Chapter 268 Loans to build roads.

Jinan Prefecture.

The Yamen of the General Department of Shandong Road Administration.

Wei Zheng sat on the main seat and gave points to the bandits for the road construction plan, although it was said that the bandits' education level was not high.But what is a good thing and what is a bad thing can still be understood by weighing.

After Wei Zheng's words were finished, many people present showed embarrassment.

At this time, Jin Cheng, the head of the Mopan Mountain village, stood up and said, "Brother, these brothers understand that this matter is the prince's kindness. However, there are still some unspeakable secrets in it."

In Jincheng, Niu Gai is also Jia Liulou's sworn brother, and among Jialiulou's 46 friends, so he stood up and called Wei Zheng "big brother".

"We are all brothers of our own family. Brother Jincheng, if you have anything to say, you can speak up." Wei Zheng nodded in response.

Having said that, Jin Cheng's old face couldn't help but blushed, and he said with a little embarrassment: "Brother, brother is not afraid of being laughed at by you. To tell you the truth, I have lost money in Mopanshan by rashly doing business a few days ago. It's skyrocketing."

"If you need people to build the road, I, brother Mopanshan Qianbabai, have nothing to say, but if you want money, I really can't afford it right now."

What Jin Cheng said was not only about the problems he was currently encountering, but also about the problems most of the people present are currently encountering.

Not to mention that among the people here, most of the cottages have no savings at all.Even a big cottage like Mopan Mountain used to have some savings.Also because of the business boom in the past few days, he lost everything.

No money?
This is really the biggest problem right now.

If all the official roads in the Shandong border are repaired, it will take a lot of money.According to Li Mu's plan, the money for the road construction cannot be paid by the government.Only after the bandits from these major cottages sent people and paid for the repair of these roads, could they enjoy the benefits they deserved in the future.

If the government pays to build roads and let the bandits enjoy the benefits, what's the point?Therefore, the Shandong Road Administration Director must have financial freedom and cannot transfer money from the Sui government.

As the saying goes, a penny is hard for a hero, let alone repairing the roads in the Shandong border, the silver needed is probably not enough for 10 taels of gold.

For a while, Wei Zheng couldn't think of any way to solve the money problem, and the matter stalled here for a while.

"Da da da!"

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Xu Maogong came in from the outside.

"Brother, the prince said." After Xu Maogong whispered into Wei Zheng's ear, he left the hall again.

Today, this is the meeting of the Shandong Road Administration Department, since Li Mu made Wei Zheng the director of the Shandong Road Administration Department.Then, naturally, the power should be given to Wei Zheng.

After Xu Maogong finished speaking in Wei Zheng's ear, Wei Zheng's eyes lit up, and the haze on his face was swept away.

"Everyone, the money issue has been resolved." Wei Zheng said with a slight smile.

"Oh! Brother, I don't know how to solve this money matter?" Niu Gai asked first.

"Just now, the prince ordered to allocate 20 taels of gold from the treasury of the prince's mansion for the boundary of Shandong."

"Of course, this gold is not taken for nothing. If you are in short supply, you can first borrow money from the Shandong Road Administration Department to build roads. The money you loan will be interest-free within three years, and you will have to pay it every year within three years." One penny of interest."

"I don't know what you think of such a proposal?" Wei Zheng said to these people present.

In fact, just now Xu Maogong just whispered in Wei Zheng's ear that Li Mu could transfer 20 taels of gold from the palace to loan these people here to build roads, and he didn't mention the interest at all.

There will be no interest within these three years, and the unrepaid portion within the three years will be charged an interest of one cent per year. This is decided by Wei Zheng himself.

From Wei Zheng's point of view, even brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone discussing business matters now.You must know that in the banks that released money in the Sui Dynasty, the interest was nine out of ten and thirteen returns, and four cents of the interest was earned every year inside and out.

What Wei Zheng said is interest-free within three years, and after three years, one cent of interest per year, which is already considered a discount among the discounts.

Among the people here, not all of them need loans to build roads. For example, You Junda, and Qi Guoyuan and Li Rusi from Shaohua Mountain do not need loans to build roads.

The purchasing power of gold in this era can be said to be full, so the 20 taels of gold allocated by Li Mu can be said to be more than enough for road construction.

"Good! Good!"

"Let's thank the prince for finding a long-term way to make a living for my brothers!" All the bandits present applauded.

The bandits in the Shandong area can be said to be grateful to Li Mu. In the past when they were bandits, although they were chic and happy, they were precarious.But now, Li Mu can be said to be working hard for their livelihood.

"it is good!"

"Since you brothers are meaningless, let's settle this matter for the time being."

"In this way, brothers will first report the young and strong labor force of your own villages, and I will arrange tasks for you according to the manpower of your brothers."

"As for the money needed for road construction, after the unified accounting, I have to bother the heads of the villages to sign a contract for me." Wei Zheng said to the brothers.

"it is good!"

"Brother Wei is right!" All the brothers shouted again in unison.

After Wei Zheng finished speaking, You Junda, the deputy director of the Shandong Road Administration Department, who is also the head of the Shandong Green Forest Industry, stood up and said to the brothers.

"Brothers, let me put my ugly words first. How much labor is there in the cottage, you have to report it truthfully."

"This kind of thing can't tolerate mutual comparisons. If there are too many people who apply, the tasks will be assigned at that time. If the work can't be finished, the construction period will be delayed. I, You Junda, have to be taken care of by family law. .”

You Junda is very familiar with this group of stunned youths under him. Many of these people like to slap swollen faces to pretend to be fat, and they like to compare each other very much.

Here, as long as someone dares to report 500 people, the other dares to report [-], and then dare to report [-] if they are not sure.

If it's something else, it's fine. This road construction is a big deal.If these people under him make false reports, then Wei Zheng will inevitably make a wrong judgment, and delays in the construction period will be inevitable.

It is precisely because of this that You Junda put the ugly words first.

It is also thanks to You Junda who made the ugly words clear first, dispelling the idea of ​​these people making false reports, otherwise, many people would really like to report more people.

After some orders, the people from the Yamen of the General Department of Shandong Road Administration began to count the young and strong laborers of the various cottages one by one, so that Wei Zhengwei and the others could assign tasks later.

(End of this chapter)

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