and I do next!"

"Wait here for the general's order! Enjoy the last peace, the storm will come next!" Long Jia exclaimed.

Long Jia got off his horse, came to Han Tunmeng's body, and sighed: "You can be regarded as a hero. Although you are not famous all over the world, I admire your strength of character, and you will never retreat... Come and collect his body, let's bury it!"


At this moment, on the top of the mountain, an old man was sitting on a rock, looking at the shooting stars in the sky, he saw a golden heart slowly rising under the purple star, and the stars around him were dimmed quite a few,
Among the stars, meteors flashed one after another. The old man saw that the light and cloudless colors had disappeared. He stood up, looked at the meteor shower above, stroked his beard, and sighed: "The war is about to begin! The battle of unification is not far away, and the long-awaited peaceful and prosperous world has finally arrived!"

"Hahahahaha! I never thought that Mr. could see the way. I admire you. I don't know Mr.'s name. The student Zou Yante came to pay a visit!" At this moment, Zou Yan is no longer the same as before. He is crazy and only knows to beg for wine. The clothes are well-dressed, and the hair is combed meticulously. It can be said that he looks like a dog... No, he looks like a dog.

The old man glanced back at Zou Yan, and said with a smile, "You can teach a child!"

After speaking, he jumped off the cliff with a height of hundreds of feet. Zou Yan was shocked immediately. He was about to step forward to stop him, but it was too late. Even his things on the rock were gone, and the rest was for him to calculate. It was just a few stones, so Zou Yan squatted down and studied for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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