Warring States Call

Chapter 961 Purple Thunder

Chapter 961 Purple Thunder
Han Chen's face jumped, and he pulled up the horse rope with one hand, and the horse under him rushed straight up, knocking down four or five soldiers in a row. Han Yi also turned over and fell off the horse, picked up the shield on the ground, and protected his heart pulse.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!" Han Chen blocked the arrow feathers, followed his gaze, and looked at the Wei soldiers who rushed to kill him. He was shot down in a pool of blood, his face turned cold, and he didn't even spare his own people. Is it inhumane?

Once the rain of arrows passed, some soldiers who still wanted to rush to kill did not dare to be too presumptuous with the lessons learned just now. They looked at each other, and Han Chen was able to stabilize his figure. A bloody aura quietly surfaced around Han Yi.

"Kill the enemy first! The reward is [-]! The officer is promoted to three ranks!" Wei Shu stroked his beard and said to the messenger behind him.

The messenger who received the order immediately said: "The first one to kill the enemy! The reward is one hundred! The officer will be promoted to three ranks!"

"The first move to kill the enemy! The bounty is [-]! The official promotion is three levels!"

"The first move to kill the enemy! The bounty is [-]! The official promotion is three levels!"

The transmission of the voice enveloped the land, and all the soldiers focused their eyes on Han Chen.

Han Chen's face turned cold, and he quietly took off the cloak on his back with one hand. The cold spears on the top were shining coldly under the sunlight.

"He is the leader of the enemy! Brothers kill him! Kill!" The big man standing in front shouted first.

At this moment, all the Wei soldiers were agitated. They wished they could tear Han Chen apart. They swung their swords and charged forward.

Han Chen's eyes turned cold, and he untied the cloak behind his back with one hand, pulled out three spears with his backhand and threw them out. When he went, the remaining five long spears in Han Yi's hand were also thrown out scatteredly. , will take the life of a soldier.

"Ah...!" Han Chenhu roared, with a narrow and long homonym, like a dragon roaring nine days, charging forward, the battle armor on his body was dyed red, blood at this moment!The killing was frozen on Han Chen's body.

Mu Ying and Jiang Wei in the distance couldn't take care of themselves and were far away from Han Chen, and it was difficult to support them for a while. Li Jing hurriedly said, "Hurry Yan Xia! Occupy the high ground! Shoot arrows to protect Han Chen!"

"Okay!" Yan Xia didn't have time to hesitate at this moment. He quickly stood on the horse, pulled three cold arrows with one hand, and stared at Han Chen's surroundings.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh!" Under three arrows, the three soldiers who were about to attack Han Chen from behind shot through their throats.

"Quick! Rob and kill! That guy who shoots arrows!" I don't know that it was the general with sharp eyesight and quick hands, who threw the spear in his hand with one hand, and directly killed Yan Xia's horse.

"Woo...Boom!" With a cry of pity, the horse under Yan Xia's crotch fell to the ground and fell down, Yan Xia's whole body slipped to the ground, cursing: "No! Stand on a high place! too dangerous!"

"Let me come!" Only a rough shout was heard, and Zhou Chu was holding a hammer the size of four human heads, swinging it, bringing up a black gust of wind, and with each blow, the whole earth was shaken. Shock.

When the soldiers on both sides saw it, their complexions changed drastically. They gave way to the main road, and they didn't dare to confront Zhou Chu. The remnant soldiers were alone, and they all fell into Hua Mu's hands. Every sword could be described as: "Quick!"ruthless!allow!Seeing the blood seal the throat, there was no unnecessary movement on his body.

Under the city gate, Cao Ren pressed the city stone and watched the 3000 people against tens of thousands. There was still a little worry in his eyes, but he didn't show it. He pressed the sword in his hand, stroked his beard, and watched the scene on the battlefield. .

"Good! Good! This kid is really extraordinary!" Cao Ren said with a smile as he slapped the city wall.

"General! You are...!" Everyone said with puzzled faces.

"Look! Han Chen has 3000 people! It's Wei Shu's lineup that Ling Ling has changed drastically, which shows that this time is extraordinary!" Cao Ren stroked his beard and said with a smug expression on his face.

"General! Then shall we fight out now!" Yan Liang said with an embarrassed face.

"Not for the time being! There are still a large number of civilians and remnants in the city who have not left the city! Let Duan Gui and Wen Chou pay attention to Lingqi first like this! When the time is up, let's fight out together! I want them to pay in blood!" Cao Ren said with cruelty in his eyes.

"No!" Yan Liang saw that he was going out to fight in the city!I didn't dare to delay immediately, and quickly went to the city to prepare.

Cao Ren grabbed the corner of his clothes, his breathing was rapid, and his heartbeat was quite tense. This battle is about the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people. How can Cao Ren not be nervous? He looked at Han Chen and said, "Little guy! You can hold on!"

"Phew!" Han Chen threw out the weapon with one hand. The shield was like a flying saucer, and it hit a soldier on the head and landed on the ground.

"Huh...huh...huh!" The surroundings became quiet, and Han Yi could only hear the sound of his own shortness of breath. The blood on his hair had not yet solidified, and the blood was dripping down along the streaks of blood. There were more and more mouths, and the more this happened, the more ruthless Han Chenzhou's body became, and the bloody smell on his body became heavier.

Seeing more and more soldiers surrounding him and Wei Shu, Han Yi said with anger in his eyes, "Whoever stands in my way... die!"

"Ding, Han Chen's bloody battle attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and can be activated twice. When facing the enemy general, an additional 3 points can be added. When facing thousands of troops, the force value of the surrounding generals will be increased by 3 points!"

"Ding, the current basic force value is 99, and the current force value is 104!"

"Boom!" The clear sky began to change, and the blue sky began to be replaced by dark clouds. In the dark clouds, a purple light shone in the dark clouds. Boom... The sound of boom sounded all around, and the whole land All shrouded in this haze.

Pang Juan!Wei Shu!Cao Ren!paragraph rules!Wen Chou... Waiting for a group of generals to look at the sky.

"Boom!...!" There was another sound, and the entire land was blocked.

"Boom...!" At this moment, a ten thousand zhang purple light blasted down flatly, like a purple gold dragon, the surrounding air was restless, and there was a blast of heavenly energy in the air.

"Not good!" Han Chen narrowed his eyes, his face changed drastically, and he quickly rolled over and turned over.

Wei Shu's face was also bright white, a large swath of wind and sand blew past, and the horses under his crotch were already out of control, fleeing in all directions, and the wind was strong.

"Boom... Boom..." The crushing wind!Flying sand and rolling stones!People are on their backs!The whole earth trembled.

"Bah, bah... bah! Han Chen got up first, spit a few mouthfuls, his body was covered in dust, he was looking at the original place, a piece of scorched earth, black ground, white smoke, and residual electricity coming out from below from time to time, making him feel scared The blue light spots, the soldiers below were either smoking or twitching non-stop. Under this blow, one piece after another, no less than a thousand people died.

(End of this chapter)

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