Warring States Call

Chapter 984 Sui King

Chapter 984 Sui King
Yang Jian waved his hand, signaling Yang Guang to go down and get ready. Yang Yong's fingers were creaking, his face was livid, and he suppressed the anger in his heart. He stared at the front and retreated.

Yang Jian looked at his dispirited son, sighed and said, "Go down!"

"No!" Yang Yong saluted reluctantly, then stepped back, turning his back to Yang Jian, he knew that regardless of whether this visit was true or not, Yang Jian had already confirmed Yang Guang's position in Yang Guang's heart. He closed his eyes involuntarily, but he was unwilling, he hadn't lost yet, he... still had a chance.

Yang Jian was already sitting in his seat, and there was already a person sitting in front of him, talking and laughing lightly, this person was either Pang Tong or whoever he was.

Yang Jian looked at Pang Tong, he was ugly and could even be described as ugly, but Yang Jian didn't take it seriously, from his eyes, Yang Jian saw the beauty, this feeling even he can't say well.

As for Yang Guang, who was standing behind, he had already made up his mind about Pang Tong's identity, and he was calm and calm when facing his father. Such a person is rare.

"I don't know what the noble envoy came here for..." Yang Jian released the murderous aura on his body, and he could tell if he tried it.Halfway through the conversation, Yang Jian picked up the kettle in his hand and wanted to pour water for Pang Tong, but because of the table, Yang Jian only stretched out his hand halfway.

Yang Jian stared at Pang Tong's eyes with wise eyes, as long as there was timidity in his eyes, he didn't need to greet him, the swordsman behind him was his dinner.

Pang Tong was expressionless, reached out to pick up the wine bottle, and said with a smile: "Sui King, don't try it! Once today is over, the general can be called a widow!"

"Yeah!" Yang Jian froze for a moment, he didn't want many things, but he didn't really have much to say to his heart, looking at Pang Tong who spoke out, Yang Jian, who was deep in the city, pretended to be furious: "Presumptuous! "

Although furious, Yang Jian still poured the water down. Pang Tong smiled involuntarily, took back his cup, and said with a smile: "Under the order of the emperor! General Yang Jian works diligently and loves the people! He sleeps long-cherished and sleeps all night! Worrying about the country and the people! Make him King of Sui! Abolish the title of the Tan Kingdom, and demote the King of Tan to a commoner!"

Pang Tong took out the cloth in his hand from the box, and slowly spread it out. On the lower left corner of the cloth, there was a big red seal, which was the jade seal of Emperor Zhou, and beside it was a jade tiger seal, Pang Tong Put it gently on the table.

At this moment, Yang Jian could no longer hide his excitement. Looking at the jade seal, his eyes became urgent, and at the same time, he no longer doubted Pang Tong. Being able to produce these things was enough to prove that Pang Tong was not a liar. These two things are also coveted in his eyes, but he still needs to restrain himself.

After a while, Yang Jian put away his greedy eyes, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Why didn't your envoy send someone to report the news, I will... the king will definitely meet the challenge in person"

Pang Tong looked at Yang Jian who had changed his words, and then put the two things back into the wooden box. With Yang Jian's eager eyes disappearing, he picked up the wine from the bottle, took a sip and said, "Next time, let's go back to the wooden box." Come, I just hope that the King of Sui will send troops to sneak attack Xiang Guo's rear, and it must be easy to expand the territory! As for why you don't make a big fanfare, it's just to lower Xiang Guo's defenses."

"Yeah!" Yang Jian's expression changed, and his previous excitement returned to normal. He likes to call himself a widow, but this is also based on his own strength, not blind judgment!Stroking his beard, he thought to himself: "This Pang Tong is not helping me! When the war between Han Yi and Xiang Yu is over, with Xiang Yu's character of vengeance, I am afraid that they will watch the fire from the other side! Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Yang Jian paused for a while and said: "Hahahahaha! Your envoy is joking, I was confused just now! I am confused! Let's not talk about today's matter for now!"

Hearing Yang Jian change his words, Pang Tong frowned, and said to himself: This old fox will not cry when he sees the coffin, and he will not scatter hawks when he sees the rabbit!Immediately, he took out another piece of cloth from his bosom and said, "King Sui! My great king said it! From now on, you and I will be friends with Qin and Jin. This time my great king said that General Han Xin will go out in person to fight against Xiang Yu's main force, and Xiang Yu's abdomen is empty." , the general only needs to drive straight in, and he will definitely win a big victory. In the future, our country will definitely support your country to become the second Chu country, and unify the south, what do you think!"

"This...!" Yang Jian had some hesitation on his face, and then he said with a wry smile: "Sir, don't joke with me! Our country is small and the people are poor! We really can't afford it!"

"King of Sui! My great king said that we can give your country [-] dans of food and [-] soldiers! These soldiers are enough for your country to recruit [-] elite! The conditions have already been placed here. If the Sui king agrees, Just stamp the seal of the Sui king on this agreement, and I will send the armor first, and the food and grass will be handed over to Xiang Yu when he retreats in the future!" Pang Tong then put the Sui king's seal and the two treaties in front of Yang Jian. With a smile, he added a sentence: "If your country disagrees, our country is going to go to Yue country, anyway! Both countries are the same!"

After finishing all this, Pang Tong returned to his seat, continued to drink tea, threw the problem to Yang Jian, and smiled in his heart: "Just kidding, if you don't want to, there are plenty of people!"

Yang Jian looked at the Sui King Huyin in front of him, hesitantly, and said halfway: "Sir, wait for me here! If I go down, I will come back! Guang'er greets the envoy for me!"

"Promise!" Yang Guang took a step forward, with a smile on his face, and said, "Please, sir!"

"Please," Pang Tong said with a smile, looking at Yang Guang with his eyes. He has black eyes and beautiful hair, a jade face, seven feet in length, a gentleman in white clothes, and a pleasant smile. Long, Pang Tong was expressionless, and thought in his heart: It's not easy to have such talents in this place where the birds don't shit...! "

Yang Jian walked to the side hall, where the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty gathered, Yang Yong, Yang Jun, Yang Xiu, Yang Liang, Yan Xing, Gao Ying, Hu Luguang, Ma Shumou, Gou Xi, Wang Fuchen, Wang Jizhen, Ju Yi, Zhang Xu Tuo, Xiao Mahe, Xiao Rang, Yang Gun, Yang Guozhong, etc. are strong generals.

Looking at these familiar cheeks, Yang Jian stroked his beard, and then said, "Speak out what you think!"

"I invite my father to become the king immediately! We are willing to expand the territory for the king, and lead him directly to Pengcheng of Xiangguo!" Yang Jun smiled and took the lead in cupping his hands.

The people behind hurriedly said: "Congratulations to the king! Congratulations to the king!"

Looking at the crowd in unison, Yang Jian said helplessly, "Gao Ying, what do you think!"

(End of this chapter)

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