Chapter 916

Jia Fu held a silver halberd in his hand, Xue Taisui, and rode on a Zhaoye jade lion, with two meteor hammers hanging around his waist, and the hair behind him swayed without wind. His tiger eyes sized up Liang Lin, with a playful expression on his face: "This will be just right. Breaking through to the situation, I will practice with you today!"

"Who will die?" Liang Lin sneered, whistled with one hand, and saw the Yinhe Beast, which was surrounded by everyone, rushing in, the horse jumped into the air, ran out from behind, and came to Liang Lin's house in front of you.

"What a horse!" Jia Fu stroked the Zhaoye Jade Lion under him, and instinctively admired it. He stared at the horse under Liang Lin, and licked his lips from time to time, but Jia Fu also knew, like this The warhorses of the people are generally very spiritual, and they are only loyal to one master in their lives, and others should never even try to get close to him.

"General Jia Fu, be careful! This man is infinite! Let me help you again!" Qin Qiong said with a worried expression.

Jia Fu waved his hand and said, "No need! General Qin, watch the battle from the sidelines! Watch how I kill him!"

"I'm not afraid that the strong wind will flash my tongue! Come and ask for advice today!" Liang Lin mounted his horse, and his aura slowly dissipated. Liang Lin is like a runaway wild horse. If you want to subdue him, you probably won't be able to if you don't have real skills.

"Ding, Qin Qiong! Yuchigong's door god attribute is released, Liang Lin Feihu attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 13, the base force value is 103, the double blade attribute is ended, Liang Lin's base force value is reduced by 1, the current base force value is 102, and the Galaxy beast force value is increased by 1 , Lone Needle Bright Silver Hammer force value plus current force value 117"

Liang Lin urged the horse forward, with endless killing intent in his eyes, he opened the double hammers in his hands and struck, clamping the horse's belly, the Yinhe Beast under his crotch seemed to understand, and he opened his horse's hooves to charge away .

"Small tricks! Do you dare to show off in front of this general?" Jia Fu sneered, and stayed still, with the spear in his hand stuck in the ground. Seeing Liang Lin Cui Ma coming, Jia Fu sneered, as the saying goes When shooting people, shoot horses first, and Jia Fu aimed at Liang Lin's Galaxy Beast.

And Jia Fu's bet is that Liang Lin is also a horse lover. If he doesn't hide, Jia Fu can easily snatch it away, but his horse will suffer no serious damage. If he hides from Jia Fu Even if he took the lead, Jia Fu would take advantage of it no matter what.

Sure enough, Liang Lin was startled, seeing Jia Fu coming towards his Galaxy Beast, he immediately waved his weapon to block it.

Jia Fu smiled, he had fallen for the trick, and immediately smiled and said: "That's all."

The silver halberd Snow Taisui in Jia Fu's hand waved like the wind, and every time he waved it, a cold light appeared, and after a long time, it was like winter snow, covering Liang Lin in bits and pieces. Hidden killing intent.

"Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, force increases by 5, base force value is 106, silver halberd snow Taisui's force value increases by 1, Ye Yuezhao lion's force value increases by 1, and the current force value is 113"

Liang Lin's pupils shrank, and he quickly blocked the silver hammer in his hand in front of him. Every time Jia Fu hit Liang Lin's hammer, there would be countless words of fire. After a long time, it was like It was a grand fireworks venue, and the whole air was filled with the smell of blacksmithing.

Although Jia Fu's strength is fast, Liang Lin can clearly feel that this guy's attack is not threatening, and he immediately said with satisfaction in his heart: "I thought it was a powerful character, but I didn't expect it to be like this, and the reputation is quite bluffing." of………!"

Cheng Yaojin, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, leaned on Yu Chigong's body, put his arms on his shoulders, and said with a puzzled expression: "You said that General Jia Fu is so powerful! But why didn't he suffer any substantial damage? Instead, he seemed to be dragging ah!"

Yu Chigong stroked his beard, also felt strange, felt that Jia Fu didn't seem to use all his strength, but he didn't dare to show it, but Cheng Yaojin couldn't help it, and shouted: "General Jia Fu, you Why don't you make a move!"

Jia Fu, who was fighting, was stunned for a moment, looking at Cheng Yaojin, who really wanted to slap him to death, Liang Lin saw the opportunity and shouted, "Eat me with a hammer!"ha! "

Jia Fu regained his senses and looked at Liang Lin, and said with a smile, "It's been tricked! The snow fox is playing with dogs!"

"Ding, Jia Fu's Yonglie attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 8, and the current force value is 121!"

Liang Lin was shocked immediately, and the sledgehammer in both hands clamped the silver halberd Xue Taisui in Jia Fu's hand. Jia Fu narrowed his eyes, and turning the silver halberd in both hands opened Liang Lin's two silver hammers. He wanted to drive straight in and reach Liang Lin's throat, but Jia Fu stopped and said mockingly, "Is that all you have?"

The anger on Liang Lin's cheeks gradually rose, and there was a sense of atmosphere in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "You are courting death!"

Jia Fu smiled, put away the silver halberd in his hand and sneered, "Come on!"


Everyone didn't know what Jia Fu was doing, everyone looked puzzled, was this a joke?This is a battlefield!where else...

However, the more puzzled everyone was, the less anxious Jia Fu became.

The battle between Jia Fu and Liang Lin attracted most people, but many people ignored two extremely important figures.

On the back of the Zhongshan Camp, a warrior was holding two weapons and riding a red horse. With just one blow, he had already broken the stakes set by four or five people. When the soldiers found out However, it was too late, wherever the weapon in Li Cunxiao's hands passed, there were scars and blood flowing like rivers.

Chai Shao, who was sitting in the formation, was staring at the changes in his surroundings. He saw a member of the general running away, and said in a panic: "The general is in trouble! Another army appeared behind our army, with five thousand troops. Many of them are cavalrymen! Go straight to the big general's tent!"

Chai Shao turned his head and sneered at the army: "Who is the enemy's leader!"

"The general seems to be someone named Li Xiaoxiao...!"

"Li Cunxiao!" Chai Shao was shocked at the moment. If Li Cunxiao was in command of this army, everything would be completely different. Chai Shao looked at the troops in his hands and said quickly: "Quick! Le Shu, you lead Han Tao and Tang Long , The two went to support Du Xing and Yan Shun. The two of them set up an ambush on the way. You can use the front, and you must block that man named Li Cunxiao. No matter what, they can't let them hit the general's account! "

"No!" Even though Le Shu was not happy at the moment, he had no choice but to follow the military order, took the token in his hand and hurried away.

Chai Shao looked into the distance, and said with embarrassment: "Han Qinhu, what are you plotting!"

Han Qinhu in the distance smiled, holding his wine gourd and said with a smile: "Lead a powerful force and behead the enemy! This battle! You will lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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