Warring States Call

Chapter 918 I Surrender

Chapter 918 I Surrender

Li Cunxiao's voice spread throughout the big tent. Chai Jin, who organized the soldiers, was holding the bronze sword in his hand. The sweat in his palm had already wetted the entire cloth, and a drop of sweat from his cheeks ran across Chai Jin's cheeks and dripped onto the ground. The number of soldiers on the bronze sword at this moment is because they are afraid of this god of death.

Every time Li Cunxiao takes a step forward, everyone will retreat. Even Chai Jin dare not make a decision lightly now. He saw Yan Shun and Du Xing die in the hands of Li Cunxiao with his own eyes. live.

"What are you afraid of! He is also a human! Why are you so afraid of him!" Just as everyone was terrified, a tiger general shouted, wearing 梼杌armor, holding a square sky painting in his hand Halberd, eight feet in length, leading his war horse, staring at the front with tiger eyes, holding a jug of fine wine in the other hand, he opened his mouth and drank it. .

The clothes in front of Shi Yanchao were already wet, and the smell of alcohol permeated his body. With a snap, Shi Yanchao threw the wine jar in his hand on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

"Huhu...... Huh...... Huh......!" A fiery breath spread from Shi Yanchao's lower abdomen to the surroundings of his body. Jin, this made Chai Jin very embarrassing, and shouted: "What are you doing! Let me go!"

Shi Yanchao's expression became colder, and he whispered softly: "Take the lord out of here quickly! I'll hold him back!"

Only then did Chai Jin know what this guy's intentions were. Shi Yanchao let go of Chai Jin and kicked him into the big tent. He stared at Li Cunxiao and said arrogantly, "I heard that you are Li Xiaoxiao! You killed many people in our country!" A man of generals!"

Li Cunxiao narrowed his eyes, staring at Shi Yanchao: "Who are you!"

"Remember! I am Admiral Shi Yanchao! I am here to take your life! Drive!" Shi Yanchao's eyes were shining with fire. The halberd hit Li Cunxiao's throat, and under the blessing of the alcohol, his strength became a bit fierce.

"Ding, Shi Yanchao's drunkenness attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, the base force value is 99, and the current force value is 104!"

Li Cunxiao squinted his eyes, and swept the Yu Wanglance forward in his hand, a gust of wind rushed out.

"Bang Dang!" With a huge force, Shi Yanchao's mouth split open, but under the paralysis of alcohol, he didn't feel much pain, only his palms were sticky, and he didn't have time to think about it. Killing again, the halberd shadows layer upon layer, like flying flowers chasing butterflies, directly killing Li Cunxiao's throat.

"Do you want to bloom?" Li Cunxiao held Bi Laoyan in his hand to control Shi Yanchao, and said expressionlessly.

"I want to trade my life for my life!" Shi Yanchao immediately laughed, and gave up Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and pulled out the bronze sword in his arms with one hand. The rays of the sun seemed to be blessed by the Holy Spirit , A ray of sunlight appeared on the bronze sword, with a green color, stabbing towards Li Cunxiao's chest. Under this blow, either death or injury, and it was as fast as a gust of wind.

"Ding, Shi Yanchao activates the attribute of risking his life, increases the force value by 5, and the current force value is 109!"

"Looking for death!" Li Cunxiao rolled his eyes, and the momentum on his body gradually dissipated, like a fierce tiger in the dark night, the blood energy in Zhou's body was rising rapidly, and with one blow, the dragon broke through the army.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao is bold to launch! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points and increase your own force value by 5 points. When facing an army of ten thousand people, reduce the enemy's force value by 1 point and increase your own force value by 8!"

"Ding, add 5 to Li Cunxiao's force value, add 1 to the force value of weapons Wang Yu and Bi Yanluo! Add 1 to Zhu Longma's force value, base force 107, current force value 114!"

"Ding, Shi Yanchao's force value has been reduced by 3 points, I will contact 106 now"

"Boom!" Yu Wangzhao hit Shi Yanchao in the chest with a blow, and only heard the sound of a broken bone. Shi Yanchao flew out like a kite with a broken string, and the heart shield in front of him was shattered into pieces. Debris all over the sky, scattered all over the place.

At this moment, Shi Yanchao vomited blood, which was mixed with the fleshy foam. Li Cunxiao's full blow had already hurt his lungs. He was afraid that he would not be able to survive. Shi Yanchao said unwillingly: "It's almost... A little...!"

Facing the sky at noon, Shi Yanchao breathed heavily and sighed: "My lord... the last general... has done... all... strength...!"

The wind blows and the candle goes out, the flowers fall and the heads wither, what is left.

Li Cunxiao looked at the dead Shi Yanchao, and rode his horse towards the front with no expression on his face.

At this moment, the flamboyant white cloth fell down and covered Shi Yanchao's cheeks, and the life and death of 18 years turned into ashes.

"Where to go?" Li Cunxiao was riding a war horse, with hundreds of horsemen behind him, charging forward. The soldiers on the left and right could not stop Li Cunxiao. Chai Jin's face changed, and he quickly helped Chai Rong and Gongsun Sheng into the carriage, and drove himself Carriage, shouted: "Drive!"


"I want to go!" Li Cunxiao threw Bi Laoyan across the wheels with one hand, the whole carriage skidded, rolled over and fell to pieces.

Chai Jin floated in the air and landed on the ground, the fragrance of the grass and the richness of the earth filled his breath, his body was like a broken carriage, it fell to pieces, the pain was unbearable.

And Chai Rong and Gongsun Sheng in the carriage climbed out!Li Cunxiao had already arrived, and the hundreds of cavalry behind them surrounded them tightly. Looking at Chai Jin, he sighed and said, "General Chai! Come with me!"

"Hahahahahaha! Cough cough...cough cough...I think I, Chai Rong, have wasted my whole life, and today I fell into the hands of a warrior like you! Where is Shi Yanchao? What have you done to him!" Chai Rong said with a pitiful look.

"He died in battle! He would rather die than surrender! He is loyal to you! He is a hero." Li Cunxiao exhaled enthusiasm, looked at Chai Rong and said with a serious expression.

"Yan Chao!" Chai Rong's eyes were full of tears. At this moment, he felt physically and mentally exhausted. One of his right and left arm turned his back on him, and the other died in battle!Chai Shao was captured!I never thought that I would be humiliated too!

"Hugh...... Hugh hurt my brother! Ah...... Kill!" Chai Jin who had just stood up from the ground, supported himself upside down, and drew his sword to see how to kill him.

Li Cunxiao saw that Chai Jin was like a clown, and winked at the soldiers behind him. The young general behind him understood instantly, kicked Chai Jin, and kicked him to the ground, with the bronze sword in his hand pressed against his throat. place.

"Third brother...!"

"General Chai! Surrender! There are too many casualties in this war!" Surrender!Don't increase the fearless casualties! "Li Cunxiao said calmly.

"I...I...I surrender!" Chai Rong finally said these two words, and the war finally came to an end.

"Get up!" In the front part of the battlefield, Liang Lin was like an exhausted beast, being played with by Jia Fu in his fingers. Seeing that he was invincible, he bought an opening, jumped out of the battle circle, and escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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