Chapter 382 establishes newspapers and movable type printing.


"Wugou is a girl from every family, how can she write something like this, and how can she meet people when it is spread?"

"Thank you for thinking it out!" Li Xiuning gave Li Mu a blank look, and said angrily.

"She doesn't have to use her real name to write these things, she can use a pseudonym."

"This pen name means using a fake name."

"If someone finds out at that time, it can also be said that these things were written by XXX, so what does it have to do with my eldest grandson Wugou?" Li Mu explained to the two of them.

"Wugou, don't listen to him!" Li Xiuning said to his eldest grandson Wugou.

"Xiu Ning, I have nothing to do at home all day long, so I really want to try it!" Changsun Wugou said.

Hearing that grandson Wugou said that, Li Xiuning couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

The eldest grandson's family moved to Taiyuan, and the eldest grandson Wugou stayed here to accompany her.However, now that she is married, her eldest grandson Wugou is left alone.

"If you want!"

"Then try it!" Li Xiuning replied.

For Changsun Wugou's own opinion, Li Xiuning respected it very much.

"General, I am willing to try it!" Changsun Wugou responded.

"Then that's great, I just couldn't find a suitable candidate for a while. You just wait for two days, and I will send someone to notify you when I complete the preparatory work!" Li Mu said to his eldest grandson Wugou. Said.

In front of Li Xiuning, Li Mu and Changsun Wugou behaved extremely normally, so Li Xiuning didn't find anything unusual.

Daxing City.

Sui Weekly.

The first newspaper office in the Sui Dynasty was very grand, and this official residence was rewarded by Yang Guang himself.Even compared to the official residences of the Six Ministries of the Sui Dynasty, it is not bad at all.

However, this newspaper office is not considered a yamen, it is just the property of the Banbi King, General Li Mu.

However, Li Mu's identity is here. Although this newspaper office is not a yamen, it is better than a yamen.

Among the newspaper offices, Yu Wenkai, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, brought Li Chun and a group of skilled craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry to report to Li Mu.

The purpose of Li Mu asking everyone from the Ministry of Industry is to invent movable type printing.However, the invention of movable type printing is not difficult.

Judging from the current technology of the Sui Dynasty, there should be no technical barriers.The reason why there is no printing in the Sui Dynasty is entirely because of ideological barriers. At present, no one has thought of it.

It is not difficult to invent movable type printing. It is nothing more than adding some gum to mud to make small square pieces of uniform shape.

Different characters are then engraved on these small square pieces, which are finally fired into pottery and then cooled.

After cooling, arrange them neatly according to the rhyme of the individual characters to facilitate searching.

When it is necessary to print, find out the corresponding blocks according to the content of the article, and then arrange them on the iron plate, and fix them with iron frames around them.

In addition, a layer of adhesive mixed with paper ash, turpentine, gum, wax oil, etc. should be laid on the iron plate first.

The last thing is to bake the movable type on the fire. After the adhesive melts, use a flat plate to firmly flatten the words, so that all the movable type are combined into a solid whole.

Then, brush the ink on the movable type plate, apply the paper and press it lightly, so that the handwriting is printed on it.

After waiting for the required content to be printed, the iron plate is heated with fire to melt the adhesive, and the movable type blocks can be removed.

In this way, these movable type blocks can be used repeatedly to form different contents.

Moreover, if one of the blocks is damaged, you only need to replace this block alone.

Li Mu explained the principle of movable type printing to Yu Wenkai, and Li Chun explained it, and the two of them immediately widened their eyes in disbelief.

The two of them never imagined that it would be possible to do this. This method sounds very simple, but why no one thought of it.

"Great talent, the general is a great talent!" Yu Wenkai couldn't help admiring.

At this time, Li Chun fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he slowly asked: "General, if this typeface is printed, will it be in Yin or Yang?"

Yangwen is naturally the normal use of characters, while Yinwen is the opposite of Yangwen, that is, upside down, front and back.

These ancients believed that Yangwen was used by the living and Yinwen was used by the dead.Therefore, when sacrificing ancestors, some things will be written in Yin script.Then burn it in front of the ancestor's grave, hoping that the ancestor can receive it.

"If Yang characters are engraved on the blocks, then the printed characters will be Yin characters. However, if Yin characters are carved on the characters blocks, what will be printed will be Yang characters." Li Mu explained to Li Chun.

"General, it's not difficult to carve inscriptions!" Li Chun assured Li Mu.

"Okay, I'll leave this to the two of you."

"However, there is one thing. This matter is of great importance. I think His Majesty has already told you."

"So, you must not reveal a single word about this movable type printing technique." Li Mu said to the two of them.

"Don't worry, General, I'll find out later." Yu Wenkai said solemnly.

Due to the particularity of this department, the Ministry of Industry has not been infiltrated by powerful families.Therefore, the confidentiality of movable type printing should not be a big problem.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

Movable type printing has no technical barriers to the current technology of the Sui Dynasty.After all, the Great Sui Dynasty was capable of firing many exquisite porcelains, and firing these square pottery blocks was naturally a no-brainer.

Soon, the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry fired the first set of movable type models. After some experiments, they found that the movable type printing method was as easy to use as Li Mu said.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. After the first set of fonts was produced and gained experience, the Ministry of Industry successively produced many sets of fonts.

The operation of the newspaper, the most critical is movable type printing.After all, it would be impossible to transcribe newspapers manually.

Now that movable type printing has been invented, the next step is the operation of the newspaper office.

Under Li Mu's guidance, Changsun Wugou, with a blushing face, drafted the first edition of the Sui newspaper.

You know, the contents of this newspaper, in the eyes of people of this era, are simply unsightly.

With movable type and this first newspaper template completed, formal printing was also put on the agenda.

Li Mu took a large number of literate documents from the army to take charge of the typesetting work.After all, this kind of thing is more credible with people in the military.

Then, it is to start printing with the arranged template.Li Mu printed more than 3 copies of this first weekly newspaper.

We must know that in the Sui Dynasty, when there was a serious lack of entertainment activities, reading newspapers, a novel form of entertainment, was bound to lead a trend.

(End of this chapter)

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