Warring States Call

Chapter 997 Chapter 101: The Terrible Chen Qingzhi

Chapter 997 The Thousand and First Battle Chapter: The Terrible Chen Qingzhi

The gunpowder smoke permeated the battlefield, rolling up one after another, blood was everywhere on the gray-yellow city wall, staining the entire wall red, there were all kinds of soldiers crawling on the ground, and the soldiers standing on the wall, one by one Holding the big knife in his arms, he looked around like a pack of wolves, staring at a general in front of him.

I saw a cold arrow sticking upside down on his shoulder, his black and white armor was dripping with blood, he was holding a tiger-headed golden gun in his hand, his messy hair was dripping with uncoagulated blood, and there was a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth, following The soldiers climbing on the city wall filed in, tore through the hole, and rushed up the city wall, vaguely trying to occupy the entire wall.

On the west wall is a small young general, with a few scattered beards under his nose, which does not constitute a large area at all. Blood is flowing from his palm the size of a futon, his tiger's mouth is broken, and there are shocking scars on the armor on his body. , drops of bright red blood on the wound, like cherry blossoms blooming, stained the bloody and sweaty clothes red.

Xue Rengao rubbed the sticky blood on his hands, and the faint aura gradually came out from Zhou's body, and he sneered, "Boy! What's your name! You haven't been hacked to death by three tricks, and your vitality is tenacious enough! "

The lieutenant general holding the sword had a mouthful of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, slowly dripping down his cheeks and onto his chin, and the corner of his frosty mouth slightly raised: "If I were you! Go down to the city immediately to break through!"

"Hmm...!" Xue Rengao's scarlet eyes questioned, and the soldier who had just climbed up to the top of the wall behind him said in a panic, "Major General! It's not good, a group of people came out from behind, and they rushed towards us with great momentum. Killing is coming!"

"Damn it!" Xue Rengao looked embarrassed, but he was not a fool. If he kept waiting like this, he might have to confess today. Xue Rengao snorted coldly. Surrounded by three fearless soldiers, he said with great emotion in his heart: "Withdraw!"

"No!" The soldiers beside him reacted, one by one scrambling to go up the ladder.

Xue Rengao held the silver gun in his hand, stared at everyone vigilantly, turned his head to look at the lieutenant general, and said with embarrassment: "What's your name!"

The lieutenant general smiled slightly, and said half aloud, "Mug Yan!"

"Mengyan! Very well, I will remember you!" Xue Rengao stared at Mengyan, stunned for a while, then jumped down and quickly evacuated from the war.

Seeing Xiang Bing retreating one after another, Meng Yan sat down on the ground, leaning on the city wall, not caring about the blood on the ground, exhaling heavily, looking at the knife cut on his body that suddenly deepened, smiled wryly on his bright white cheeks, If he had known that it was so dangerous, he would not have accepted this task. Meng Yan, his master who cheated his apprentice, couldn't help but smile wryly. Since he arrived at Feng Yi's tent, he had rested for an hour, and sent Meng Yan over overnight. , Tired Mengyan is out of breath.

Mengyan looked at the cuts on his body, he was so tired that he was out of breath, these few wounds were not fatal wounds at all, but it would be hard to recover if he didn't take care of him for ten days and half a month.

"General! What shall we do next!" The general on the side breathed a sigh of relief, but now is not the time to be idle.

Meng Yan barely supported his body, turned around, glanced at the tens of thousands of soldiers fighting in the melee below the city, took a deep breath and said: "Open the city gate! Cover the past! This time should be able to severely damage Xue Ju! The next step is It's the master's business!"


Under the city wall, the chaos had already turned into a pot of porridge. The black Xiang soldiers and Guan Yu's [-] black and red robed soldiers were fighting together, only to feel the sky was dark, the horses neighed, and the people turned their backs.

"Squeak!" The ancient city gate slowly opened, and armored soldiers rushed out one by one, and Guan Ping!Guan Ling and the two cooperated with each other and combined Xue Rengao's troops to attack.

Surround it twice!Killed them several times, and there were at least [-] soldiers in the city, plus Guan Ling's soldiers, there were at least close to [-] soldiers and horses, charging forward, Xue Rengao looked worried, and hurriedly said: "Quick! Withdraw! "

"No!" Xue Rengao took the lead, tore open a hole first, broke out from the inside, and merged with Xue Ju.

Xue Ju's face became more embarrassing. After several rounds of fighting with Zhaohu, it seemed that he couldn't take down Zhaohu in a short period of time, and the soldiers around him fell one by one. The most important thing was that the decline in morale exceeded his limit. Imagine that with him in the past, he could still resist one or two, but now he has reached the point of being crushed.

"Xue Ju, don't be rampant! A certain Guan Yu will take a knife!" In the eastern land, Guan Yu took the lead, and the scarlet blood on Zhou's body was much stronger than the previous few battles with Xiang Yu. Guan Yu fought all the way, like a tiger entering In the sheepfold, apart from being crushed, they have no room to resist.

Taking advantage of the gap between fighting Zhaohu, Xue Ju looked back at Guan Yu, his pupils narrowed slightly, and the tiger's eyes froze for a moment. He knew how powerful this guy was. A few days ago, someone reported the news of the battle between Xiang Yu and Guan Yu. This guy is someone who can break Xiang Yu's wrists. There is also a Zhaohu that he can't take down in a short time. If they kill them at the same time, they will have to pay a painful price. It represented the last straw that broke the camel's back. On a single thought, Xue Ju didn't want to fight anymore, bought a loophole, and urged the horse to leave.

When Zhao Hu saw Xue Ju running away, he was about to chase after him, but at this moment, the horse under his crotch seemed to be unable to support, the horse's legs softened, and the whole horse's hoof was paralyzed on the ground, and it was really impossible to get up.

Zhaohu quickly jumped off his horse, looked at the tired and panting horse, stroked his neck, and said with emotion: "Brother! You lost the chain at a critical moment! That's all! You should have a good rest..."

Chen Qingzhi looked at Xue Ju who was fleeing, and stood up slowly. He stood proudly on the bloody battlefield in white clothes, dancing with the wind, and said with a slight smile, "Little devils! Go get some food!" !"

Hearing this, the soldiers behind him immediately felt the general's intention to expand the results of the battle, and rushed forward one by one like opening the door of hell.

Chen Qingzhi stood with his hands behind his back, his goatee fluttering in the breeze, looked at the bloody soil all around, and the stench filled the surroundings, and said with emotion: "Thousands of days on the battlefield! The mountains and fields are filled with horror! You are in a foreign land! Your soul is in the underworld. !"

Xiang Bing's defeat was already unstoppable. Xue Ju lost all his centaurs in this battle, which can be described as a heavy loss. If he wants to deal with Chen Qingzhi, whose morale is high, he may not be able to deal with it. However, if you continue to fight, you will be humiliating yourself. If you want to defeat Chen Qingzhi, you must surround him with ten times as many soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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