Warring States Call

Chapter 946 Against

Chapter 946 Against
"Kill!" The two sides faced each other, Chang Yuchun took the lead, holding his Bafang Saber, and riding a horse to charge forward, the formation of the front troops of both sides was in chaos.

Meng Ao is also an old man in the Qin army, his status is not inferior to Sima Cuo's, but he is low-key and doesn't like to make noise, so his reputation is often not as good as Sima Cuo's, but no one dares to underestimate this old man. The spear has already been stained with blood. At this moment, Meng Ao, who is nearly half a hundred years old, is riding a black horse and is the first to charge. The tiger's eyes are looking straight ahead, and his beard moves with the wind. He urges the horse to go up and shouts: "Soldiers! The opportunity for shame has come! Go for me!"


In the battle between the two armies, Meng Ao had 3 people, while Chang Yuchun had only 2 people. He fought with Meng Ao, although he was at a disadvantage, but with Chang Yuchun's encouragement, he was killed by Qin soldiers. Evenly matched.

"Crack... Ding Dong...!" The beating sound of weapons is like the mellow music of chime bells, and the blood is splashed like a painter splashing ink. The whole battlefield is drawn with blood dripping pictures, the ground is paper, and artificial pens , every point is accompanied by either death or wailing.

"Report to the general! Two groups of soldiers and horses appeared on the left and right sides, charging towards the two wings of our army.

Yue Fei stroked his beard, stared at Xiahou Dun and said, "Pass my order and send Yu Wenqing to meet the enemy on the left! Lure the enemy to go in on the right! Set up a horse rope! Encircle and kill them!"


Xiahou Dun received the command flag and handed it to the deputy general on the side. As soon as the command flags in the left and right hands changed, the entire formation retreated a hundred steps, and the front shield soldiers on the right changed formation and retreated to both sides, revealing a passage, and Xiahou Dun began to arrange it himself .

Holding a copper hammer in his hand, Yu Wenqing called to the 5000 brothers behind him: "Follow me!"

"Kill!...Kill! Kill!" The army formation opened wide, and they swung their hammers to kill.

Meng Hu was riding on a war horse, staring at the opening gate. Being cautious by nature, he did not act rashly. He looked at the relatively weak defensive position and taunted: "Yue Fei has no plan, such a crude and shallow plan. , I thought Ben would not be able to tell, what is left and right, follow me to the enemy's rear, and defeat the enemy with one move!"

Yue Fei was calm and complacent, looking at Meng Hu who thought he was smart, Yue Fei welcomed him very much. He knew that there were tigers on the mountain and he would go to the mountain of tigers, and he could only break through this formation and disturb Yue Fei's deployment if he knew that there were tigers on the mountain. With such a behavior, Yue Fei just hit him sideways, which caught him off guard.

Sure enough, when Xiahou Dun saw Meng Yi attacking towards the rear, he immediately laughed and said, "Tell the archers and shield soldiers of the Chinese army to lead them in, encircle and wipe them out!"


Meng Hu urged his horse up, pulled out the Qin Changjian from his bosom, and swung it down.

"Kang Dang!" With a sound, a soldier was cut flying under such a huge force, and fell to the ground, spitting blood.The rear army's shield formation was in chaos, Meng Hu and the others saw a breakthrough, and they rushed in desperately to expand the results of the battle.

"Change!" Xiahoudun sneered, put out the sword in his arms, and shouted loudly.

"Kang Dang...Kang Dang...!...Ding...Dang...!" Thousands of long shield soldiers formed an iron barrel, surrounded by spearmen behind them, to prevent the horses from breaking through the formation.

"Cut!" Xiahou Dun yelled, holding the command flag.

Thousands of people's soldiers worked together to resist Menghu's troops outside.

Meng Yi was riding a war horse, his face was startled, he wiped the blood from his face, and shouted: "Quick! Quick! Blindfold the horse! Get out!"


"Fire arrows!"


The archers on both sides were aiming at the strength and shooting. The long arrows were like black shadows, like locusts crossing the border, and they could kill many with each blow.

"Hurry up! Defend quickly!" Meng Hu gritted his teeth, cursing in his heart that he should be damned.

"call out!"

"Ah!" With a cry, Meng Hu was shot off the horse, his face was covered with dust and sweat, and the blood on his shoulders left along the wound, staining the whole ground red.

"Protect the general!"

Meng Hu's face was embarrassing, and the soldiers around quickly merged into one place, and surrounded Meng Hu tightly with their shields.

Xiahou Dun sneered and said, "Soldiers! Kill!"


"General! General! Quickly send troops to rescue!" A soldier ran in with a disheveled face and a lot of blood on his body, and ran in scrambling.

"How decent is it to panic! Speak slowly!" A general standing behind Bai Qi scolded the soldiers below. When everyone looked around, they saw that this man was wearing heavy armor, with a face full of anger, and a trace of anger under his breath. Big character mustache, the beard on the chin is inserted upside down like a steel needle, which can be described as majestic.

When Bai Qi heard the news, he frowned slightly, gradually becoming turbulent. When he heard the news, he knew that the two armies were in a trap. Bai Qi also got a little interested in his heart, and thought to himself: This Yue Fei has some skills, no wonder he was caught Han Yi stay here
"Report...report...general! General Menghu has fallen for the trap and is besieged by Yue Fei's army. If there is no rescue, it will be a disaster.

"Oh! Really! This Yue Fei is really capable," Bai Qi muttered to himself.

"General! Let's rush to the rescue!" Sun Yang said with a worried expression.

"Go to the rescue? Our army has fallen into a passive position, and Yue Fei has taken the lead. This time, we will go there! If Yue Fei surrounds the spot to fight for reinforcements, our army may suffer even greater losses." Bai Qi took the sword in his hand and said with a serious expression.

"But general! If we don't save him! Will I wait...!" Sun Yang asked with a worried expression.

"We still need to be rescued, but not too hastily! This Yue Fei still has some skills! This general should fight him well! Pass my order! The whole army charges!" Bai Qi sneered, he was trying to delay It's just time, if you don't show off your reputation, the world will think that he is just a display, and any cat or dog will come to fight him, see if you have the ability.

"The general is not with them..." Sun Yang said puzzled.

"What are you fighting with them? If we want to save Menghu, we must let him be cautious. Only in this way can we not fall into a passive position. As for whether Menghu can charge out! It depends on his own ability! Charge!" Bai Qi said After finishing, holding the long sword in one hand, the sword is straight ahead.

"The last general understands!" Sun Yang and other generals didn't care much, and rode their horses to take the lead and charged away.

"Father... General! They have launched a charge!" Yue Yun said just now, holding a pair of hammers.

"Hold your ground! Order General Chang Yuchun to withdraw," Yue Fei said solemnly, stroking his beard.

"The last general has an order!" When everyone heard this, they hurried to prepare without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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