Warring States Call

Chapter 982 Qin Huai 8 Gorgeous

Chapter 982 Qin Huai Eight Beauty
"Ding, Zhang Dingbian beheaded Zhu Gang! Geng Er and three people! Cao Mo died in battle. Among them, Cao Mo's force value reached 95, Zhu Gang's force value reached 98, and Geng Er's force value reached 97. Each of them exploded four people, a total of 12. people!"

"Cao Mo is dead!" Han Yi couldn't help but his neck felt cold, and a bad feeling rose in his heart!

"Ding, it's time to explode! Host, please get ready!"

"Ding, No. 1 Three Kingdoms full of favors: Force 88, Commander 87, Intelligence 90, Politics 93 Implanted identity Sun Quan has just recruited talents, in charge of criminal law!"

"Ding, the second person on the list, Chen Gui: Strength 66, Commander 78, Intelligence 92, Politics 90. Implantation identity is the counselor Xiang Yu just recruited!"

"Hey! When did the system start to be a vegetarian?" Han Yi listened to the explosion, feeling that these two are irrelevant, so he didn't write it under his brocade robe. Han Yi didn't take Cao Mo's death at all. superior.

"Ding, what does the host mean!"

The language of the system machine appeared in Han Yi's ears, and Han Yi said disapprovingly: "These two people's abilities are just like that, and they are still civil servants. It seems that you are not good enough for the system!"

"Ding, the third person who is currently on the list, Spring and Autumn, Father Xun Lin: 87 in strength, 98 in command, 95 in intelligence, 80 in politics, implanted in identity Yang Jian's newly recruited general!"

"Ding, the fourth person on the list is as fierce as a tiger: force value 99, commander 77, intelligence 67, politics 24 implanted into the general who Yang Jian recruited!"

"What the hell! Speaking of the system, can you give me a brainstorm, what the hell is this fierce tiger! This name is too casual!" Han Yi was confused, was the system joking with himself, the force value still reached 99 , I have never heard of this fierce general.

"Ding, in view of the host's contempt, the system will provide the host with character information!"

"Ding, Mengruhu, a Ningxia Weiren, was originally a descendant who came from outside the Great Wall. Later, Mengruhu was used as the president by Yang Sichang because of his meritorious service in suppressing bandits. He went to Sichuan to pursue Zhang Xianzhong. Defeated. As fierce as a tiger, he moved his army back to Nanyang, was surrounded by bandit Li Zicheng, and the city was broken as fierce as a tiger, fighting and dying for the country!"

"No matter how you look at it, this is not a fierce general. At best, he can be regarded as a powerful general!" Han Yi questioned, but he had nothing to say. Anyway, Yang Jian has become stronger, and it will be very easy for the next plan. This is also Han Yi. Yi is very willing to see.

"Ding, please don't question the system, the host. There are too many ancient heroes buried in history, but his ability is beyond doubt. Every hero who has left a name through the ages, whether it is a mediocre name! A traitor! A loyal name, a bad name, they Each of them is flesh and blood, even if they were born at an untimely time and did not leave a golden stroke, it is still better than some people talking behind their backs!"

When Han Yi heard it, he didn't care, and immediately said: "Go on!"

"Ding, the fifth person on the list is Qinhuai Bayan: Gu Hengbo's force is 54, commander 65, intelligence 90, politics 24, charm 98, and the implantation identity is a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of Qi State!"

"Ding, the sixth person on the list, Qinhuai Bayan: Dong Xiaowan's strength is 64, commander-in-chief, 42 intelligence, 91 politics, 24 charisma, and the implantation identity is a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of Qi State!"

"Ding, the seventh person on the list, Qinhuai Bayan Bian Yujing: Force 55, Commander 57, Intelligence 89, Politics 22, Charm 99, implanted identity is a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of Qi State!"

"Ding, the eighth person on the list, Qinhuai Bayan Li Xiangjun: Force 42 Commander 41 Intelligence 92 Politics 54 Charm 97 Implanted identity The woman who opened a brothel run by Guan Zhong of Qi State!
"Ding, the ninth person on the list, Qinhuai Bayan Bandit Baimen: Force 57, Commander 54, Intelligence 91, Politics 51, Charm 99. Implantation identity is a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of the State of Qi!"

"Ding, the tenth person on the list, Qinhuai Bayan Ma Xianglan: Force 64 Commander 42 Intelligence 92 Politics 12 Charm 99 Implantation identity is a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of Qi State!"

"Ding, No. 11 was blown up, Qinhuai Bayan Liu Rushi: Force 43 Commander 64 Intelligence 93 Politics 67 Charm 100 Implanted as a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of Qi State!"

"Ding, the No. 12 person on the list, Qinhuai Bayan Chen Yuanyuan: Force 44 Commander 64 Intelligence 92 Politics 44 Charm 100 Implantation identity is a woman who runs a brothel run by Guan Zhong of the State of Qi!"

"Ding, the current system burst is over!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Han Yi picked up the wine glass in his hand, looked at the floating wine in it, and then drank it down Han Yi's throat. .

Han Yi smiled involuntarily. This Guan Zhong is the ancestor of the brothel, and it is precisely because of this that the Qi State can quickly improve its national strength. With the addition of these eight women, Qi State's economy will inevitably improve rapidly, and even a thousand dollars a day. No matter what, this is a huge profit.

Han Yi thinks it's ridiculous when he thinks about it. How ridiculous is it that eight women are needed to save such a big country? They are simply insignificant people who can't affect Han Yi's overall situation. At this moment, Han Yi licked his own scarlet Square lips, and then suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, only then did he suddenly wake up.

Han Yi tapped his fingers on the table. He can only pin his hopes on Han Xin and Yang Jian. As long as Xiang Yu is defeated, Han Yi can let Cao Cao send troops to attack Qi. Qi will surely perish within three months. In this way, there will be less explosions, and Han Yi doesn't have to cry too much, saying: "System, you said that the charm value exceeds 95, will there be explosions?"

"Ding, it is possible in theory, but because there is no death with a Charisma over 95, the system took the opportunity to fix this loophole, so it won't explode!"

Han Yi rubbed his wrist. If he wins this battle, he will hold the Luoyang League in Luoyang City!The eleven remaining countries in the world will all participate. If they lose, 15 years of achievements will be wiped out, and he will have to start all over again!
And the only country in the world that has not been involved in this war is Zhao Guo. In previous years, Zhao Guo's military strength had already reached 45. Now I don't know how many there are. Han Yi pulled his fingers, Zhao Yong's military strength is at least more 20. In addition, he has conquered small clans in various places and expanded his cavalry over the years. The quality of his horses is much better than his. Han Yi roughly estimated that Zhao Guo can at least provide [-] cavalry.

"Information about the Kingdom of Wei!" Dian Wei walked over with bamboo slips.

Han Yi took it over, swept his tiger eyes up and down, and said with a smile: "Wu Zetian! Gu still underestimated you! Wei He is dead, you really provoked the leader of Wei State!"

After speaking, Han Yi threw the bamboo slips in his hand into the bonfire, and then said: "The whole army retreats to Jiagu! Let Han Qinhu retreat!"

"What's the matter, Your Majesty!" Dian Wei asked with a puzzled expression.

"What's the matter! The [-] elite soldiers in Leyang's hands are rushing towards Gu! Can't you beat Gu or hide?" Han Yi said, flicking his shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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