Warring States Call

Chapter 947 Yang Zaixing vs Xia Luqi

Chapter 947 Yang Zaixing vs Xia Luqi

Everything seemed to be safe and sound in the big tent of the Qin army. Thousands of people were scattered in the big tent!Set up camp here, seemingly safe and sound, but who can say for sure, will there be hidden weapons and armor here?

Behind the tent of the Qin State, a cavalry detoured, staring at the uninhabited tent of the Qin soldiers, and carefully sizing up the front. The leader was wearing blue, black and white armor, looking into the distance, as if he wanted to see the other party. Be careful.

"General...General!" Two sentinels came running on horses with worried expressions on their faces.

"How's the investigation going?" Yang Zaixing looked at the two of them and said.

"There are no soldiers and horses in the Qin camp! Are we going to make a surprise attack!"

Yang Zaixing flashed the weapons in his hands, and said in a short voice, "Everyone get on their horses and prepare to charge!"


Yang Zaixing stuck the silver gun in his hand upside down on the ground, looked at the soldiers beside him and said, "Helmet"

"General!" The lieutenant threw Yang Zaixing's helmet to him, and Yang Zaixing put it on, looked in the direction of the Qin soldier, and shouted: "Send me an order! Kill Qin's granary! Don't worry about anything else! "


"Kill!" Yang Zaixing took the lead, but to Yang Zaixing's surprise, these soldiers did not resist when they saw Yang Zaixing, and fled directly.

Yang Zaixing looked suspicious, this is too simple!Yang Zaixing came to Qin's tent on a horse, so that Yang Zaixing did not dare to act rashly, and sent a few soldiers to investigate again.

In the tent of the Qin Bing, a general wiped the treasured gun in his hand. The gun was made of gold, and most of it was rusty. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wipe it off. Most of these were traces of blood. , making this gun a bit more murderous.

"Phew!" The man sitting on the cushion let out a sigh of relief, picked up the glass of water on the table, drank it down, and said with emotion: "Good wine! Good wine!"

The sound spread around the big tent, causing Yang Zaixing in the tent to turn around, look at the main tent of the Qin Army, and said to the lieutenants behind him: "Be careful! There are ambushes all around! You quickly lead the troops to burn the food and grass! I will drag you here." Stop them!"

"No! Be careful, general!" The two lieutenants immediately led the troops behind them to kill.

"Who's coming! Tell me your name!" Yang Zaixing's face was livid, he was calm and calm, and he might be a difficult opponent.

"General Bai Qi is really good at predicting things! You youngsters! Dare to talk here!" Inside the big tent, the general picked up the golden gun in his hand and began to fight. Every time he took a step, the armor on his body made a sound, and suddenly burst into flames. shouted: "hands on"

Hundreds of soldiers rushed out of dozens of tents, and there were more than 8000 people in pieces!

The leader with a golden gun in his hand, who else could he be if he wasn't Sharucci.

Yang Zaixing stared at the golden gun in Xia Luqi's hand, and said nonchalantly: "I heard that there was a mighty general in Qin State who killed hundreds of people with one shot. This gun is still a golden gun! But this man turned into a blood man! It must be Your Excellency!"

Yang Zaixing looked at Xia Luqi with a faint smile in his eyes, Yang Zaixing could clearly feel that this person is not simple, but his Yang family's marksmanship is the best in the world, as famous as Baifeng Chaoming Spear, if you don't try it I'm afraid that Qin's golden gun is not reconciled.

Xia Luqi glanced at Yang Zaixing, held the golden gun in his hand and said with emotion: "Kill!"


"Looking for death!" The aura on Yang Zaixing's body froze quickly, a kind of illusory energy surrounded him, and he had picked and killed dozens of people with several shots, and there was not a single general among the Qin soldiers.

There are many cavalry around, and they charge back and forth within a few breaths, disrupting their formation.

Xia Luqi narrowed his eyes, stared at the arrogant Yang Zaixing, and snorted coldly: "Don't you dare to be presumptuous! Let me kill you!"

"Ding, Shaluqi's gun ancestor attribute is activated. When facing generals who use other weapons, each person's strength value will be increased by 5 points. When facing generals who use guns, the strength value will be increased by 3. The unit is age. If you encounter generals who use other weapons , who is younger than Shaluqi, use 3 years of age to convert to a point of force value, if it is a gun user, use 2 years of age as the conversion unit, if you meet someone older than him, use [-] year as the conversion unit!"

"Ding, Shaluqi is currently 28 years old, Yang Zaixing is 25 years old and Yang Zaixing is using a gun. Using 2 as the conversion unit, Shaluqi's force value is added by 2, and Yang Zaixing is using a gun, so an additional 3 is added to the force value. The force value is 104, the force value of the double dragon golden light gun is increased by 1, the force value of the tiger hair dart is increased by 1, and the current force value of Shaluqi is 116"

Xia Luqi's tiger's body trembled, and the golden gun in his hand stabbed at Yang Zaixing, like a sky full of stars, the starlight shone around Yang Zaixing's vitals and stabbed away.

Yang Zaixing looked at the six roads and listened to all directions, but felt the chill between his brows getting heavier and heavier. He looked up and saw that Xia Luqi had killed him, his face was even more surprised, and he said immediately: "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

"Ding, when Yang Zaixing's death will activate, the force value will be increased by three every time he activates, and the base force value is 103! The current force value is 106, the force value of the Desperate Soul Spear is increased by 1, the force value of the black tiger horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 108"

"Ding, Yang Zaixing activates the Absolute Spear attribute. Whenever he is in a dangerous situation, it will be activated automatically. Cooperating with the Death Will activation, the Death Will attribute will be doubled, and the force value will be increased by 5 points!"

"Ding, Yang Zaixing's death will attribute is now doubled, his strength is increased by 6, his strength is increased by 5, his strength is increased by 1, his strength is increased by 1, his basic strength is 103, and his current strength is 116. !"

The long spears in the hands of the two are intertwined, sparks are sparked in the air, the two silver spears are different, the silver spear in Yang Zaixing's hand is capable of breaking ten thousand moves with one move, while the golden spear in Xia Luqi's hand is dotted with stars. , but still need to work hard with Yang Zaixing.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!" The two fought for dozens of rounds, just like a white tiger and a golden lion, neither could suppress the other for a while, and neither would obey the other.

"Take a shot from the old man: Peng Feng chases!" Xia Luqi held the gun with both hands, all the mighty energy on his body was enveloped in the gun, and he directly killed Yang Zaixing with a subtle shot.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed! Fanxu Cauldron!" Yang Zaixing was also not to be outdone, he was similar to Xia Luqi's, they were both condensed in the gun, but the way of firing was different.



"Kang Dang!" The sound of the two guns fighting pierced through, like a bell, which was particularly soothing, and the sparks in the air made people extremely frightened.

Yang Zaixing was sweating profusely behind his back. He didn't expect Xia Luqi to be so tough. He never encountered such a powerful character in the Three Jin Wars. It's really...

Xia Luqi is not good-looking either, his hands are numb from the shock, he has a feeling of watching the sky from a well in this battle, he still underestimated the heroes of the world, staring at Yang Zaixing and said: "Who are you! Can someone fight against me? This level can be called a hero!"

(End of this chapter)

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