Warring States Call

Chapter 960 Wei Shu's Killing Intent

Chapter 960 Wei Shu's Killing Intent

Han Chen rode a war horse holding a rope in both hands. Wherever he passed, the streets that used to be full of flowers became desolate and deserted, with dilapidated walls and empty buildings. Except for some that he couldn't move, almost everything he could take away took them all away.

The war horse stepped on the bluestone slab under its feet, making a pattering sound. The most prosperous restaurant in this city is the gate on the left side of Han Yi. There is no one here. The tall building is made of solid wood. It is only two floors high, and the sun was shining here in the old days, and the women on the street were dressed beautifully, and when they saw the man they liked, they would lower their heads in shame, hide behind a pillar beside them, and wrap their hands around the silk handkerchief, even if There is no one now, but the scenery of the past can still be seen.

Jiang Wei looked at Han Chen who stopped for a while, nodded at Han Chen, and followed Han Chen's gaze, puzzled, "What are you looking at? You're so engrossed!"

Han Chen came back to his senses, and the desolate streets appeared in his starry eyes. He sighed heavily and said, "This is war!"

"What are you in a daze for?" Jiang Wei looked at Han Yi who was in a daze. Although he couldn't figure it out, he didn't ask any more questions. He glanced at the restaurant and urged his horse to follow.

The surrounding scene became clearer and clearer. The soldiers on the city wall were guarding the city wall, and the wounded soldiers were constantly being carried in the stairwell, and some were howling and breathing heavily beside the city wall. The red-hot weapon was pressed against the wound, causing howls, and some pressed the wounded, pulling out the cold arrow behind him, and there was another howl of ghosts and wolves.

There were mostly wounded soldiers in the city, gathered together one by one, roasted the fire, and handed the only water in the city to the wounded. At this moment, the sky was exceptionally blue, but the earth was already in a mess. , It's like festering carrion, only by cutting it off can the vitality of the past be restored.

At the gate of the city, more than 50 soldiers were guarding here, and there were dozens of logs behind the gate to prevent enemy soldiers from hitting the gate.

Han Chen looked at the soldiers behind him. Every face was dirty. Some of them didn't even have helmets, and their heads were wrapped in a bloody cloth. Who here is not a strong man.

"Soldiers! Are you afraid?" Han Chen took the weapon in his hand and held it high above his head. At this moment, the cold gun was like the dawn in the dark night. The eyes of thousands of soldiers were concentrated here. Iron-blooded men shouted deep in their throats: "Don't be afraid!"

"Okay! Open the city gate!" Han Chen's heart was racing at the moment. The guard under the city gate had already received the general's order, pressed the sword in his hand, cupped his hands and said, "Little general, take care all the way! Open the city gate"

"Squeak!" The dilapidated city gate slowly opened, and Han Chen nodded at the guard. It was just an exchange that contained too many meanings.


"Beat the drums and cheer!" the guard on the city wall shouted loudly, pulling out the sword in his hand.

At this moment, the drums are loud!The flag fluttered, the flames of war, the flames of war in the air rose again at this moment.

The city gate opened, and a ray of sunlight pierced through the darkness of the city gate. With one ride, ten thousand horses galloped, and the black shadow rushed out first with a hammer, welcoming the dawn in the dark night.

"Woohoo...!" Li Jing was riding a horse, holding a spear in his hand, and looked at Han Chen's back. This back gave him too many surprises and surprises. Facing the wind, it was the first time that Li Jing felt a sense of envy. Feeling like a tiger, holding a weapon, he exclaimed: "That's all! It's rare to go crazy in this life! Let him go crazy once today!"

Before the expedition, Han Chen was not unprepared. Cao Ren was not alone in this battle. After three battles, if Cao Ren did not send troops, Han Chen would lead people to break through, and Li Jing's role was to look at the overall situation.

The sky outside the city gate is extraordinarily bright, the blue sky echoes the dark green woods underground, and there are a few cotton clouds in the sky that are as bright as lotus flowers. Everything that should be very beautiful is covered by the dark Wei Zu. All that's left is blood and slaughter.

"Charge!" The cold spear in Han Chen's hand was as cold as a dragon, and several spear flowers were brushed out. There was a faint phoenix and golden phoenix behind him, screaming and screaming, suppressing it overwhelmingly.

"Get up... ah... drink!" Han Chen!Dozens of weapons of different shapes and colors came along with them, and arrived at the chariot in front.

"Boom!" After several shots, the chariot, which seemed as stable as Mount Tai, fell to the ground, crushing dozens of Wei soldiers. At this moment, it descended the mountain like a tiger, and there was no one to hold it back.

Under Han Chen's leadership, this corps, like sharp spears, held up to the sky.

"Drive!" With a heroic shout, I saw a tiger general, holding a cold knife in his hand, and slashed down, blood was scattered all over the ground, while holding the horse rope in his other hand, he shouted loudly: "General! I will open the way for you!"

"And me!" Jiang Wei rode a black horse, shot through the enemy soldiers in front, accompanied by Mu Ying, and pulled the indestructible Wei Zu out of a gap from left to right.

"Drive!" Han Chen also hesitated, and charged forward with his horse, killing him straight ahead.

"General! A soldier came out of the city! It's coming straight for us!" A lieutenant, watching the changes on the battlefield, hurriedly reported to the young man with a worried expression on his face.

"You don't need to say it! Ben will see it!" The man was riding a war horse, holding the rope in both hands, and his face was gloomy!His brows frowned slightly, and then stretched out, stroked his beard and said, "Since they are looking for death! Let them come! Now this battle of trapped beasts is finally interesting!"

Originally, this smile looked very elegant, but because the man was wearing an eye patch, it looked very gloomy!In Wei Guojun, besides Wei Shu, there is really no other such person.

The man behind Wei Shu frowned slightly, and a look of worry emerged from his brows. He was about to speak and do something, but he held back. He stood behind Wei Shu, staring ahead.

"Fire the arrow!" Wei Shu sneered, as if playing cat and mouse, he likes to kill people like this, it makes people feel helpless!Let the last bit of hope in his mind be shattered, and the lifeless prey is giving him the last blow. This is the joy of killing.

Wei Shu licked his lips, and his black pupils trembled as soon as the blood-red light disappeared. At this moment, Wei Shu seemed to be unable to hold back, just like the devil in the dark night, wanting to fight for the chain on his wrist. What is more is killing and bloody.

The soldiers surrounding Wei Shu were all terrified, this general is really a bit perverted...

"Shoot the arrow!" With an order, the cold arrows in the air, like rain piercing through the stones, came straight towards the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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