Chapter 900
"Ding, Han Tunmeng died in battle! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 9 summoning points!"

Han Yi, who was taking a nap in the study, was woken up by this sentence, and his whole body regained his energy, his expression changed: "Han Tunmeng died in battle! Congratulations! System, are you sick? !"

Han Yi was furious, threw the bamboo slips in his hand, stood up, Han Tunmeng could not have died for no reason, he is still in his prime, how could he die, although this guy is not his confidant, He was also a real and powerful general who supported himself to succeed in the early days, 12 years!A full 12 years!Despite hard work, Han Yi didn't even receive a letter from him to resign.

"Bastard...ah...!" Han Yi was furious, with his waist in his arms, walking back and forth, not knowing what he was thinking.

"My lord! What's wrong with you!" Gao Lishi ran in scrambling, looking at the overturned bamboo slips, and said cautiously.

Han Yi looked at Gao Lishi who was kneeling on the ground, and shouted, "Get out! Get out!"

"No...slave, get out now!" Gao Lishi hurriedly supported his hat. He had never seen Han Yi get so angry. Could it be that he didn't serve well? It's impossible. Han Yi was fine just now. , why suddenly......

The more Gao Lishi thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong......

"Wait...!" Han Yi quickly called Gao Lishi to stop, trying to calm himself down.

"My lord! But I still have some orders!" Gao Lishi hurriedly stopped, looked at Han Yi respectfully and said.

"Go...go...! Ask... Li Ru to bring me all the battle reports from the north in the past few days! Hurry up!" Han Yi said with a serious face.

"No!" Although Gao Lishi didn't know, he still recruited.

Half moon
above the hall
"Report! Your Majesty is not good! The Wei State claimed to have 30 troops, and sent General Pang Juan! The Leyang soldiers suppressed the border and beheaded our general Han Tunmeng! General Gongsun Yan is leading an army of [-] to resist! Your Majesty, please hurry up! Send troops to support!" The scout ran up quickly, before he even had time to catch his breath, he lay down on the main hall, holding the letter in his hand, apparently exhausted.

The civil and military officials in the imperial court were on their left and right, the civil officials were headed by Wang Meng, and the military generals were headed by Jia Fu. When they heard the news, they all became a little shocked.

"Quick! Present it!" Cheng Yu got the bamboo slips and ordered the two of them to drag the soldier down to rest and present the bamboo slips up

Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand without saying a word, but the frost on his face was getting more and more frosty.

"Why did Wei suddenly send troops! And it's the power of the whole country!" Han Feizi said with a puzzled expression.

"Hmph! There are no good birds in Wei! This Wei He is so frightening! Your Majesty will give you 10 people! I will definitely kill them all!" Jia Fu took a step forward, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"No! No! I have an appointment with the Three Jins!" I saw an old man who took the lead to stop it with a thousand steps.

"Others are hitting the door of the house! You still don't want to hit! What does Mr. Gu think!" Nan Jiyun, who was standing behind Jia Fu, cursed straight at his nose.

"This old man doesn't mean that! What this old man means is to show courtesy first and then fight, first find out if you made a mistake! Then...!" Then the old official surnamed Gu waved his hands quickly.

"Hmph! Surprise is what you need in war! No wonder you always lose battles!" Nan Jiyun snorted coldly.

"Shuzi is rude! The old man was...!"

"It's an old account book! What a fart...!"

"Enough!" Han Yi closed the bamboo slips in his hand and said seriously.

The Wencheng generals on both sides shut up this time!Each of them wished they could devour each other alive.

"Report! Urgent report from the front! Xiang Yu led 20 soldiers and horses to the north, preparing to capture Ludi!"

"Bring it up!"

"Report! Hurry up for [-] miles! General Qi Tian Dan and General Cao confront each other in Tangfu! The enemy Tian Ji's army also has traces of marching troops!"

"Bring it up!"

"Report! Zhongshan Chai Rong led 15 troops south to threaten the Jiagu area, and fought against General Liu Zhi, and General Han Qinhu went to help! The two armies fought three times in a row! No difference!"

"Report! The State of Wu has accepted Dengcheng and other four cities, and confronted General Wu Qi in the north!"

"Bring it up!"

"Report! Yan Guo led 25 troops to the south! And Zhongshan! The two countries of Wei and Qiu have no crimes, depending on the situation, they are here for the king!"

"Bring it up!"

"Report! Qin sent Wang Jian! The second general Bai Qi occupied Hangu Pass, and the Wei soldiers withdrew from Hangu Pass!"

"Submit it!" Cheng Yu, who was shouting from the side, softened his voice every time he shouted.

Gao Lishi followed one by one, feeling his hands trembling for some reason.

Han Yi leaned on the throne, watching one after another as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, the faces of the ministers below all changed drastically, and some generals were silent. Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, and said to a few people, as if mocking: "Arguing! Why don't you stop arguing!"

"Your Majesty's next suggestion, let's negotiate a peace!" A silent Chen Qun stood up, sweat dripping from his head, and he was also under tremendous pressure.

Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and said, "Negotiate a peace! How can we negotiate a peace? How can we make them retreat!"

"I thought! Will... marry the princess! Then... and then... and then...!"

"Then cede the land and ask for peace! Is it right to bow down to them and lose a lot of land!" Han Yi closed the bamboo slips in his hand, looked at Chen Qun with both eyes, and gradually dissipated his aura, looking at everyone, Finally set the target on Guo Jia.

"! It's not my minister's intention...!" The fine sweat on Chen Qun's head kept breaking out.

Han Yi didn't make things difficult for him, looked at Jia Fu, Nan Jiyun and the important generals behind him, and said with a smile: "Why don't you say anything! Didn't you still be generous just now! Why don't you say anything now!"

Every time Han Yi said, the generals around him lowered their heads.

"Your Majesty! I think you should fight!" At this moment, Wang Meng stood up and stood proudly among the crowd. Even Guo Jia was half a step slower. He was about to go up, but he was too slow.

"Go on!" Han Yi picked up the bamboo slips again, as if looking for some clues.

"Furthermore, what I want to be is not the prime minister of this country! What the king wants to do is not the lord of this country, generals! Ministers! I don't want to be the generals of this country! Ministers! Generals! Remember when we assisted the king! Your Majesty told us about your great ambitions," Wang Meng said to the crowd behind him, stroking his beard.

"Remember! I swore once again that I am willing to follow the king! Pacify the world! Clean up the world! Return the world to peace!" Pang Wanchun was the first to stand up, his tiger eyes shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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