Chapter 269 Li Mi wants to play tricks.

After the money problem is solved, other problems will not be a problem at all. There are a lot of bandits in the big cottages.

After the team of Shandong Highway Administration was set up, with the joint efforts of the yamen and the bandits of the various cottages, the great cause of road construction in various parts of Shandong was carried out in full swing.

In the blink of an eye, it was already November.

Nowadays, the road construction business in Shandong can be said to be progressing quite rapidly.The bandits from all over the country contracted more than a hundred miles of land, and some of them contracted more than ten miles of land.According to the current progress, I am afraid that the road will be repaired almost as close as ten years ago.

Road construction in this era is actually very simple, that is, the loess is compacted, and then a layer of hard stones is laid on it.

However, this means that there are many people working, so the progress of the project can be so rapid.In the entire Shandong territory, more than [-] bandits have all joined the ranks of road construction. ,

The bandits didn't stop building roads, and it happened to be the slack time for farming.These bandits also hired a group of people who were at home during the slack season to help at a very low price.

For a time, the labor force involved in road construction in Shandong was hundreds of thousands, not millions.

You must know that the entire Sui Dynasty now has a population of only [-] million. Even if the imperial court wants to recruit millions of civilian husbands in Shandong, it may not be so easy.

Liang County, Songcheng County.

Yuwenshi and his mansion.

"Brother Li, you said that Li Mu spent so much money and food to build roads in Shandong, what is it?" Yuwen Shiji asked Li Mi.

At this time, Li Mi was looking at the news that his subordinates inquired from Shandong.It is naturally impossible for Li Mu to conceal his intentions after making such a big commotion in Shandong.Therefore, Li Mu had no intention of hiding it at all.



"It's also about buying bandits for his own use, but Li Mu's methods are ten times, a hundred times better than ours." After reading the file in his hand, Li Mi couldn't help admiring.

"Brother Li, I don't know what is so wonderful?" Yuwen Shiji asked.

"Brother Yuwen, Li Mu asked bandits from all over the place to pay for road construction, and then the profits from this road in the future will be distributed to these bandits within a limit of 30 years."

"I made a rough estimate, based on the information that has been circulated. The money invested by these bandits can be paid back in at most five years, and they will all earn money in the next 25 years."

"This means that these bandits will be bound to Li Mu for the next 30 years. In this way, for the benefit of the bandits in Shandong, they will form a solid alliance." Li Mi said for Yuwen The doctor explained.

Hearing Li Mi's explanation, Yuwen Shiji suddenly became enlightened.


"Brother Li, let's" Yuwen Shiji opened his mouth to say something.

Before Yuwen Shi could speak, Li Mi knew what he meant.What Yuwen Shiji meant was that they came to copy Li Mu's homework, and they did what Li Mu did in Shandong in Henan.

You know, in ancient times, this Henan area was a serious Central Plains area, the most populous place in the country.

Although the banditry in Henan is not as serious as Shandong, the population base is there.If they follow Li Mu's approach, the number of bandits gathered may not be less than what Li Mu gathered in Shandong.

"Brother Yuwen, I know what you mean, but this kind of method is not easy to use in Henan. If nothing else, just this road construction, I am afraid that it will be rejected by Yang Guang."

"The matter of us gathering bandits can only be done in the dark, and Yang Guang must never know about it." Li Mi said to Yuwen Shiji.

They are different from Li Mu. Li Mu is the Tiance General of the Great Sui Dynasty, the Banbi King, who is in charge of half of the soldiers and horses of the Great Sui Dynasty.Li Mu's recruitment of bandits can be done in the open, but their recruitment of bandits can only be done in the dark.

Because of this, even though they knew that Li Mu's strategy was very good, they couldn't copy Li Mu's homework.

Yuwen Shiji also understood Li Mi's meaning, although he felt a little pity, but there was nothing he could do.

"Brother Li, what do you think of Shandong's affairs?" Yuwen Shiji asked immediately.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mi said to Yuwen Shiji: "Brother Yuwen, although we can't be like Li Mu, we can't let him do things easily. I think we have to destroy his plan. At the very least, this road can You can't make it so easy for them to cultivate."

However, it was not so easy for Li Mi and the others to destroy Li Mu's plan.You know, now the borders of Shandong are both black and white, and they are all Li Mu's people.If there are fewer people going, it will be difficult to accomplish anything. If there are too many people going, I am afraid that the news will be leaked before they make a move.

"Brother Li must have a plan?" Yuwen Shiji asked.

Now, Yuwen Shiji has developed the habit of asking Li Mi about everything, because in Yuwen Shiji's view, Li Mi's resourcefulness is indeed more than one step better than him.

Li Mi can think of a better way for things that he, a Yuwen scholar, can think of a way.Even if it is something that he, a Yuwen scholar, can't think of a way, Li Mi can think of a way.

After all, in the original novels of Sui and Tang Dynasties, this Li Mi was the emperor of Wagangzhai.Without two brushes, how can he convince the civil servants like clouds and the rainy Wagang people.

"Li Mu repaired the roads in various parts of Shandong in sections, and there must be competition among the bidding sections. Destroying the roads requires a large number of people, which is unrealistic. Their tools for repairing the roads must be centrally stored at night. Let's find someone to take their tools. It was burned at night, and then rumors spread that it was burned by the people next door."

"In this way, it not only slows down the speed of road construction, but also provokes the relationship between the two groups of bandits. It may even cause internal strife between them." Li Mi touched his chin and said.

It has to be said that Li Mi's idea is really good enough. Let him snatch all the bamboo shoots on this mountain.

After thinking about it, Yu Wenshi immediately felt that Li Mi's method was reliable.This is simply killing several birds with one stone.

"Let Wang Bo's people do it?" Yuwen Shiji asked.

"No, this matter is risky. We only have Wang Bo as a backup in Shandong, and it's not time to use him yet."

"Let Zhai Rang's people do it. Give Zu Zhai money. You can't buy the bandit leader. Ordinary bandits who build roads can always buy it. This is not difficult to operate. If Zhai Rang can't even do this , then we have spent so much gold and silver in vain." Li Mi said to Yuwen Shiji.

Li Mi took out the main idea, and Yuwen Shiji sent people to Wagang Mountain with 3000 taels of gold, preparing for Zhai Rang to send people to Shandong to carry out the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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