Warring States Call

Chapter 948 Breaking the Army

Chapter 948 Breaking the Army
"I am Yang Zaixing!" Yang Zaixing withdrew the silver gun in his hand, and stared at Xia Luqi cautiously, his palms were already aching from the shock, just taking this opportunity to relax, Xia Luqi's thoughts were similar to Yang Zaixing's, Just now, he was not shaken lightly, and the vigor in the two of them was like fighting spirit, exhausted, and they were brewing with each other.

"Drink!" One of the reckless soldiers held a spear and wanted to assassinate Yang Zaixing, and the rest of the soldiers also came to their senses and strangled each other.

Yang Zaixing leaned back, grabbed the weapon with one hand, and said angrily, "You don't know how to live or die!"

The gun shot straight away like a microcosm, how could Xia Luqi at the side let him succeed, he didn't have time to cultivate, he raised the gun and went up, the gun was as fast as lightning, directly killing Yang Zaixing by the throat.

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Zaixing's face, he quickly abandoned the soldier, turned over, and lay down on the horse. The golden gun was neither fast nor slow, and picked off Yang Zaixing's helmet with one shot. The cold light flashed, and Yang Zaixing's hair fell loose and disheveled. , appearing messy.

Yang Zaixing also had lingering fears and was furious in his heart. He couldn't underestimate this guy. If he didn't get rid of him, he might have to confess here today...

At this thought, Yang Zaixing's eyes turned red, scarlet bloodshot, like a winding red tree root, covering Yang Zaixing's eyes, making Yang Zaixing's murderous aura even stronger, and the heavy aura on his body began to solidify When he woke up, there was a faint trace of scarlet aura. Although this aura was thin, it was still visible to the naked eye, especially when it appeared on Yang Zaixing's long spear, it was very clear. In addition to the blood on the gun itself, it was like The blood wolf in the dark night showed its ferocious teeth.


"Ding, Yang Zaixing activates the attribute of breaking the army, also known as the seven kills. Every time he kills, the force value will increase by 1, which can be repeated seven times in a row. After seven times, the force value will remain unchanged!"

"Ding, the second attribute of breaking the army, charge into the battle! Acute vanguard! Invincible, strengthen the soldiers to fight by 1∽3 points! Yang Zaixing's command ability increases by 3"

"Ding, because Yang Zaixing triggers the army-breaking attribute for the first time, strengthen Yang Zaixing's permanent basic force value by 1 point, and commander's permanent 1 point!"

"Ding, now Yang Zaixing: Force 104 Commander 90 Intelligence 81 Politics 72!"

"Ding, Yang Zaixing activates the attribute of death will, the force value is increased by 3, the attribute of breaking the army is added, the force value of the current move is increased by 1, the current force value is 120, and the commander is 93!"

"Hoo!" Yang Zaixing held the gun in both hands, as fast as lightning, every time he hit it, it was like a cold arrow shot out, enveloping Xia Luqi.

Shocked in his heart, Xia Luqi hurriedly danced his spear to block it. The two of them went through three or four moves in succession. If I don't take him down, I'm afraid I will confess here today...

"Oops!" Xia Luqi was shocked in his heart. He was lost in thought just now, but Xia Luqi didn't notice.

"Don't be crazy, little man!" Shaluqi held the gun in both hands, the veins on his arms were bulging, twisting and twisting, standing in front of him like a little snake, the golden gun in his hand was as cold as a gust of wind, On the whole body, the golden light is shining, like a golden dragon, the dragon roars and sings, bringing out silk and long chants, calling for killing

"Golden Barbaric Flood Dragon!"

"Roar...!" With one strike, the surrounding air became solemn, and under this golden spear, it was like a beam of golden dragon beams fighting against Yang Zaixing.

Yang Zaixing had no expression on his face, the two spears in his hands remained unchanged, his eyes were red, and he closed his arms with both hands, a sharp white aura floated on the silver spears, and white lights appeared one after another, eight at first, then four, until It became smaller and smaller, turning into a white light, blasting towards Xia Luqi's golden light, and Yang Zaixing only had two words, and said flatly: "Breaking the army!"

As soon as the two characters are uttered, two lights fly away, like golden clouds and silver houses, refusing to give in to each other.


"Ding Dong...!" With a successful blow, Shaluqi's tiger's mouth shattered, and blood gushed out from the wound, staining the blood gun, and the entire golden gun was dyed into a blood gun. I feel that my heart is dull, and I am no longer as handy as before.

"Death!" The blow was successful, Yang Zaixing would not let Xia Luqi go so easily, the silver spear in his hand directly killed Xia Luqi's throat. "

"Stop going crazy!" Xia Luqi is not a person who just sits and waits for death, he fights with a gun, but seeing that he is defeated, he buys an opening and rushes away.

Losing face is better than losing life!Besides, the focus this time is not on him, Xia Luqi, he is just playing a delaying role, and there is no need for him to work hard.

When Yang Zaixing saw Xia Luqi running away, although he was puzzled, he couldn't say anything. He glanced at the soldiers around him, and they fled in all directions like frightened birds.

In the entire Qin Bing tent, only Yang Zaixing's headquarters remained.

Yang Zaixing looked around, just in time the lieutenant rushed over, wearing blood armor, panting heavily, and the soldiers behind him were also injured.

"What happened! How could it be...!" Yang Zaixing tightened his grip on the silver gun in his hand, and a bad premonition began to emerge in Yang Zaixing's heart.

"General! There is an ambush among us! There is no food here at all! The brothers are all in an ambush. Fortunately, I found out early! Otherwise, the whole army will be wiped out this time!" The lieutenant wiped the blood on his cheek and said with embarrassment.

Yang Zaixing looked around and said half aloud: "Send me the order! Get out first! Hurry up!"


On the north side of Wangye City, there is another good place, which faces a bamboo forest. In the bamboo forest, two tiger generals sit facing each other, holding a piece of wine in one hand and looking at the star Luo chessboard in front of them. The leaves are falling and the wind is light, with a gentle demeanor and the muscles and bones of bamboo boards, standing upside down on the ground, so uncomfortable.

"Report to General! General Bai Qi! We have already started a fight with Yue Fei!"

Both of them were wearing the armor of the imperial army, and they looked young, but the eyes of the two were calm, as if they didn't care at all.

Nei Shiten, who was wearing a black armor right in front of him, said, "Zhonghe! What do you think! Guess what!"

"Don't guess." Guo Kan, who was sitting beside him, was as if nothing had happened, still lowered his head, holding a white piece in his hand to preemptively strike, and raised his head with one word, "You lost!"

"Hmm..." Nesten still couldn't believe it, but when he looked at the chessboard, he said unwillingly: "Impossible! Let's play another game!"

At this moment, Guo Kan didn't have that leisurely mind. He stared at the soldiers with tiger eyes, put away the wine gourd and said, "What's going on! Tell me!"

"General Menghu is trapped! General Bai Qi lost the opportunity, and now General Bai Qi has launched a general attack! Yue Fei resisted with a defensive formation!"

(End of this chapter)

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