Warring States Call

Chapter 985 Sharing the World with the Family

Chapter 985 Sharing the World with the Family

Standing on the left side of the side hall is a civil official headed by him, with his hands folded, drooping in his belly, his eyes slightly closed, dressed in Chinese clothes with a black belly, his temples are gradually whitening, wearing a hair crown, well-dressed, standing there like a dead tree , Zhou's breath is restrained, simple and vigorous.

All the civil and military officials in the room set their sights on this civil official. This man is Yang Jian's right-hand man who is mounted as a general and dismounted as a minister, and besides Yang Jian, he is the most convincing to everyone.

Hearing Yang Jian's question, Gao Ying kept his eyes closed all the time, slowly opened his eyes, breathed evenly, and blew the beard under his breath, the goatee was combed meticulously, and said with drooping eyelids: The minister still needs to sleep! Why hesitate for such a great good thing?"

As soon as everyone heard it, they already understood Gao Ying's meaning. With his support, everyone immediately shouted: "Please! Your Majesty ascends the throne quickly!"

"Father, you ascended the throne today, and I'll kill that King Tan right now!" Yang Xiu's face was filled with excitement, the glint of brilliance in his eyes obviously wanted to make meritorious service.

Yang Jian, who was hesitant, seemed to have made up his mind at this moment, and immediately said: "With the support of my husband, I will go down! It will be much easier to go down again, but since I want to ascend the throne, I still need to act safely!"

"That's right! Next time, three strategies have been prepared for the king. If the three strategies are successful, the king can replace Wu and become the strongest southern prince!" Gao Ying's eyes were shining with elites, but her colleagues were also a little worried.

"Sir, please tell me!" Yang Jian suddenly became interested. Yang Jian has always had ambitions, but because of the territory and King Tan's struggle for power, he missed the best opportunity to fight for world hegemony. This has always been a pain in his heart.

Beneath the state of Tan are the two big states of Xiang and Wu, and above it is the state of Ju. Although it is a small state, it has not taken advantage of the three major wars, and there is still some fear of them, so we have to Frustrated Yang Jian, he could only stick to the rules.

"First! Don't kill King Tan, treat him with courtesy and allow him to abdicate, so as to show the king's benevolence, so that he can recruit talents in the future!" Gao Ying said her suggestion slowly. The reason is very simple. It should be long-term, and the current state of Tan cannot experience bloodshed, and needs a soft policy.

"Father! This...!" Upon hearing this, Yang Xiu became anxious. Didn't this break her credit?How could he agree to this? This time when he looked at Gao Ying, his eyes became resentful.

Yang Jian also understood Gao Ying's meaning, stood with his hands behind his back, thought for a while, and naturally understood Gao Ying's meaning, paused for a while and said: "It is possible!"

"Second! First collect [-] armor from Han Yi, the king quickly expands the army, and raids Lucheng, a land of food and grass in Xiang Yu! With the food, grass and weapons inside, the king can quickly expand the soldiers to prepare for emergencies. In the past few years, there have been more laborers and idlers in the country, and if you go to war, you can recruit [-] soldiers!" Gao Ying smiled slightly, counting the current [-] elites of Tan Kingdom, she is also qualified to say goodbye to these two countries finger.

Yang Jian crossed his hands, circling indistinctly, and said half aloud: "Look at this, the war against the Xiang Kingdom is sure to be fought!"

When the generals heard that there was a battle to be fought, they immediately became excited, and each of them raised their heads and chests, shining on the armor in front of their chests.

Yang Jian rubbed his head, and said for a while: "Then the third one is...?"

"The third is to get the support of the aristocratic family! You can get a lot of talents from them! Economy! And money and food! The king promised them to share the world with the aristocratic family in the future, and the aristocratic families in the world will definitely come together. This will definitely strengthen our country. Power!" Gao Ying's eyes lit up when she said this, and I have to say that his idea is very bold, which would offend too many people's interests, such as the one in front of me who is about to succeed to the throne and calls himself a widow Yang Jian.

"Master Gao is joking, isn't he? The whole world is supporting poor families! For example, South Korea and Ju country, even Xiang Yu and Wei! Zhao and other countries are all wandering around the aristocratic and poor families. We are so extreme that I am afraid...!" Standing in Gao Behind Ying, Xiao Rang's face turned cold. He is the representative of the poor family and the second number of civil servants. Because of his good handwriting, he and his brother Xiao Moke are both good at copying the books. Coming from a poor family, what will happen to the two of them if they do this now.

Gao Ying glanced at Xiao Rang, and said seriously: "It is precisely because the world is afraid that the aristocratic family is too strong, so it is necessary for the poor to fight, and even Han Yi has been supporting the poor, such as the imperial examination. What is compared is the power in the hands, although there are many poor families in our country, but most of the power is concentrated in the hands of the aristocratic families, if the king does not give benefits, they will not contribute!"

Hearing what Gao Ying said, Yang Jian frowned. He was right, how could he make them work if he didn't give benefits, but how could he control them?

Xiao Rang seemed to see Yang Jian's embarrassment, and then said: "Then let me ask you, this family is powerful, how can we control it?"

"Control! Why do you need to control! Your Majesty only needs to maintain a balance. Support two evenly matched aristocratic families and keep their power in balance. Your Majesty only needs to draw strength from it. Within three years, our country will definitely have a fundamental improvement! If it continues to develop slowly like this! Sooner or later, it will be a dead end, if it is not destroyed, it will not be established! Please think again, Your Majesty!" After Gao Ying finished speaking, she saluted Yang Guang, and her figure was said to be righteous.

"This...!" Xiao Rang was speechless, and could only return to his original position in the end.

The palms of Yang Jian's back were sweating a lot because of the previous incident, as if he was very hesitant. After all, this matter cannot be neglected, and they will be destroyed if they are not careful.

"My lord! There is only one way! There are too many restrictions in our country. Besides, my previous two suggestions are just a drop in the bucket. They can only solve the temporary problem and cannot fundamentally alleviate the current conflict. If the second plan is implemented, We must have the support of the aristocratic family, otherwise we don’t have so much food and grass to feed so many soldiers, please think twice!” Gao Ying sighed helplessly, what they need now is not the hearts of the people, but strength, one is enough Turn skinny soldiers into burly generals.

All the generals looked at each other, afraid to speak, neither objecting nor agreeing, they could only hand over the final decision to Yang Jian, while Gou Xi stroked his breath, his dark green eyes showed a wolfish look, and then he went up He said: "Your Majesty! Next time, I think what Mr. Gao said is reasonable, if it is not destroyed, it cannot be established! Please think again, Your Majesty!"

Yang Jian looked at the group of hungry wolves, and said half aloud, "Share the world with the family?"

(End of this chapter)

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