Warring States Call

Chapter 917 Surrender

Chapter 917 Surrender

Han Qinhu stroked his beard, picked up a stone, and smashed it on the set stone. With a light flick, the seemingly indestructible stone pile collapsed at this moment and collapsed on the ground.

Han Qinhu opened his wine gourd. He was in a good mood. He drank it in a big gulp. Looking at the lieutenant at the side, he handed him the wine gourd in his hand and said, "Drink some!"

"No general!" Deputy General Fang pushed quickly and said with a smile.

On the battlefield, there is a clanging tiger general, wearing a volleying thunderbolt armor, holding an armor-piercing lingyun spear in his hand, riding a black-faced crowned jade horse, staring at the direction of Chai Shao, like a black night beast. The jackal in the middle, with a pair of green eyes, makes people shudder.

This person is Peng Yue. Holding the treasure gun in his hand, he used Du Yu to restrain Li Ying and the others. He bypassed the main force of the crowd, and behind him were the newly formed flying armored soldiers. All of them were wearing light armor and held an armor-piercing gun in their hands.

Peng Yue snorted coldly: "Soldiers! Drive straight in! Capture Chai Shao alive! Kill!"


"Report to the general...! The enemy general Peng Yue is here!"

"What are you talking about! Peng Yue is coming at me," Chai Shao said with a startled expression.

"Not bad!"

"What are Li Ying and Wang Ying doing?" Chai Shao couldn't sit still anymore, and he must calm his anger.

"The four generals are all surrounded by the enemy, and they can't get away. General...!"

Chai Shao stared ahead, with an embarrassing expression on his face, he said: "Pass my order! Jiao Ting, Le He, you two go to resist, no matter what, you can't let him kill you!"

"The last general must fight to the death and never retreat!" The two brave generals raised their weapons and went to kill.

"Be careful" Chai Shao looked embarrassed. Zhongshan's backbone lost too much in this war, and too many people died. They are all flesh and blood souls, but none of them can withstand the sharpness of the blade.

"Don't be crazy, come! I'll meet you!" Jiao Ting held a trident in his hand, and with this ferocious look, he looked like a hungry ghost coming out of hell, coming to claim his life.

Le He held a spear and rode a horse to kill Peng Yue.

Peng Yue's eyes widened with anger, and he shouted, "You're courting death! Ha!"

I saw Peng Yue holding his Armor-Piercing Lingyun Spear in both hands, stabbing at the burning trident.

Jiao Ting's expression turned pale, holding the trident in both hands, he stepped forward and clamped the weapon, immobilizing him, and then greeted Le He behind him: "Le He Kuai! He's done!"

"Death!" Le He stabbed Peng Yue's throat with his spear. Peng Yue's pupils shrank, and he pulled out the bronze sword in his arms with one hand, and swept away thousands of troops with one move.

"Kacha!" With one sword strike, Peng Yue was about to be killed, and Peng Yue cut the white spear in Le He's hand in half with one sword strike. Peng Yue immediately said angrily, "I'm looking for death! Get up!"

Peng Yue suddenly exerted force, and the weapons in Jiao Ting's hands were already thrown out of his hands and fell to the ground.

Jiao Ting lost the weapon in his hand, and was shocked immediately. When he was looking at it, the sword in Peng Yue's hand sealed his throat with a sword, and the edge of the sword was stained with blood. Jiao Ting had already ended with one move.

Jiao Ting clutched his throat, blood kept flowing out, Jiao Ting was so hateful, he pointed at Le He for a while and said with embarrassment: "You...... pit...!"

Le He watched Jiao Ting die in battle, his eyes were red and he said: "I will fight with you!"

Le He pulled out the bronze sword in his hand, jumped into the air, and slashed down with his sword, trying to cut Peng Yue.

Peng Yue narrowed his eyes, how could he let go of such a big flaw, the Armor-Piercing Lingyun Spear in his hand, one move at a time, one pillar at a time, piercing armor... piercing armor!One shot broke his armor, Peng Yue held the weapon in both hands, hoisted Lehe up above his head.

Le He held the sword in one hand, and pressed the gun barrel firmly with the other, not wanting to let him move forward, but Le He could clearly feel that his body and limbs were like deflated balls, hanging down weakly.

"Crack!" Peng Yue threw Lehe away with a single shot, and urged the horse to go straight to Chai Shao.

At the moment when the body of Le He, who was thrown off his horse, was trampled by countless people, he kept thinking, what was he wasting his life for, what was it for!For myself...for my family and country...or that illusory attachment.

"Chai Shaoxiu go!" Peng Yue roared, urging his horse up, just in time to see Chai Shao who got off the high platform, and Cui immediately immediately.

Chai Shao's eyes were red with pain, he pulled out the sword in his arms, and said angrily, "Why bother to die and how to mourn! I will fight with you!"

"Looking for death!" Peng Yue raised his gun and charged forward.

"Ding Dong!" A shot passed by, and the sword in Chai Shao's hand turned into fragments all over the sky. Peng Yue shot past, cut Chai Shao's left shoulder, blood flowed down Chai Shao's left shoulder, and Chai Shao was completely crushed. He fell to the ground and rolled back and forth. When he turned his head, he saw that the spear in Peng Yue's hand was already at Chai Shao's throat.

"Hahahahahaha! I lost! I lost! Han Qinhu is really superior! I'm not reconciled...I'm not reconciled!" Chai Shao looked like a crazy beast, looking extraordinarily After a while, Chai Shao seemed to calm down, choked up, bitter tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, passed by the corners of his eyes, looked at Peng Yue and snorted coldly: "If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want! Give it a good time!"

Peng Yue sneered and said: "It's not that simple to want to die, what's left and right! Capture him! Hand him over to the general!"

"Promise!" The soldiers on both sides tied Chai Shao's five flowers together. Peng Yue stared at the big tent and sneered. Now it's up to Li Cunxiao. With his ability, he must not be able to defeat him.

Peng Yue rode his horse and looked around, and finally set his target on Wang Ying, and he might not be able to deal with them today.

On the back of the Zhongshan camp, there was blood flowing like a river. Li Cunxiao was wearing blood armor, carrying two corpses on the blades in his hands, the real Du Xing and Yan Shun. As they slowly washed it between their fingers towards the ground, the two of them maintained expressions of surprise and fear on their faces, it could be said that they could not rest in peace.

Tang Long and Han Tao swallowed their saliva, and said for a while, "This...this...!"

Le Shu looked at Li Cunxiao, his scalp was numb and he said, "Get out...quickly get out... get out!"

Han Tao and Tang Long looked at each other in dismay. After a while, they put down their weapons and started to run away. They were joking about fighting Li Cunxiao. It wasn't courting death.

Li Cunxiao threw the bodies of the two people to the ground, and urged the horse under his crotch to walk forward, as if he didn't notice the three jumping clowns, he came to the center of the big tent, and saw thousands of people wrapping it tightly To be honest, everyone looked at Li Cunxiao nervously.

"Surrender! You are defeated!"

(End of this chapter)

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