Chapter 998
The news of Xue Ju's defeat spread like wildfire, and Xiang Yu received the news within three days. Holding the bamboo slips in both hands, after reading it, his hands the size of a futon folded together and put the bamboo slips together. With a sudden force, the entire bamboo slip was crushed. Divided into two, you must know that one chopstick is easy to break, but one is not easy. The bamboo slips are combined, and Xiang Yu's section is easily broken. One can imagine how strong Xiang Yu is.

Everyone looked at the bamboo slips that were divided into two on the ground, and said with puzzled expressions, "Your Majesty! You are...!"

Looking at Fan Zeng and Hao Yuan who dared to come, Xiang Yu gritted his teeth, his beard almost stood up under his snort, and said with embarrassment, "Xue Ju is an idiot! With 5 horses, fighting against the enemy's [-] soldiers, more than half of them were beheaded. The casualties were heavy! How did this battle be fought? There is such an idiot in the world!"

"Oh!" Fan Zeng and Hao Yuan picked up the two bamboo slips from the ground, put them together, and compared them with each other. Looking at the battle report, their faces changed, and they didn't know what to say for a while. Xue Ju was afraid that the war was like this. Will become a laughing stock.

"Pass my orders! Send Long Qie to lead the troops to replace Xue Ju, and tell Xue Ju to go back to Pengcheng. Don't be ashamed of yourself here!" Xiang Yu felt depressed.

Zhong Limei, who was accepting Xiang Yu's transfer order, was about to go out when Fan Zeng hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, general!"

"What! Uncle, are you still pleading for mercy for this idiot? Fang Maang! Fang Fei and the two died in battle! This guy Fang Jie wants me to give him an explanation!" The table was smashed into pieces.

"No! Your Majesty think about it carefully! Xue Ju's ability! Your Majesty is thinking about Xue Ju's temper!" Fan Zeng threw the broken bamboo slips in his hand to Zhong Limo and said, "General, please go out for now, and then I have something to do with Your Majesty. Discuss! Be sure not to let anyone approach!"

"Let's understand again!" Zhongli Mo is Xiang Yu's confidant, so he naturally has no reason to resist, he went out directly, threw the broken bamboo slips in his hand into the brazier, folded his hands in front of his chest, and looked at all kinds of young soldiers practicing .

Xiang Yu glanced at Fan Zeng, then said, "Uncle! What do you want to do!"

"Your Majesty! Not only can Xue Ju not be punished! He even wants to be rewarded!" Fan Zeng stroked his beard, with a trace of calm in his eyes, looked at Xiang Yu with a surprised face, and sighed in his heart: Yu'er is too young after all, Yu Xia The technique is still not enough!
"Uncle! Xue Ju was defeated in this battle, and he should be executed according to the law! I transferred him back to Pengcheng enough to give him face! Now that he is defeated, he should be rewarded. What is the reason for this! Who will work for me in the future! Something is absolutely wrong!" Xiang Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, jokingly, didn't this slap him in the face?

"My lord! This time I really want to adopt Fan Xiang's suggestion! No matter what kind of nonsense your lord has been in the past! But this time, you must follow Master Fan's advice, otherwise it will be like cutting off your own arm!" Hao Yuan's face was so embarrassed, This time, no matter what, you can't mess around, because the price of messing around is really too high.

Xiang Yu looked at the two of them, and his heart sank, what is the reason for this!Both of them spoke in unison, apparently there was an aspect that Xiang Yu couldn't think of, and said with embarrassment: "Give me a reason to conquer me!"

Fan Zeng looked at Hao Yuan, gave him a grateful smile, and then said: "Xue Ju's manpower is comparable to that of the king! His ability is faintly superior to that of Long Qi. The king replaced him, and it is also the same for him to send Long Qie up." It is useless, let alone this person's heart, the king has not tamed it yet! There is no guarantee that he will not have rebellious thoughts! It is a done deal, and the time for us to regret is over.

"That's right! Your Majesty will not blame you at this moment, but encourage you instead! You will definitely become a confidant under your command! In the future, you will not do your best to serve your Majesty!" Hao Yuan agreed, but seeing that there was still a trace of hesitation in Xiang Yu's eyes, he continued: "And with Let’s build again! This person has the ability to charge into battle! When you meet some ordinary generals, attacking the city is naturally easy, but when you meet generals, it becomes tricky!"

"Oh! How should I say it? It's an inappropriate employment!" Xiang Yu stroked his beard, with self-mockery in his eyes, and even vaguely mocking Hao Yuan.

"Your Majesty, don't do this! Your ministers are terrified! This time, I hope that your Majesty will be sensible! Now that the enemy is facing us, it is time for us to employ people. We must not make more troubles, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity!" Hao Hao Yuan hurriedly knelt down, this time absolutely not by Xiang Yu.

"Old man! This time I also implore the king! Let's leave this fierce general for our country!" Fan Zengzhu held his crutches, lifted his clothes, lowered his head, and was about to kneel down when he saw Xiang Yu approaching at some point. The futon-sized palm supported Fan Zeng, paused for a while, and sighed: "Yafu! Don't break this king!"

"Haha!" Fan Zeng smiled slightly, showing his teeth that were about to fall out at the corners of his mouth, and nodded with a smile.

"Get up too!" Xiang Yu cast a glance at Hao Yuan and said helplessly.

Hao Yuan got up immediately, shook off some dust from his clothes, and immediately said: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Punishment! Orphan will not be punished! But the reward is absolutely impossible, otherwise the soldiers will be proud of it in the future! Wouldn't it be a mess, so let's do it! I will write a book by myself, and encourage it! Give him a cloak, let him pay more attention to his body!" Xiang Yu had no choice but to do this, otherwise he didn't know how this farce would end.

"Your Majesty is gracious! The rise of our Xiang Kingdom is inevitable!" Fan Zeng and Hao Yuan quickly flattered Xiang Yu.

"Let's leave Xue Ju's affairs like this for the time being! Guan Yu's soldiers and horses must be empty in Xiaocheng now. Give us enough time to storm the city wall in the past few days, and we must break the city within seven days! What's your opinion!" Xiang Yu walked towards Beside the map, looking at his Tianlong Breaking City Halberd, there was a trace of killing in his eyes.

"We don't know the strength of Xiaocheng after the king's construction. If it doesn't work, we can surprise Mengcheng! Juyang! The second city! These three cities belong to South Korea in name, but Han Yi has never sent anyone to attack them." The guards are already the original Chu people in the Chu land. We can send three generals to take these two cities. If we still cannot break through the release line arranged by Feng Yi within seven days, we can switch to the defense line and raid the former Cai Zhi. Land, merged with Wu State, first destroy Wu Qi, then Han Yi will be in chaos in the rear, and this battle will definitely be won!" Hao Yuan rolled his eyes, and they had already spent too long in these four cities. It's over, I can't afford to delay anymore, and I'm ready to move around the battlefield for the current plan.

According to Hao Yuan's analysis, Fan Zeng always felt that the rear was really unstable, and began to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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