Warring States Call

Chapter 983 Yang Yong Yang Guang

Chapter 983 Yang Yong Yang Guang
It’s not too cold in April, even at noon it’s so hot that people sweat. People wear thin clothes to work in the fields. Farming is their only livelihood. In order to survive, they don’t let themselves starve to death, man Farming during the day, picking up bows and arrows at night, and hunting in the mountains with friends, one can fill their stomachs, and two can exchange animal fur for some money, which is ready for emergencies.

Pang Tong was riding a war horse, with a broken cloak on his head, and a mule under his body, and dozens of people dressed like farmers followed him. Pang Tong had a gourd pinned to his waist and was wearing a commoner coat , carrying a burden on his back, in order to avoid Xiang Bing, without fanfare, he looks like a tramp no matter what.

The spacious road is made of loess, and it is not a road, but a turf that cannot grow grass. Once it rains, the whole road will be very muddy, potholes, and there are some old farmers in a hurry on the side of the street. I came to the field outside the city with a hoe, rolled up my trousers, and looked at the vegetable leaves that were gradually emerging, and my heart was sweet. This year's head is just like this, not to mention whether I can eat meat, as long as I am not hungry Death is better than anything.

Pang Tong rode a horse and came to the side road, looked at the old farmer who was about to go to the field and said, "Old man! How have you been these few years!"

The old farmer is a simple old man, with dark skin, vicissitudes on his face, gray and white hair intertwined, not even a trace of black can be seen, his skin is wrinkled, his beard flutters in the wind, his eyes are cloudy, and his big and rough hands are full of vicissitudes. It's calluses, and he looked very helpless. The old man pressed his hands on the hoe, sighed, and said: "The past two years have been better, there has been no war! The men in the family are enough, but when there are too many people, they can't eat enough How do you say this day is going!"

"Oh! Hearing what the old man said, can you be full after fighting?" Pang Tong untied the gourd from his waist, took a sip, and handed it to the old man with a smile.

When the old man took the wine gourd, he thought it was water at first, but then he smelled the aroma of wine, threw down his hoe, pointed at it with his finger, and said, "Is this wine?"

Pang Tong smiled and nodded. In this day and age, only nobles can drink alcohol. Ordinary poor people are not willing to use food to make wine. Isn't that a waste of food?
Hearing this, the old man gulped it down immediately. A sweet and spicy feeling that he had never felt before spread into his tongue, and he almost spit it out immediately. He was not used to drinking it, but when he thought it was a good thing, he swallowed it abruptly. Going down, the good guy only felt that his abdomen was hot and warm, and the coldness in his body had dissipated a lot, so he immediately drank a few more mouthfuls, appearing very greedy.

Pang Tong didn't want it either, he let the old man drink it, and then said: "Old man! Who is in charge of this country of Tan!"

"Hey! What! We Tan people all know that it is General Yang. The king spends all day in the palace looking for fun, so he doesn't care about our lives. If it weren't for General Yang, our family would have been ruined." The old man drank the wine, For a while, he had the courage to tell what he had seen and heard, and he would say whatever Pang Tong asked. Of course, what he knew was limited and one-sided.

Pang Tong didn't want the gourd either, and rode a mule towards Tancheng, and the idle farmers behind him also stood up and followed quickly.

Pang Tong took off his hat and his tattered clothes. The soldiers on both sides hurried forward, picked up the Chinese clothes in the bundle, and put them on Pang Tong. After a while, Pang Tong, who was still in rags, became magnificent.

Pang Tong untied the burden, and then saw a carriage running, opened a wooden box, took out the festival inside, and handed it to Pang Tong respectfully, everyone finished changing their clothes in the alley, and then Headed by Pang Tong, holding a knot in his left hand and a wooden box in his right, he swaggered towards Tan Wang's palace.

The people on the side of the road looked at the guards, mixed with an ugly man, walking towards the palace in an orderly formation, and they all consciously gave way.

And this news naturally spread to Yang Jian's ears. Although the Tan Kingdom was under Yang Jian's control, Yang Jian still insisted on his Great General's Mansion. All the people in the palace were replaced by Yang Jian's people, and at this moment a person walked towards the palace, which naturally caught Yang Jian's attention.

"What! Someone is going to the palace...!" Yang Jian put away the bamboo slips in his hand, and put him in one place, his tiger eyes turning back and forth.

"General! That's true, but this person is still here! He said that there is a big happy event, and it will definitely interest the lord." The guard saluted, with a probing look in his eyes.

"Can cats and dogs see their father? Why don't you beat them to death with sticks!" Yang Yong was the first to lose his temper. Although he was kind, he did things without thinking and was too impatient. This also made Yang Jian dislike him. pleasing to the eye.

"Father! I don't think so! There is no harm in seeing him. Besides, this man is still a man of integrity. We don't even know which country sent him! We can't judge blindly, otherwise it will easily lead to disputes!" Yang Guang stroked his beard , with wisdom in his eyes, he looked at his brother from time to time with a hint of sarcasm.

Yang Jian stared at his two sons fiercely, and he could tell which was better at a glance, so he could only sigh silently.

Yang Yong was by Yang Jian's side, and he saw it with his own eyes. Yang Jian's expression now seemed to be extremely disappointed in himself, and he immediately retorted: "Father is busy with business, these people are just charlatans! If other countries come to envoys, they will definitely send envoys, swaggering Let us meet, that has such furtiveness"

"Brother's words are wrong. There are few charlatans in the world who know what Chi Jie is. Even if they knew, they might not dare. It's a big deal. If it's a liar, then it's fine, if it's not that...! "Yang Guang seemed confident without saying a word, but Yang Yong was a little impetuous.

Yang Jian took a look at the two brothers, they were obviously first-class compatriots, how could there be such a big gap?Looking at the guard standing aside, he said, "It's from that country!"

"South Korea!" The guard said truthfully, and blamed him for not making it clear before, so he can only make up for it now.

Yang Jian threw down the bamboo slips in his hand, leaned on the chair behind him, looked at the sycamore tree in the house, pinched his beard with his left hand, and said half aloud: "There are sycamore trees on the mountain! It has its own phoenix habitat! It seems that my phoenix has come !” After Yang Jian finished speaking, he laughed alone for a while, and said with emotion: “I just hope this is a phoenix, not a sensational pheasant.”

Yang Guang immediately saluted and said: "My son, go down and prepare now, no matter whether it is or not, the ceremony cannot be abandoned!"

(End of this chapter)

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