Chapter 381 Lace news.

It's not the first time that Li Mu has come back to the eldest grandson Wugou's home. When he enters the eldest grandson Wugou's home, it's like entering his own home.


Li Mu looked around and found no one outside, then opened the outer door with lightning speed, and then closed the outer door from the inside.

The eldest grandson Wugou's house is a small courtyard with three entrances.After Li Mu took a look around in the front hall, he found that there was no figure of eldest grandson Wugou in any of the rooms in the front hall.

Li Mu knew that at this time, if Changsun Wugou was not in the front hall, he must be tending the flowers and plants in the backyard.

Li Mu walked towards the backyard with ease, and deliberately relaxed his steps on tiptoe, wanting to surprise his eldest grandson Wugou.

Sure enough, as Li Mu expected, Changsun Wugou was in the backyard at this time.

As soon as Li Mu entered the backyard, he saw two figures sitting in the small pavilion in the backyard.

Not just two figures, but two extremely familiar figures.

Let's put it this way, these two women have slept with Li Mu, how could he not be familiar with them.

Opposite the eldest grandson Wugou, Li Xiuning was sitting, the two were holding hands and chatting familiarly.

At this time, Li Mu came in from the outside. To Changsun Wugou, it was not a surprise, it was a shock.

However, it was too late for Li Mu to quit at this time, Li Xiuning had already seen Li Mu walking in.

With six eyes facing each other, all three of them were very embarrassed.

The eldest grandson Wugou's little face turned red on the spot, and his heart was pounding.The eldest grandson Wugou has not confessed to Li Xiuning the relationship between her and Li Mu. If Li Xiuning finds out about this, then the boat of friendship will capsize.

"Stimulus, what a fucking thrill."

"Come to have a tryst with the younger one, only to find that the older one is also there. The most important thing is that the younger one and the older one are still good friends. Is there anything more exciting than this in this world?" Li Mu thought in his heart.

(ps: This plot is based on real people. A friend of mine had sex with his wife’s best friend. Then, with his wife and his daughter-in-law’s best friend, the three of them went on a spring outing. I want to emphasize here that it’s really me A friend, not myself, my college roommate.)
At this time, it was time to test Li Mu's reaction ability.If Li Mu's on-the-spot reaction ability is enough to fool Li Xiuning, that would be the best.


"How do you know I'm here?" Li Xiuning asked curiously.

When Li Xiuning left the mansion today, Li Mu was clearly no longer in the mansion, how could he know that he was here.

"This city is full of my people, you can't hide from my eyes wherever you go."

Li Mu just wanted to answer, saying that he was looking for Li Xiuning, but then he thought again, if he answered this way, he might be able to fool Li Xiuning for a while.However, if she thinks about it carefully, she will definitely be able to find some clues.

Thinking of this, Li Mu went on to say, "However, I'm not here to look for you today, I'm here to look for Miss Changsun."

Hearing Li Mu say that he came to look for him, Changsun Wugou's heart beat even more, for fear that Li Xiuning would find out something.

"What are you looking for with Wugou?" Li Xiuning looked at Li Mu suspiciously.

Li Mu said without hesitation, "I entered the palace today to discuss something with His Majesty. I want to set up a newspaper, and I need a chief editor."

"I couldn't find a suitable candidate for a while. I remember, Xiuning, you told me that Miss Changsun is a well-known talented woman, so I came here to ask Miss Changsun to lead the writing."

Actually, Li Mu came to look for Zhangsun Wugou at this time, it was really for this serious matter.

The eldest grandson Wugou is a talented woman, so Li Mu can rest assured if she is asked to be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Moreover, after the grandson Wugou got a job, wouldn't Li Mu be able to get in touch with her even more while working?And in this way, there is a legitimate reason for the two to meet or something.

It also saves me from sneaking around every day like now, and having to ask Qin Qiong to watch the door, so that I can rest assured.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Mu threw out the new term "newspaper", Li Xiuning's curiosity was immediately aroused.

At this time, she already believed that Li Mu came to look for Zhangsun Wugou because of some newspaper matter.

Not only Li Xiuning, but the grandson Wugou was also very curious about what a newspaper office was.It was very boring for her to stay in the mansion all day long, tending to these flowers and plants.

In the past, Li Xiuning was with her every day.Now that Li Xiuning got married, he naturally couldn't accompany her every day, so the eldest grandson Wugou also wanted to have something to do.

"You can understand the newspaper office as a store, but what this newspaper office sells is called newspapers, and newspapers are papers that record certain things." Li Muchao and the two explained.

"Isn't this a bookstore?" Li Xiuning asked.

"No, no, a newspaper office is very different from a bookstore. I can't explain what this newspaper is for a while. After my newspaper office is established, you will know."

"However, to set up this newspaper, I need someone who has a clear mind and can write some articles. After thinking about it, I think Miss Changsun is very suitable." Li Mu said with a look at Changsun Wugou.

The eldest grandson Wugou wanted to serve Li Mu very much, but he was afraid that he could not do well and miss Li Mu's important event.

"General, I can write some poems and songs, but I don't understand the theory!" Changsun Wugou said.

In this era, very few women have read books.Like Changsun Wugou, who is proficient in poetry, poetry, calligraphy and painting, she is already a well-known talented woman.As for policy theory and other policies to govern the country and stabilize the country, this is something that those who want to enter official careers should learn.

Changsun Wugou is not good at strategizing, this is naturally as it should be.

Li Mu smiled slightly, and said to his eldest grandson Wugou, "I won't let you write poems and songs, let alone policy theory, I'll let you write some gossip."


"What's the gossip?"

Li Xiuning and Changsun Wugou asked Li Mu in confusion.

The four words of lace news are another new word that has never been heard in the Sui Dynasty. Naturally, the two of them don't understand what lace news means.

Li Mu thought for a moment, and felt that if he gave an example, the two of them should understand.

"Lace news is some gossip circulating in the market."

"For example, which minister in the court has raised the outer room?"

"Which minister's son got into a jealous fight with another minister's son!"

"Which minister was cuckolded by his concubine, etc."

Li Mu gave an example to the two of them, and in this way, Li Xiuning and Changsun Wugou immediately understood.

However, when Li Mu said which minister in the court had raised the outer room, Changsun Wugou's heart jumped, and his face turned red up to the ears.

Li Mu said, isn't this himself?
(End of this chapter)

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