Warring States Call

Chapter 945 Field Battle

Chapter 945 Field Battle
"Big Brother...Big Brother...!" Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi's expressions changed drastically, they hugged Ruan Xiaoer's body, not knowing what to say.

Ruan Wengzhong's expression changed drastically, holding the horse rope, he shouted in embarrassment, "Drive!"

As soon as the general was killed, Ruan Wengzhong miscalculated this time. He thought that the opponent was just a brat, so that this guy could make military achievements, but now that Ruan Xiao died in World War II, how would he explain to his uncle?
Yue Yun held a pair of hammers in his hand and was not moving. Although he is powerful, he is not just a murderer. People have five relationships. They should not disturb them when they confess their funeral. After all, heaven and man will live forever separated.

"My dear, this little guy is so fierce!" Lan Yu's eyes widened, especially when Yue Yun held Ruan Xiaoer in the air. This blow not only shocked him, but also made him The opponent's liver and gallbladder are splitting.

"Ah! Thief! Give back my brother's life!" Ruan Xiaowu was furious, picked up the steel fork in his hand, snatched back the horse with one hand, and urged the horse to go up.

Ruan Xiaoqi picked up the spear with one hand, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and snorted coldly: "Give back my brother's life... Ah!"

"Don't go! Come back!" Ruan Wengzhong rushed forward with the golden man in his hand, his face embarrassed, this is fatal, Ruan Xiaowu and the others are a few catties, Ruan Wengzhong is clear, if these two people die again ……………

Yue Yun looked at the two of them, not knowing what to do, and snorted coldly, "Drive!"

"Ding, Yue Yun's startling hammer attribute activates, and his force value increases by 5. Special reminder, young veterans, who have the posture of shocking clouds and surpassing the world, if they encounter a basic force value exceeding 100, and for every 5 points of force value, Yue Yun's force value will be reduced." Add 1, the current basic strength of Yue Yun is 99 (not yet fully grown), silver plum and bright silver hammer, the strength value is increased by 1, and the current strength value is 105!"

At this moment, Yue Yun even condensed a momentum. This momentum is invisible and invisible, but if you get close to it, you can definitely feel it.

And Ruan Wengzhong in the distance has already passed this stage, and he is very clear about it. You don't need to feel it at close range, but you can see it from a distance, and you will know that he is not simple.

"Kill!" How did Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi hear Ruan Wengzhong's words, and shouted, "Death!"

Seeing the two men's weapons approaching for assassination, Yue Yun swayed from side to side, dodging the two's attacks, and under the speed of his horse, he quickly came to the side of the two, hammering each of them, the gourd hit the brain, if it hit the target, it might be... …

When Ruan Xiaowu saw it, his expression changed, he held the steel fork in one hand, and shouted with all his strength, "Let's go!"

"Crack!" A fork hit Ruan Xiaoqi in the abdomen, knocking Ruan Xiaoqi off his horse and rolling on the ground.

Seeing that there was still a chance, Ruan Xiaowu raised the steel fork with both hands, exhaled heavily, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Top!"


"Woo!...Woohoo!" Ruan Xiaowu's horse under his crotch was the first to be unable to bear it, and was hammered to the ground by Yue Yun.

Yue Yun saw that his pretending strength was loosened, and he got up. When he got up, Ruan Xiaowu on the horse kept his posture, holding the steel fork with both hands, and fell to the ground. The steel fork in front of his chest had already been bent, and the hammer hit Ruan Xiaowu. Five in the heart and lungs.

At this moment, Ruan Xiaowu felt that it was difficult to breathe, so he could only maintain this current posture.

"Ah... Brother! Brother!" Ruan Xiaoqi ran away with tears in his eyes.

"The little man wants to die!" Ruan Wengzhong was really angry this time, his eyes were red, and he urged the horse under his crotch, full of anger.

"Ding, Ruan Wengzhong activates the attribute of empathy. When facing the death of his relatives, the force value of the enemy general will be reduced by 5 points, and the personal force will be strengthened according to the enemy's basic force value."

"Ding, Ruan Wengzhong's force value is increased by 1, the current force value of Ruan Wengzhong is 105, the force value of the golden man is increased by 1, the fog lamp under the crotch is turned into grass, the force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 108!"

"Ding, Yue Yun's force value has been reduced by 5 points, and the current force value is 100. If Ruan Wengzhong's force value exceeds two 5s, the base force value will be increased by 2, and the current force value is 102!"

"Little General Yue, be careful!" Zhao Yun urged his horse up with worry on his face, his expression was a little anxious. After all, he was the one who watched the child grow up, and he couldn't let him have any mistakes.

Yue Fei also felt Ruan Wengzhong's strength, so he knew that this situation was difficult to deal with, so he urged his horse forward immediately, and shouted with all his strength, "Get up!"

The two silver hammers landed like shooting stars in the dark night, while Ruan Wengzhong held the golden man in both hands, and suddenly struck, the whole earth made a deafening sound.

"Ding Dong!" The sparks intersected Yue Yun could only feel the breath in his body tumbling, and the tiger's mouth opened. This was the first time he felt such a breath of death.

"Again... Ah!" Ruan Wengzhong swung the golden man in his hand, took the golden man with both hands, hit the top of Yue Yun's head directly on the head of the whole country, and shouted: "Death!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Come on!" Yue Yun became more and more unscrupulous, he was like a lunatic, not afraid of Ruan Wengzhong at all, the veins on his arms popped up, like earthworms floating on his arms Above, staring at Ruan Wengzhong hammering.

"Ding, Yue Yun's fighting attribute is activated, and if he is in a dangerous situation, his force value will be increased by 5. If he is charging, every time he charges, his force value will be increased by 1. Currently, Yue Yun's force value is 107!"

The ruthless Yue Yun was not afraid, and confronted Ruan Wengzhong's golden man.

"Kangdang... Cila...!" Sparks flew everywhere, and the momentum behind the two of them refused to give in to each other. They were like scourges, vowing not to give up until they bit each other to death.

Yue Fei stroked his beard, and greeted the lieutenant general beside him: Send an order!Get them both back to camp! "


Yue Fei stroked his beard, how could he not see that his son was already desperately trying, and Ruan Wengzhong seemed to have not done his best, if he continued, he would either die or be injured, he might as well accept it first.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom the horn blew, and Yue Yun hurried back.

Zhao Yun also took back the horse in time, and returned with him, looked at Yue Yun and said, "Good boy! This time you are famous far and wide!"

"Ahem... Thank you, General, for your quick praise!" Yue Yun coughed a few times, and only he knew what he had just experienced. If it wasn't for Ruan Wengzhong's slow thinking, just that moment would have been enough for him. I have suffered, how can I persist until now.

Bai Qi narrowed his eyes, and coughed lightly: "Meng Ao! Meng Wu, you two charge forward, Meng Tian! Meng Hu, you two lead your own troops, charge from the left and right sides, and the rest of you are on standby!"


"Ahem...kill!" Bai Qi coughed, drew his sword and went straight forward.

Yue Fei let out a sigh of relief, holding the long spear in his hand and shouting loudly: "Chang Yuchun meets the enemy head-on, defend left and right."

(End of this chapter)

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